I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1539: I'm not crazy.

   Chapter 1539 I'm not crazy.

At this time, Tang Ye has completely changed his appearance. The clothes on his upper body have long disappeared, revealing protruding muscles. Compared with the previous Tang Ye, his height at this time has suddenly risen to five meters, and his skin has changed from the previous one. The grayish white turned into dark cyan, the skin was covered with cyan and red veins, and the face was covered with dark purple lines, which looked ferocious and terrifying. The only thing that could tell that this guy was Tang Ye was the white head that was more than two meters long. long hair.

   He looked at his hand, and then at the people in front of him who were still withered, then clenched his right hand into a fist.

   "It seems impossible to assimilate... eh?"

   After talking to himself, Tang Ye seemed to have discovered something, and he couldn't help but be surprised. In Xijiang City, which was overwhelmed by endless flesh, he saw black, all of which were on top of people's heads, a thin layer.

   He frowned, these people who emerged from the silhouette graffiti seem to be undergoing some changes, as if they are slowly changing from some kind of creature that looks like a human but is not a human being to a pure human!

But no matter what, these guys in front of them, they are as crazy as before. After seeing Tang Ye who has completely changed his appearance, they roared one after another and ran towards Tang Ye, and Tang Ye did not give them any money. No matter what the face, stretch out your hand and grab a guy who is closest to you at once. After his body has grown bigger, his palm can easily hold an adult's head!

   He grabbed the opponent and slammed it on the ground without any nonsense. The opponent's body suddenly burst open, and the black ash inside spilled out!

The crowd in front of    began to tumble, quickly forming layers of huge waves, rushing towards Tang Ye, this is a sea, and Tang Ye is like a swaying boat in the ocean!

  Tang Ye also ran towards the huge wave of people in front of him, but as he ran, he looked at his arm again, frowning tightly, as if something bad had happened to his body!


With a scolding, Tang Ye couldn't take care of other things, so he could only rush forward. At the same time, a large amount of black mist overflowed from his body. The black mist became more and more, and Tang Ye's speed was getting faster and faster. When there was a huge wave, he waved his hand violently, and the bodies of the people in front of him were scattered in an instant, and black dust was scattered all over the ground!

With another wave of his hand, the black mist around him began to condense, forming a black light rushing towards the front. The black light seemed to enter a no-man's land in this absurd crowd, rampaging all the way, passing through the huge wave, leaving behind. A pothole!

Without the support of his companions, the people who formed the giant wave collapsed like dominoes, and did not give them a chance to get together again. Tang Ye let out a low roar, the whole volleyed up, and waved his hand to the front. In the next second, all the black fog re-condensed to form tentacles, and a group of demons danced around the crowd. Soon, everything that could be seen from Tang Ye's perspective became spectacular. There are many people here. , but their individual strength is too weak. In the face of an enemy that is thousands of times stronger than them, it is more than as simple as cutting melons and vegetables?

   bang bang... bang bang...

When the huge wave collapsed in front of him, one of them just fell in front of Tang Ye. One of his legs didn't know where to go. Black dust continued to flow out from the fracture. Looking at Tang Ye, a smile gradually appeared on his face, Tang Ye lowered his head, and his eyes just met his.

"Join me……"

   The other party is about to speak in the next second. Tang Ye can think of anything with his ass. He didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He clenched his right hand into a fist and slammed it down without hesitation!


The black dust exploded in all directions, and more people waved their arms and rushed towards Tang Ye from not far away, shouting "Ahhhh", they were so crazy, so fierce and not afraid of death, but when they were approaching There is only one ending for them in Tang Ye, and that is to be torn apart!

  The black dust scattered from their bodies smeared Tang Ye. At this time, the ground was completely covered by the limbs of these people, and the black ashes from their bodies were scattered all over the ground!


At this moment, a slightly familiar voice appeared in Tang Ye's ears. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice. A young-looking woman was crawling towards him little by little. Knowing where she was, she could only drag her body forward a little bit with both hands. If she didn't move a little distance, the black ashes would spill out of her body and stay on the ground.

   Tang Ye frowned, he knew this person, it was Lu Xin's girlfriend, the girl named Xiaoru.

  "I...I died so miserably...help me..."

   "How to save?"


   As soon as she said the word "join", Tang Ye did not hesitate to control the tentacles of the black mist to penetrate her body, she let out a scream, and then only the remaining upper body was thrown out by Tang Ye!


Just after Xiao Ru was dealt with, a voice that Tang Ye felt familiar sounded again from another direction. Needless to say, this person was Lu Xin. Compared with Xiao Ru, his body was relatively intact, but the palm of one hand was broken in half. He trotted to Tang Ye and said at the same time, "Senior! Plus... uh!"

A "plus" after the word "senior", the tentacle that just killed Xiaoru stabbed into his head in the next second, and the sound that was about to be made stopped abruptly. After snorting in pain, Lu Xin directly Kneeled down and fell on the ground full of stumps and broken arms!

   "Don't be stunned! Come with me!"

As soon as Lu Xin died, one hand grabbed her foot. Tang Ye looked down and saw that it was Lu Xiaojie. Her eyes were dark and her skin was pale. She was in the same state as she was before killing her. Ye, without a word, will take her to the direction of the recycling station.

  Tang Ye squinted his eyes and didn't move, and Lu Xiaojie couldn't pull him either.

   After several unsuccessful attempts, the other party looked at Tang Ye and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

   "You told me to kill everyone before, don't you remember?"


"including you……"

   "When did I say that?"

Even though the expression on Lu Xiaojie's face became extremely terrifying, it still couldn't hide her doubtful expression, and Tang Ye didn't want to answer any more. The black mist surging around him, like snakes, got into Lu Xiaojie's ears, eyes, mouth and mouth. , her face also became frightened in the next second!

   "You're crazy!"

   "I'm not crazy, but you're not you!"

   Tang Ye's face was indifferent, as his thoughts moved, Lu Xiaojie's body in front of him began to wither, and black ashes spilled out.

   (end of this chapter)

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