I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1535: your battlefield

   Chapter 1535 Your Battlefield

   Tang Ye heard the words, reached out and grabbed Lu Xiaojie's outstretched hand, the next second, Lu Xiaojie kicked open the door at the top of the stairs, the other hand stretched out to the wall opposite the corridor, on the wall was a blank painting!


When Lu Xiaojie held Yayu's hand and touched the painting, Tang Ye's eyes went dark. When he opened his eyes again, Tang Ye saw some yellowed ceilings, next to Lu Xiaojie, but her condition seemed to be better than before. To make matters worse, she slumped on the ground with her back against the wall, coughing constantly. When Tang Ye looked at her, she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you OK?"

   "I...I'm fine...well...I lied to you..."

   "Can you stop joking?"

   "I'm not kidding, I'm not saying this, it's the beginning, I lied to you..."


   At this time, Lu Xiaojie was sluggish, like an old man who was about to lose his temper, which made Tang Ye even more puzzled. It was Lu Xiaojie's words.

   "Actually... it's not that there is no way to go out... huh... you just need someone to give you permission, agree with you... agree with you to go out."

   "What are you talking about? Someone agrees. Do you think Deria would agree to let me go out?"

Tang Ye squatted down and started to check Lu Xiaojie's physical condition, but he didn't have this idea. After just having this idea, Tang Ye immediately discovered a fatal problem, that is, from the moment he entered here, the new color that he could see in his eyes He is no longer there, and what he sees is the same as what the existences below the eighth-order see!

   And myself, hadn't discovered the problem until now!

   "What's the matter with you?" Seeing Tang Ye in a daze, Lu Xiaojie couldn't help but ask.

   "It's okay...you just said, I should...wait, you..."

  Tang Ye continued the topic just now, but before he finished speaking, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and what Lu Xiaojie said before flashed in his mind, twins?

   "You should have guessed it... I lied to you from the beginning. In fact, as long as I give you permission, you can appear, but now you can't..."

   As she spoke, Lu Xiaojie opened her mouth, coughed again, and vomited a lot of blood, but she didn't pause for too long, and continued: "I need you to do me a favor, no... I should ask you..."

   "What's the matter?" Tang Ye asked with a frown.

"Be sure to...take me out, I...I gave up...Daria is a poor child, she...she shouldn't be like this. She is kind...always kind...this It's not all her fault, though..."

Lu Xiaojie's voice was intermittent, she seemed to be enduring something, and her state was getting worse and worse, but she just took a deep breath, tried to make herself feel better, and then continued: "Although she is also wrong, but these are not wrong. She should be responsible for everything, she is kind, even if she becomes a zombie... she is also kind, I want to help her... but..."

   An extremely bitter smile appeared on her face, as if she was helpless.

   "I beg you... must take me out... OK?"

There was a pleading look on her face. This scene was familiar. It was like Su Sigui was standing in front of her that day. Tang Ye fell silent. He didn't have any questions or asked anything. When Lu Xiaojie said these words, he I know that there is a way to go out, but oneself is also a key.

   "So, you don't care about Deria?"

"I want to care, I really want to help her, but... I can't do anything, in fact, I can't do anything from the beginning, but people with a lot of time always have patience, like playing a meaningless game, I also thought about going out, but I didn't For any reason, in the outside world, I don't know what I can do, I'm afraid... I need a direction, to work hard for it, you won't understand, many people will think about what life is for at some point, Witnessing birth, old age, sickness and death? Repeating the daily life to feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows? In the end, the end of a person is death... I am afraid that I will be very confused outside..."

"I hate you very much, the reason is very simple, I could have continued my life and got used to the environment I live in, but you let me know about her outside, I... I want to see her... This is me here The only one who has been looking forward to the outside world all the time in life, you may not understand it well, I don't know how long the lifespan of zombies is, maybe it may be immortality, but have you ever thought about it, what are you living for?"

   "Right now... just want to... cough... ah cough..."

   At the end, Lu Xiaojie coughed violently again, her voice changed, and it could be seen that she was in a terrible state now.

"Are you all right?" Tang Ye asked quickly, but the other party didn't answer, or she couldn't speak at all. She kept coughing, and the bright red blood kept flowing out of her mouth. After a while, the blood spit out. It turned from red to black, which looked particularly serious.

   "There is something, of course there is something, but you can't save me. This is the price I have to pay for coming out, and it is also the price I want to get out of here. You have to take me out...you have to..."

   Her voice started to get smaller, and finally became more and more powerless. Tang Ye looked at her silently. He didn't know what happened to Lu Xiaojie. She seemed to be transforming. What did she want? Tang Ye wasn't sure, but he didn't want to disturb her easily.

She seemed to be asleep, and she didn't speak for a long time. Tang Ye glanced around. The place where they were now was nowhere else, it was where the Deria family lived. This was Camberlite, but she knew Tang Ye. Camberlite was different. There was not a lot of furniture in the house, the kitchen was bare, and the bedroom door where the Bumbic couple slept seemed to have been violently removed, leaving only the door half open and no bed inside. The skin on the walls has fallen into disrepair for a long time, causing it to look pitted. The ground is full of wood chips left after the destruction of wooden furniture, the window glass is broken, and the ground is a layer of dust mixed with broken glass, which is very desolate. .

   Suddenly, Tang Ye asked, "Is there any smoke here?"

   Lu Xiaojie, who lowered her head, suddenly raised her head. At this moment, the white part of her eyes completely disappeared, and it was replaced by pitch black, just like pure darkness.

   She looked at Tang Ye with those abyss-like eyes without any emotion. After a while, she replied, "No, maybe, you can go outside and look for it."

   "Is it safe here?"

   "It's safe for now, she...will be here soon..."

   "Then we should continue to escape?"

   "No, this is your battlefield..."

   (end of this chapter)

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