I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1570: Anger that emerges out of thin air

   Chapter 1570 Anger that appears out of thin air

   "You want so much?"


   "That's fine, I'll give it to you."

   Looking at Lu Xiaojie who was so excited that he was about to explode, Tang Ye shook his head and threw the eyeball in his hand. Then Lu Xiaojie jumped up like a hungry tiger and grabbed the eyeball that was still in the air!

   Just when her hand touched the eyeball, Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, and he saw that the glassy eyeball was actually liquidizing!

   "What are you doing?" Tang Ye asked.

  Lu Xiaojie didn't answer. She stared blankly at the eyeballs in her palms with a strange expression. This might be her quietest time.

Tang Ye sat up straight and watched the change in the eyeball. The glass-like part became soft and collapsed, and then liquefied. Clear water infiltrated from Lu Xiaojie's fingers and flowed onto the ground. Soon, it liquefied. Stop, this eye has completely changed. The real face is an irregular object. The color is hard to say, like black, but if you don't look carefully, it is white again, and in a trance, the white turns red again.

   Interestingly, in Tang Ye's eyes, the color of this thing is something he can only see, a new color, a color that people can never imagine before seeing it!

He saw some sand particles floating out of this item. When these sand particles floated in front of Lu Xiaojie, they stopped rising and started to circle. At first, there was very little sand floating out of this item, but gradually, more and more A lot of sand particles floated out, forming a ball of sand in front of Lu Xiaojie!

   Sand particles were still flying out of that item and blended into the sand ball above. Soon, the sand ball in front of Lu Xiaojie was the same size as a big truck tire, and it was still getting bigger!

  Tang Ye sat upright slightly, and in his eyes, the color in the ball of sand was constantly surging, like a cloud in the sky, with no fixed shape.

   In the past two minutes, the object that came out of the original eyeball no longer had sand particles escaping from it, and the sand ball was comparable to the size of the front of a car.

   At this time, the expression on Lu Xiaojie's face seemed to be fixed. After a long time, she didn't see any change. Her expression was a little strange.

   After a while, the huge sand ball that was constantly twisting in front of Lu Xiaojie was like a balloon filled with water being shaken violently.

   At the same time, a black fog appeared in front of Tang Ye, which quickly formed a semi-circular barrier, taking the sand particles flying around because of the blast out!

As soon as the semicircular barrier was formed, the black mist barrier in Tang Ye's eyes was immediately covered by a large number of sand grains. These sand grains stayed on the barrier for only two seconds, and were controlled by an unknown force to gather again. Together, he saw that the countless grains of sand were spinning, and the originally tiny grains of sand began to disintegrate and transform into another form.

All this happened very quickly. After Tang Ye removed the semi-circular barrier in front of him, the original sand ball had now turned into a water polo. No one could tell the color of the water polo, because it was a color that no one had ever seen before. Of course, Tang Ye knew this color, but he didn't know what color it was, so he could only express it by "new color".

The water polo was surging, and quickly stretched out arms made of liquid in all directions, as if searching for something. The expression on Lu Xiaojie's face was the same as before, without any change, she stood there motionless, from the water polo The tentacles that stretched out quickly felt her presence.

   After one of the tentacles touched Lu Xiaojie's abdomen, the other tentacles immediately retracted, leaving only the tentacle and began to climb towards Lu Xiaojie's upper body, but she still did not respond.

  The tentacles sticking out from the water polo groped upwards a little bit, and after a while, they groped to her mouth. It seemed to have found its target. With a "crash", this tentacle made of liquid penetrated into her mouth!

   "Water Polo" seemed to feel that it was not enough, the tentacles that had just been retracted stretched out again, and rushed towards Lu Xiaojie's nose, ears, and eyes, and got into her body.

The expression on Lu Xiaojie's face also changed rapidly at this moment. When these liquids continued to penetrate into her body, she seemed to be receiving some information. When she and Tang Ye cloned back to the main body, the main body would automatically go to her to receive the experience. Everything and perception are the same.

The water polo was surging, and a large amount of liquid was squeezed into Lu Xiaojie's body through the nose, ears, mouth and eyes. The original huge water polo shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just over ten seconds, it was comparable to the front of a large truck. The big water mass disappeared like this. In Tang Ye's eyes, Lu Xiaojie's body was already completely filled with that new color!

And her breath has become very strange, she can't tell whether it is a zombie or a new human, a bit like a rester, but there is a rester here in Tangye, so it's not, I can't guess what state she is in for a while, nor Know how powerful it is.

She was on the spot, motionless, and Tang Ye didn't react. He looked at Lu Xiaojie quietly, waiting for her next move. About half a minute later, Tang Ye lowered his head and focused on the broken pieces on the ground. Shi, I saw that the gravel actually shook, it seemed to be blown by the strong wind, but the strange thing was that Tang Ye didn't feel the wind around.

  Mysterious and terrifying power is operating, and the rocks on the ground are shaking more and more, and they seem to be floating at any time.


   glanced at Lu Xiaojie, Tang Ye changed back to the sitting position just now, and he didn't know what he was thinking now.

The expression on her face was changing rapidly, and all kinds of emotions flashed across her face, including anger, sadness, nostalgia, and helplessness. I don’t know how long it has passed, and the stones on the ground don’t know when to stop. After shaking, what followed was a hoarse roar from Lu Xiaojie's mouth.

  There is an indescribable hatred in her voice, which makes people clearly feel the anger in her heart! But this kind of emotion that appears out of thin air is a bit confusing.

   She turned her head sharply and roared at Tang Ye: "Betrayer! She betrayed me! I won't let her go! I want you to pay the price...everything...everything..."

The anger in her eyes seemed to be aimed at Tang Ye, which made Tang Ye stunned for a moment, turned his head to look around, but there was nothing at all, and looked at Lu Xiaojie again, who knew that she suddenly bent her body, her back The clothes on top were punctured by something, and a dark purple thorn stretched out, almost tearing the air open with a "swoosh", and stabbed it towards Tang Ye's head.

   (end of this chapter)

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