I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1577: all trap 2

   Chapter 1577 All Traps 2

  The man in a suit walked over to the non-commissioned officer, opened his arms, and said with a smile on his face, "I'm not late, right?"

   The smile on his face didn't seem to impress Guitouzai's non-commissioned officer.

   They all said that they don't reach out and slap the smiling face, but the sergeant didn't care about it at all. After the man in the suit came in front of him, he slapped him with a slap, and the crisp sound resounded in everyone's ears.

   "I will kill you for being late!"

This slap used a lot of force. The man in the suit flipped around in mid-air and fell to the ground. When he got up, his face was ugly, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only force a smile to face The non-commissioned officer, but the other party refused to forgive him and roared: "You are joking with so many people in Lao Tzu? If you are late, you know how many people will die!"

   "Go to Nima!"

While speaking, the non-commissioned officer kicked the man in the suit to the ground again. This time he didn't dare to stand up, so he could only lower his head, but the non-commissioned officer didn't let him go, he raised his foot after one kick and was about to kick In the past, but at this time was interrupted by a figure.

   "Bai Liang, almost got it."

   This voice came from the cab of the front truck in the fleet of trucks, and Guitouzi only knew that their non-commissioned officer's name was Bai Liang.

   Hearing the voice, Bai Liang raised his head and fixed his eyes on the person in the cab, but because of the reflection of the vehicle and boat, he couldn't see the face of that person clearly, but judging from his expression, Bai Liang was very familiar with this voice.

   "You are... Captain?"

   "Don't know me anymore."

   The man in the cab chuckled and walked out. Bai Liang finally saw the man's face clearly and said in surprise, "It's really captain! Why are you here!"

   "How long has it been, why do you still call me captain?"

   "I'm used to it hahaha."

   "It's okay, that's it. I don't know how long it has been since the last time we met. Whether it's long or short, the things have already been delivered. As for this guy, it can't happen yet. I'll take care of him later."

   "That line."

   Seeing what the other party said, Bai Liang didn't say anything but nodded.

   "Then I'll let people start?"

   "No, you can just drive the car away, I'll see you off, and..."

"What's wrong?"

"This operation is very dangerous. After I heard that this team was led by you, I begged someone to replace you, but the above did not agree, and I can't help it now. This mission is incomparable to the past, and it is too dangerous. ."


  Bai Liang was a little surprised, and then there was some emotion on his face, maybe he didn't expect the other party to do this for him.

   "It's alright, I didn't even think about escaping, it hasn't been since the beginning, even if I do it, you don't need to do it for me..."

   "Don't take this too simple. Even I can't figure out the water in it. The marshal seems to be hiding something, and many people don't know it."

   "Don't worry about me, soldiers come to block, water comes from soil and salt."

   The other party frowned when he spoke, but Bai Liang didn't care at all, and he made the other party anxious.

   "You... Forget it, I still have things to do. I took the last car with me, and the rest are all yours."

   "In such a hurry?"

   "Of course I'm in a hurry. Do you know how much effort it took for me to run over to meet you?"


   "That's it, I'll go first."

The person in front of Bai Liang shook his head, turned around and was about to leave. Bai Liang was a little disappointed. He thought that the two would meet and talk happily. After all, it has been many years since they were born and died. They are both old friends. , He watched the other party leave, thinking that he would not look back.

But after taking a few steps, he turned his head and said to him: "Bai Liang, be careful this time, let Lao Tzu live! This time it's not only the zombies from Lan'o, but also our local silver armored zombies... In short, give I'll be careful, I'd better see your little life again."

   Seeing him say this, Bai Liang laughed: "I have followed you for so many years, I haven't seen any big winds and waves, it's just a corpse king, I can still live!"

   "Better like this!"

Seeing the confident smile on Bai Liang's face, he smiled too, and then got on the last truck without looking back. The truck turned around and left. He murmured: "I hope so, Corpse King... It's really incredible..."

   Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, he turned and shouted to the crowd: "Take a rest in place."

His voice made the scene lively, and he took out the tablet and seemed to be checking something, but just opened it, he seemed to realize that nothing was done, took out the contactor from the car, and shouted to Mai: "Two All divisions of the team, report the situation now."

   drip... drip...

   There was a noise over there, and soon there was a sound.

   "There are two teams here. Everything is normal now. Please reply when you receive it."

   "Received, the second team and the second team report the situation."

   "The second team and the second team here, the corpse tide is advancing normally, everything is normal, please reply when you receive it."

   "Received, pay attention to your own safety, there is no need to reply in times of danger, two allegro hints, the second team and the third team report the situation."

"Da da……"

   "Pay attention to safety, the second team and the fourth team will report the situation."

   "There are two teams of four here, and six dream weavers are found. Everything else is normal. Please reply when you receive them."

   "Received, the second and fifth teams will report the situation."

   "There are two teams and five teams here, and it is found that a large number of "human clothes" are advancing very fast!"

   "Personal clothing? Specific instructions for the second team and five groups!"

"Da da……"

   "This..." Bai Liang was stunned for a while, and quickly contacted the next group.

   "Pay attention to safety, the second team and the sixth group will report the situation."


   When contacting the sixth group, Bai Liang heard a busy tone. At this moment, his brows furrowed into a ball, and he growled: "The six groups report the situation!"


There was still no answer from   , but after about ten seconds, it seemed that the connection was only now. Bai Liang only heard a scream of "ah", accompanied by the sound of the human body being torn apart, which was horrifying!

   He quickly hung up and contacted the seventh group.

   "The second team and seven groups report the situation!"

   His voice almost ran towards him, his eyes were full of worry, and his heart was already filled with unease.

When connecting to the seventh group, he did not hear any human voice and heard the low roar of the zombies. Other than that, it was quiet. He suddenly thought of a picture. Next to a liaison, there were several soldiers. Corpses, or zombies in military uniforms, roamed beside them.


With a scolding, Bai Liang connected to the eighth group again. He didn't speak. He listened to the "beep" sound that was being connected. His heart touched his throat. eccentric.

   "Here...the second team and eight groups, everything...normal."

   (end of this chapter)

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