I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1541: Just you?

   Chapter 1541 Is it up to you?

His eyes were fixed on the other self floating in the sky. Seeing that he was not running, Tang Ye accelerated his speed, but his sudden acceleration seemed to alarm the other party. The other Tang Ye waved his arms quickly, as if he was directing the number Strange people who are astonishingly advancing like a corpse tide.

After verifying Tang Ye's thoughts, with the movement of the other's arm, the people below crowded again and began to climb towards the surrounding companions. Soon, the prototype of a huge wave appeared, but it was not completely completed. Was overthrown by Tang Ye on the spot with his own power!

Another Tang Ye saw this scene, and the smile on his face began to disappear. He waved his hand again. Instead of pushing, people let out roars. These sounds, if not carefully heard, seemed to be the same as those made by zombies when they found living creatures. The sound is so similar.

With the sound of chanting, the people on the ground rushed towards Tang Ye in large swaths like the rising tide of the sea, but in this dense crowd, black ash can be seen from time to time. Obviously, there have been many trampling incidents. .

Tang Ye on the other side has almost no scruples, even if there are some people he knows, his speed is not slowed down, and he carries the billowing black mist into it. , shuttle back and forth in this city submerged by human bodies, and every time, it can take away countless lives.

The fake Tang Ye floating in the air in the distance also knew that the number of people alone could not stop the real Tang Ye. It was only a matter of time before he got close to him, and he obviously wouldn't rely on these people to stop Tang Ye. When Tang Ye launched a suicidal charge, he waved his arm, and several people with equally thick hair appeared, many of whom were huge, and it was difficult not to be noticed!

After these people appeared, the chanting of fake Tangye followed, and the next second, those with thick hair like him also sang along, the melody sounded like a poignant children's song, but in such an environment it seemed It was funny, and they didn't notice.

   After chanting for a short time, several people around the fake Tangye began to move, running towards the direction where the real Tangye was, and the speed was very fast, completely different from the strange person Tangye encountered before!

  The moment they started to move, they turned into a flash of lightning, and the storm that they set off tore apart countless companions who had the same goal as them, or rolled them into the air!

I don't know how long it was, Tang Ye didn't have time to look at the phone, and even if he didn't touch the phone now, he could still feel that the phone that was in his pocket had already been swelled up when he showed his original shape just now. Squeeze to pieces!

   He only knew that the place where he walked after the killing was black, and the black ashes scattered from people's bodies may have piled up on the streets of Xijiang City to a height of almost three meters!

   "Is there a dead end?"

After the tentacles of black mist that had just appeared, twisted the crowd of weirdos in front of him into black ashes under his control, Tang Ye looked at the other self, and he found that the other party didn't run away, if Xijiang City was not like Camberley. Special has map restrictions, so what is the reason for the other party?

no way no money? Or don't have a reason?

   He could feel the panic coming from the other self, which further confirmed Tang Ye's thoughts.

After beheading the annoying guys around him one by one, Tang Ye also noticed those weirdos whose speed was obviously abnormal. With a glance, Tang Ye quickly locked the target, bent his knees, and began to meet those few. Bump at the guy who is rushing towards you!


Under the squeezing of the two powerful forces, the ground could not bear the pressure and began to "click, click" and cracks appeared. These cracks expanded rapidly, dividing the streets in Xijiang City into two. The dense crowd moved away from both sides. After a while, the first weirdo rushed in front of Tang Ye. He jumped up, the flesh on one hand began to wriggle, and the flesh burst, revealing the dark purple flocculent tissue inside. These tissues tumbled, entangled with the outer flesh, and soon, one of the other's hands seemed to be covered with a thick layer of horny, from normal human hands to huge and sharp claws!

   He let out a low roar, and with the greatest strength he could exert, he smashed down at Tang Ye from a high altitude!

   At this moment, the gravity seemed to be enhanced several times, a dull sound came from the ground, and the black dust scattered all over the ground was like an upside-down hourglass, and the sand inside began to flow into the ground!

At the same time, a large amount of dust was splashed, and within a radius of 100 meters from where Tang Ye was standing, countless people were blown up by the shock on the spot, shouting "Ahhhh", and then fell heavily on the ground and exploded on the spot. A black ash all over the place!

"Join us!"

   With a roar, the giant claw slammed down on Tang Ye, only to hear a "bang"! Another large amount of black ash was swayed and scattered everywhere! Covering Tang Ye's body, but after the black ashes dissipated, the eccentric who waved his giant claws at Tang Ye was nearly pinched by the neck at this moment!

   The hand that turned into a claw disappeared, and black ashes scattered from the fracture.

   "Just you?"

Tang Ye snorted coldly. Although this blow was powerful, it was the same thing in his own eyes, and the power it exerted was at the sixth-order level. For Tang Ye, it was considered an ant to describe this power. Exaggerated, but have to say, how long did it take? Do these people who emerged from the figure graffiti already have the strength of six levels? The speed of this strength growth cannot be ignored!

His eyes looked at the other party, his hand tightly squeezed the other party's neck, he wanted to make a sound, but his throat was pinched, and he could only make a "woo woo woo" sound, he kept struggling, but Tang Ye's strength let him He couldn't resist at all.

   “Add… Join…”

After trying several times in a row, I found that I still couldn't make a complete sentence. The other party simply gave up and turned his head to look at his only left arm. Just like before, the flesh on it began to burst, obviously not a normal person. Other flesh and blood fibers began to wriggle together, but Tang Ye would give him a chance? The hand holding the opponent's neck suddenly exerted force, just lifted it up, and then slammed it on the ground!


   With a loud noise, the ground trembled violently, and countless buildings collapsed. The weird people clinging to them fell down one after another with the collapse of the buildings, and a large amount of black ashes exploded in front of Tang Ye because of this person's body explosion!

   (end of this chapter)

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