I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1561: only fantasy

   Chapter 1561 The only fantasy


  The visitor bowed respectfully to Su Sigui and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped.

"Wait a moment."

   Hearing her voice, the visitor stopped immediately, while Su Sigui put his hand in his pocket and groped for a while, and quickly took out a small item and handed it to the other party.

"This is……"

   "In two minutes, give this thing to Nangongyang, he knows what to do, let him move faster."


   After the person who came to take the things in Su Sigui's hand, he carefully retreated, and Su Sigui didn't stay here for too long, he left after a while and returned to the Yunxia base.

On Tangye's side, there was someone waiting for him with an aircraft outside Tiankeng. After being greeted by everyone, he entered. With the launch of the aircraft, he returned to Yunxia Base in no time. When landing, Tang Ye looked down at the ground below. There were many people in the parking lot. The aircraft was the size of two trucks. When looking at some details on the aircraft, people seemed to see the **** of plague and left quickly, and some people even ignored the items they dropped on the ground.

   This scene appeared in Tang Ye's eyes. He saw it, and of course other people saw it. Sitting in the back, he thought of Geert's hostile voice.

   "Sooner or later throw all these **** into the brood!"

The people around them laughed and didn't say anything when they heard his voice, and Tang Ye didn't say anything. In fact, they can be regarded as heroes of mankind, but no one saw what they did, only they knew it, and they didn't. With the mentality of a great man, doing good deeds without expecting anything in return is impossible.

   Of course, this "reward" doesn't require material rewards, and at least you need to see the less fearful eyes of humans, but what's going on? How can a grumpy zombie endure it?

After Tang Ye and the others got off the aircraft, the huge parking lot looked lifeless. They walked out without any obstruction. People on the street avoided them, with fear of zombies in their eyes. The look made Ah Fu and the others very impatient. Did they wave their hands or stretch out their tentacles to frighten them? In this way, almost no one dared to approach them within a hundred meters.

   This is the reason why Ah Fu and the others cannot stay at the Yunxia Base.

Tang Ye thought so in his heart, but this situation won't last long, they will leave soon, and Tang Ye's hesitation has eased a lot. After a while, they came to the center of the city below Yunxia Base. There is the Yunsheng elevator leading to the "Sky Continent". When they were about to go up, Tang Ye saw the broadcast building not far away. Now is an extraordinary period for human beings, and there has been a human society with social class faults. In China, people at the upper echelons will not be stingy with the information in their hands, and now it's bad enough, no matter how big the panic is.

It would be better to let people know some information earlier. Therefore, there are tall buildings with screens in many places in the Yunxia Base. These buildings will inform people of the bad things that happen in some areas, so that people can be psychologically prepared. , because one day in the future, Yunxia Base will experience the same experience.

   On the screen of the broadcast building not far from Tang Ye, some insights are being broadcast at the moment, but these insights will not be a good thing.

   "Go up first, someone is still waiting for me." Tang Ye said to Ah Fu and the others.


   Ah Fu and his subordinates didn't ask who Tang Ye was, they nodded and entered the Yunsheng elevator first.

After they left, Tang Ye walked to the square of the broadcast building. At this time, there were a lot of people, but most of them were homeless people here. They didn't have mobile phones. They can't access the Internet in the end times. The only way for them to learn about the outside world is to rely on the broadcast building that can be seen everywhere in the Yunxia Base.

[From the 27th of this month, many survivor bases and Sanctuary City began to be on full alert. According to the pre-observation of many observatories, the group of demonic corpses from Lan'o Continent will enter the Dangerous Sanctuary City to manage within this week. According to a number of eighth-order new human beings, it is extremely unlikely that the current technological level and military strength of Dangerous Sanctuary City can withstand the tide of over a million demonic corpses. 】

  [On the 28th of this month, several media reporters were refused to interview the mayor of the dangerous sanctuary city. Yang Xiangfeng’s attitude cannot be confirmed until now. 】

[On the 28th of this month, news came from Hulin Sanctuary City, Gaojiang City. Recently, a large number of passenger planes from the old era crashed in the eastern part of the Shenzhou mainland. After investigations by the military bases of various parties, no pilots were found in the passenger planes. and dead bodies. 】

[On the 22nd of this month, a large-scale golden storm representing Kamutos was observed on the eastern coast of the South American continent through residual satellites. The storm extended to small islands 200 kilometers away. Si is trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean. If there is no obstruction, Kamutos will land on the western coast of Galinut and enter the abyss corpse king activity area. Will we see the conflict between the two corpse kings in the future? 】

  Here, the announcer on the screen made a joke, but no one laughed out loud at the scene. The joke seemed a bit cold. If there was a fight between the corpse kings, only humans would be the happiest.

   After all, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight is what every strategist likes to see.

But this is obviously impossible. People have lived here for a long time, and they all realize that Shenzhou Continent is now a piece of cake for zombies. The most terrifying thing is that there is already a corpse king reaching out. Now, I am going to take this cake into my bag, which means that other corpse kings will do the same. The Nanlu corpse king made such a move to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It is very likely that the target is also the mainland of China, and it can't stand the famine!

The only thing people can imagine is that the abyss corpse king of Yansha Continent is somewhat territorial and will conflict with Kamutos. After all, there is still a nightmare corpse king who has no solution. If there is another one, human beings can completely surrender, but after this surrender The ending is not the same as people on other continents. They will become livestock like chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. People in the end times are not fools, you can guess!

   I don't know if the **** announcer guessed what people were thinking, and when the content of the next message came out, the crowd exploded!

   (end of this chapter)

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