I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1585: Let's do it together

   Chapter 1585 Let's do it together

   What they showed on their faces and bodies were all fake. If they really wanted to pull it out, there was no guarantee that they would succeed.

   With so many people watching, it would be difficult for anyone else to pull it out, not to mention that they all pretended to be ghosts?

This kind of situation made several people at a loss for a while, but fortunately, Brother Shi has a brother of a sixth-order new human. Although his own strength is very low, but the so-called one person is right, chickens and dogs ascend to the sky, his vision is also better than that of ghosts. Several people are much taller.

   I saw his eyes rolled, and immediately said to Bai Liang: "We are even more afraid that you have that idea about us..."


I don't know if I was teased by Brother Shi or angry. Bai Liang couldn't hold back the spray for a while, and he couldn't control the smile on his face. Another non-commissioned officer laughed without any scruples. : "I don't see that you still have such a hobby."

Bai Liang's face darkened, he stopped the smile on his face, and was silent for a while, he seemed to have compromised, and then said: "Okay, you guys... especially you, glib... hurry up, hurry back! "

   At the same time as Bai Liang was heard, the faces of Guitou Zai couldn't help showing joy, Brother Shi gratefully said, "Thank you, Captain!"

As soon as the    voice fell, Brother Shi took the lead and ran to the place where no one was outside. Looking at their backs, it seemed that he was really in a hurry.

   And Bai Liang looked at their backs, his eyes slowly narrowed.


   He snorted and didn't know what his emotions were in his heart. He raised his head and shouted to the two people not far away: "Aping, Feizi, come here."

  His voice, Guitouzi and the others, of course, heard it. Looking back, Brother Shi nodded to them and bumped the "Tianguang" behind him with his head. His meaning was obvious.

   After hearing Bai Liang's call, the two were named A Ping, and Feizi's two men trotted to him.

   "Brother Liang, what's the matter?"

   One of the soldiers named Apping asked, Bai Liang raised his head at Brother Shi and the others, and the two immediately understood the meaning.

   "Follow them."


   The two nodded and followed.

   "The real horse followed me."

   "What's the panic, we have this thing in our hands, as long as we start fast, it's better to let them kill them without reacting, and it's OK."

   "What if I miss it?"

   "What are you asking me for? If we miss it, we will wait for Bai Liang to deal with it. We can only try our best."

   "Who lights the fire first?"

   "Look at the timing..."

Guitouzai and his group had solemn expressions. The two named A Ping and Feizi were both rank 3 newcomers. Although they had the "Tianguang" laser weapon in their hands, they couldn't guarantee that the two of them could keep up with their reflexes. , it's okay if they can't keep up, once they keep up, they're basically finished.

   At this moment, whoever ignites the fire first becomes the biggest problem. They must kill the two in an instant without causing too much movement.

As they walked outside, they fell into silence. No one dared to say that they would strike first. They were all recruits, and the "Sky Light" in their hands had not been fully played. They dared not guarantee that they would be in any situation. You can use this weapon to kill the two Tier 3 new humans.

   There are so many people who have lived in the last days, and several of them are very aware of the direct level gap of the new human beings.

   So, any accident is possible!

   A few people were so silent until they were about to go out, Yong suddenly asked aloud: "Ignition...what is it?"

   Hearing Yong's words, several people were stunned for a few seconds, and asked with bald heads, "Are you a caveman?"

   "What is a caveman?"

   "Uh... well, ignition means whoever does it first."

   "This way..." Yong nodded dumbly, and then said: "Then I'll come first."

   "You... are you sure?"

   "I...shooting very well..."

  Yong answered and touched the "Sky Light" stuck on the exoskeleton shrink bag, and everyone's faces showed doubts.

   Your marksmanship is very good, how good is it?

Although there were doubts in their hearts, the group didn't say anything, because Yong at least dared to strike first, which means that he was still a little confident in his marksmanship, unlike himself and others hesitating, anyway, they had no choice, who would go first Start is the same.

After that, a few people walked out and came to the back of a pile of building ruins. They looked left and right. When their eyes exchanged, they all took off their pants and squatted down, and the two third-order new human soldiers, A Ping and Feizi, also slowly Go away and chat.

   The two of them were not prepared for Guitouzai's group, and they didn't think they would do something out of the ordinary, and these outrageous things didn't have the courage for them, let alone a few second-order new humans?

   After squatting down, the six Guitouzi on the other side began to make crazy eye contact. They waited for an opportunity, but when they had the opportunity, they didn't have that general at all, they could only wait.

  This squat, almost two minutes have passed, Brother Shi began to signal Yong, asking him to hurry up to do it, but he didn't seem to understand Brother Shi's meaning, and his face was as dull as before.

   "Hey... let's do it!"


   "Do it..." Seeing Yong Dian's stunned expression, Brother Shi became anxious and roared in a muffled voice, but Yong Deng was stupid, and looked like he didn't know what to do at all.

   "...Fuck..." Brother Shi was very regretful at this time, he was not good at dragging anyone, but he dragged a fool in!

   He took out his phone and checked the time, they couldn't stay here for too long, the sooner the better.

   "Made, who are you here."

   He no longer put his hope on Yong, and looked at the other four.

   "I don't have that ability..."

   "That finger, come here."

   "I can't do it."

   "Fuck... Then how long are we going to stay here?"

   "Well... let's do it together, it's quite far from Bai Liang and the others, so he shouldn't hear any movement." At this time, Guitou Zai said hesitantly.

   There were not too many choices for them to choose. Brother Shi gritted his teeth, glanced at Yong angrily, and then whispered: "I count three, let's do it together!"

"It can only be this way."

   Several people nodded, and Yong Ye followed them to do the same.



   "One! Do it!"

   With a "one" exit, Brother Shi stood up first, quickly took out the "Sky Light" behind him, opened the insurance, and aimed at A Ping and Fei Zi!

   And the two of them immediately noticed Brother Shi's actions, and they felt bad!

   "What are you doing!"

   The soldier who called A Ping shouted, and then hurriedly rolled to the side, and Brother Shi also pressed the launch button at this time!


   Then there was the sound of the laser swiping through the air, the light of blood appeared, and Brother Shi's face became pale...

   (end of this chapter)

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