I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1559: weakened control

   Chapter 1559 Weakened control

  Most of the reason that he can come out after entering is because of Lu Xiaojie, but now it seems that the Lu Xiaojie inside is gone, who will help him after he enters again?

He found that he suddenly didn't want to face these things, just like ordinary people would choose to give up when facing something that is not very troublesome but not necessary for him, and Tang Ye is like this now, he doesn't seem to have It is necessary to play a diagonal play with the corpse king of Lano...

   After shaking all the dust on himself onto the ground, Tang Ye smiled.

   "Alas, I'm such a loser."

The smile on   's face was self-deprecating. After the smile, he shook his head, wondering if he had denied his escaping behavior in his heart.

Around the Tiankeng that suddenly appeared in Xijiang City, all kinds of aircraft rushed over from the Yunxia Base. Soldiers set up an observation site near the city, and countless staff wearing white coats carried a platform. Devices come and go.

   "The result! I want the result! The process of going to Nima!"

   "Six groups and six groups! Report your situation?"

   "Come out, come out, there are about 500,000 to 600,000 zombies moving under the Tiankeng."

   "It's just these zombies, I'm afraid, go down and smash them!"

   "Stay on horseback and stop Lao Tzu's people from working, and Lao Tzu will kill you son of a bitch!"

   "It's all spread out, what's so good about this liveliness?"

   Hearing the news here, many scavengers and bounty hunters who were looking for targets outside had already swarmed around the temporary observation deck with members of various mercenary regiments, and looked down curiously at the Tiankeng.

   There was chaos at the scene. Some soldiers drove the crowd with weapons. From time to time, some people took up pre-apocalyptic guns and fired their guns into the sky to demonstrate.

   And Su Sigui had already arrived here. She looked at the bottom of the tiankeng for a while in a place where there were not many people, and then walked to a huge mechanical tent set up in the middle of the observatory.

   She casually stopped a non-commissioned officer who kept yelling at the crowd to drive people away. The other party was very impatient at first, but after seeing who was coming, his face immediately became serious.

   "Chairman, what's the matter?"

   "What's going on down there now?"

"We have checked the bottom of the pit with the "calculator". At first, there was a violent activity of anti-life material suspected to be the ninth order. The other one could not be detected. It should have exceeded the judgment level of the detector. In about a minute or so, the detectable anti-life quality level disappeared out of thin air, and the other undetectable disappeared quickly. Now we guess that this sinkhole is caused by two zombies above the eighth level."

  Su Sigui frowned subconsciously, then nodded to the sergeant in front of him and said, "By the way, are Tang Fu and the others here?"

   "Arrived early."

"where are they?"

   "On the other side, far away from us, they seem to be going to the bottom of the Tiankeng to investigate."

   "Okay, then you can go do your work first."

  Su Sigui dismissed the non-commissioned officer in front of him casually, and said to himself, "Two ends?"

   The tiankeng that suddenly appeared in Xijiang City was caused by the battle between two zombies above the eighth-order. What was the reason?

You know, next to this is the Yunxia Base. The intelligence of the two ninth-order zombies is no less than that of human beings, even higher than ordinary people. Some zombie kings have the ability to communicate with humans, and their own kind should not be What's the problem? They could completely open the "big meat can" of Yunxia Base first, and then discuss the issue of profit distribution, but they did not. On the contrary, the victor also left.

   shook her head, Su Sigui had worry in her eyes, and the feeling that her ability to control something had been weakened once made her worried.

   There are two suspected zombies that have surpassed the eighth-order appearance. The ninth-order corpse king has no influence on people. How long has it been since then? Thousands of soldiers have gathered on this temporary observation platform, and everyone is equipped with the latest and most lethal weapons and the most advanced exoskeleton protective suits.

One after another, the eighth-order new humans rushed to him, all of their eyes looked at the bottom of the tiankeng, with worry in their eyes, and dozens of Sirius staring cannons were also set up outside the field, and the thick muzzles were all facing the bottom of the tiankeng. I was afraid that a big baby would suddenly emerge from there.

As soon as this Tiankeng appeared, almost 99% of the urban area of ​​Xijiang City was accommodated in it, making the entire Xijiang City instantly disappear. At the same time, the sudden collapse also caused countless zombies wandering in the urban area. Losing the qualification to continue the activity, this disaster killed nearly 800,000 zombies, and these zombies were smashed into flesh by the collapsed buildings!

   The remaining zombies seem to be very few in number, which has caused some people to dismiss it, but think about it, can the zombies that survived this disaster be ordinary zombies?

  The most conservative estimate is that there are more than 500,000 zombies who survived by chance, and among these 500,000, most of them are definitely evolutionary zombies!

Su Sigui turned his eyes to the other side of the tiankeng, but the tiankeng was too big, and it was a bit difficult for Su Sigui to see what happened on the opposite side, but the facial features of the ninth-order new human beings were too powerful to perceive. As expected, in the end, she still vaguely saw what was happening on the other side of the Tiankeng.

Over there, a few prairie men were jumping into the tiankeng, and there was dust everywhere where they landed, but because of the distance, in Su Sigui's perspective, it was splashed up and flew up more than ten meters. The dust appears to be only a small stream.

   After the people over there came down, they immediately headed towards the center of the bottom of the Tiankeng.

   They didn't start their actions from the place where Su Sigui seemed to be more likely to act. It seemed that they were deliberately staying away from the crowd and avoiding some unnecessary things from happening.

Su Sigui watched their movements and remained silent, and the people who were watching the fun were also driven away by the soldiers. Only the new humans who were ready to fight and the new ones in exoskeleton suits were slowly left at the scene. human soldier.

   Under the center of the bottom of the Tiankeng, after Tang Ye cleaned up the cement and gravel blocking the subway entrance one by one, he gradually heard Ah Fu's voice.


   "Are you in there?"

   "Don't be stunned, you guys clean up the rocks above and let me out."

   "It's really you! Where have you been these days? We can't find you."

   "This is a bit complicated, I'll talk about it first."

   "That's fine."

   After confirming that Tang Ye was below, Ah Fu greeted the others and started digging down with his bare hands. After a while, the entire subway station was dug out.

   (end of this chapter)

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