I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1609: live more than anything

   Chapter 1609 Living is greater than everything

He had a dream. He dreamed that he was running in the fields of his hometown. The voice of his partner was repeated in his ear. With a "quack quack" sound.

Looking up, he saw several partners not far away who were looking for eels in the fields For a moment, he just wanted to integrate into this false world, even if he never woke up after that.

   But this dream didn't last long. Soon, a gust of wind blew through his body with the breath of summer in the dream. He couldn't feel the warmth, only the endless coldness.

It turned out that the wind was blowing from the north. Guitou Zai was very familiar with it. Everything he saw in his dream disappeared when the wind blew by. He shuddered and opened his eyes in a daze. It was blurry, but as time passed by, he gradually saw a little more clearly, this was still that world, the end of the world he had lived in half his life.

  The joy of returning to his hometown disappears at the moment of waking up, leaving behind endless emptiness and sadness. I have already felt melancholy. Can my memories from many years ago be reproduced in front of my eyes?

Looking at the desolate scene in the distance, it was very different from the picture in his memory. The sadness in his heart became stronger and stronger. Maybe he would not be able to see it for the rest of his life. screen, right?

He remembered the flower that grew tenaciously in the slit. He wanted to take a look at the flower when he was still alive after some incidents, to see how far it had grown. By the way, he sighed about the tenacity of life. But now, that is no longer possible.

He stared into the distance for a while, before finally remembering that he should stand up, and looked down, half of his body was buried in the mud, the sky was dark, and he should not be in a coma for a long time. Muddy tried to stand up, but the pain he couldn't feel came up all of a sudden, his face twisted, but he could accept the pain, and once again, with his low roar, he successfully stood up stand up.


Looking at his current tragic state, Guitou Zai couldn't help laughing. There was only a pile of rotten cloth left on his clothes. The shrinkage of the exoskeleton suit was almost destroyed. A piece of the West, the exposed clothes are even more appalling, tattered, the flesh is exposed, and the blood that flows out has solidified into a blood scab.

The exoskeleton suit like this now has no multi-protection function. The sharp part of Guitou Zai moved the suit and stabbed the skin because of the breakage. It made him feel very bad. He felt that he couldn't wear it anymore. He wanted to take off the exoskeleton suit, but because of the damage, no matter how he manipulated it, it didn't work. He simply removed the pieces that didn't completely fall off the suit, but the quality of the exoskeleton suit was Can he be shaken by a second-order new human being?

   After trying for a long time, Guitouzai had no choice but to remove his helmet. As for the useless exoskeleton suit, he had to continue wearing it.

He tore off the blood scab on his face, and he half crawled and half walked to hit Brother Shi. Although the exoskeleton suit on this guy was a little damaged, it was better than his own, only the knee part. The degree of damage is relatively large, and no other parts of the body have been exposed.

   "Hey, Brother Shi...Are you still alive?"

   He reached out and patted Brother Shi, but the other party didn't respond. Guitouzai frowned, opened Brother Shi's helmet, and saw the other party's face, which was also covered with coagulated blood.

   touched the other side's breath, Guitouzai breathed a sigh of relief, not only he was lucky, but Brother Shi, he was still breathing and still alive.

   "Brother Shi, wake up."

   slapped Brother Shi's face. Seeing that the other party was not awake, Guitou Zai squeezed one of the blisters on his face that had been burned out. The next second, Brother Shi's screams rang out!


   His eyes were wide open at this moment, and like a conditioned reflex, he covered the place where the blisters were popped by the ghost head boy.

   "What are you doing! It hurts me!"

   Brother Shi's consciousness hasn't fully recovered yet, but even so, when he just woke up, he roared at the ghost head boy.

   "It's good that you don't die."

Brother Shi touched his face, and his hand felt a little rough. He subconsciously tore off a blood scab. When the blood scab was torn open, it carried a piece of flesh. He bared his teeth in pain. His severely injured face.

   He looked around at a loss, and asked Guitouzi, "Where are we?"

   "Where else could it be?"

Guitouzai rolled his eyes at him, Brother Shi looked around, what happened before the coma quickly flashed through his mind, he hurriedly stood up from the ground, but his body just stood up for a moment, his face turned again. twitched.

"Nima, this is the end." Brother Shi said in his mouth, but despite this, his face was filled with joy, too much to ask for, being alive is greater than anything else, he was seriously injured, fortunately The only thing is that the hands and feet are not missing. With the vitality of his second-order new human beings, it will be a matter of time before he returns to normal, at least he will not be disabled.

The position where Brother Shi and the two are now seems to be on a mound. Not far from looking down, you can see the winding high-speed kilometers. This seems to be the way they have walked. Not far above Brother Shi, there is a car. The car that was hit completely out of shape can no longer be seen as it was when it was in good condition, but the only remaining red paint on the body was telling the two that the car that was hit and scrapped was the big car they were riding in. bike.

   Brother Shi tried to stand up by himself, but after several unsuccessful attempts, he said to Guitou Zai, "You help me get up on a horse!"

With the help of Guitouzai, Brother Shi reluctantly stood up and moved his legs and feet. Walking was fine, but it was a little slow. It might take some time to run, but it was also due to the protection of his exoskeleton suit. , but now this uniform can also be retired honorably.

   "What about that zombie?"

His eyes swept around the road. Except for some flesh and blood tissues that were almost burned to black charcoal, he did not see the seventh-order zombie. Looking at the current sky, they have just been in a coma until now. At least four hours have passed, and they haven't had an accident. Does this mean that the two of them are now in a safe situation?

   (end of this chapter)

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