I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1529: what an outsider should do

   Chapter 1529 What an outsider should do

Tang Ye walked over and took this book in his hand, only to realize that it was not a book, but a photo album. The cover of the photo album had some crooked words, probably because its owner often held it in his hand. , the font on it has become very blurred. As for whether people can clearly see what the text on it is, Tang Ye himself doesn't know, because he doesn't know the text at all.


He thought that this album was all about the life records of the Bick family, but after turning over the first page, the Bick he saw was the Bick when he was young, and he was probably in his twenties. Another man of about the same age folded his shoulders and looked at the camera with a smile on his face, but the strange thing was that Tang Ye, the man next to Piccolo, should not have known him, but his appearance gave him a very familiar feeling. Seems to know him.


Frowning, Tang Ye turned the page, and the two photos at the back were revealed in front of him. The second photo was of a woman sitting on a chair with one hand on the table supporting her face, her eyes watching. Looking at the girl who was doing a puzzle next to her, Tang Ye knew at a glance that it was Derea, and beside Derea, there was a boy a few years older than her looking at her with a smile.

   Similarly, except for Deria, whether it was that woman or that boy, Tang Ye had a feeling that he had seen them.

   And the third one is a group photo of Ariana and Deria.

   In the fourth photo, a man with a funny mask is standing next to Piccolo, and Piccolo looks 30 years old in this photo.

The fifth picture, two men who don't know but make Tang Ye feel familiar with wrenches in their hands, smiling brightly at the camera, the sixth picture is a selfie of Delia, her face is expressionless, her cold eyes are facing the camera , that gaze seemed to break through the dimension of the photo, looking directly at the person who peeked at the photo.

   In the seventh picture, Ariana looked in pain, and a man holding a cat seemed to be approaching her not far away.

In this way, Tang Ye flipped through the photos one by one, the eighth, ninth, and tenth... After turning over twenty-three pages, the contents of the entire album were all recording the Bick family. The beautiful life before the war, the slightly yellowed face gives people a feeling of quiet time and a very warm feeling.

   When Tang Ye opened the twenty-fourth page, he was stunned.

After the twenty-fourth page was opened, the photo inside was a man in a military uniform with a gun in his hand, with a smug expression on his face, looking high-spirited. Of course, Tang Ye didn't know him, but when he saw this guy, he immediately I understand why those people looked familiar to them before!

  This man has a conspicuous birthmark from his cheek to his neck, about ten centimeters in length. This guy is one of the seven soldiers who have just been killed by himself!

   Among the seven soldiers, the only thing Tang Ye remembered was this guy, because the birthmark was so conspicuous and unusual, even though he couldn't remember what the other person looked like at a glance, he could tell at a glance that it was who he was.

   The difference is that the military uniform he was wearing just now is of the rice style, and the soldier in the photo has a different style of military uniform with a triangular military cap.


   For a moment, Tang Ye recalled his memories from the moment he came to Camberlite to the present, and his eyes instantly became cold.

   "Know? Or..."

Turning the album to the first page, realizing that these people in the album were all people living in Camberlite, Tang Ye also quickly recognized who the man with Piccolo in the first photo was, This person is the first person he met in Camberlite, the No. 1 wandering, and the woman in the second photo, Tang Ye, is not sure, but it is very likely that the crazy woman, as for those in the back" Strangers", Tang Ye has seen them before, but the appearance of them in the photo has changed a little from the real one, but they are just a little bit similar.

Looking at the photos in this album again, Tang Ye put the album back in place, and finally walked out of the door to Bick and Ariana's bedroom. There were no clues in it, but he seemed to have already no need?

He silently returned to the sofa in the living room, and the flesh and blood on his arm split open. Tang Ye seemed to be casual. On the table, the scene after the wind and clouds on the table was fabricated.

The contents of the album have already explained to Tang Ye that in this city called Camberlite, everyone has a good relationship with the Bick family. Their identities are not simple, they obviously know each other. !

At that moment, Tang Ye felt like a novice who had just learned to play the game, and then plunged into the game, thinking that the people around him were the same as himself, but he didn't know that there was only one player on this server, as for the other people he saw. It's actually just a drag.

   However, this kind of thought flashed by in a flash. He remembered the sudden change of the Bick couple when Deria came out before, which made him immediately say a word: "Outsiders."

  I am an outsider, what should I do when I come here as an outsider?

Glancing at the tableware on the dining table, Tang Ye stared for a while, placed the tableware, picked them up, stood up, and put them into the kitchen sink, but in his mind, the part of Middle Deria kept emerging memory fragment.

Seven soldiers in rice uniforms, No. 1 and No. 2 homeless, the father and son hiding in the high-rise, two gangsters with guns, the mad woman, and the man who starved to death shortly after he returned to the starting point. , they all appeared in that album and in Deria's memory.

However, the role played in the album and in Deria's memory is different from what he has seen. One of the seven soldiers should logically be a defender of the country, but in Camberley Special, he is an aggressor!

   As for the others, they all have a close relationship with Deria's family, but when Tang Ye saw Deria's family for the first time, there were only one or two people who killed them.

   He remembered Lu Xiaojie's metaphor. The people here are like a group of actors who have traveled through countless production crews, constantly switching their identities back and forth. Here, Tang Ye, an outsider, is the only real one.

   Similarly, the people of Camberlite seem to be playing a completely different role from their real identity, but they don't know, but how can they prove that they don't know, and what is Tang Ye going to do?

   (end of this chapter)

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