I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1615: The same tacit agreement?

   Chapter 1615 The same kind of tacit understanding?

   Not long after Brother Shi opened this video, Guitouzai and Crooked Neck were already attracted and looked at the information expressed in the video.

   "We're going in now, no one will notice us at all."

   "This... ugh... what's the use of going back..."

"Did my wife and children escape as well?" Crooked Neck said to himself with some anticipation. He looked at everyone in the video, trying to find features that matched the appearance of his wife and children, but it was a pity, He didn't find it. There was worry in his eyes. People who are in danger in Sanctuary can indeed come out and go to other safe survivor bases or Sanctuary. At the same time, the chaos of Sanctuary is also displayed in front of them. He is afraid of himself. His wife and children will be in danger like those unlucky ghosts!

   "Probably escaped."

   "No, I have to go back and have a look, in case..."

   "Hey ah ah..."

   Seeing that Crooked Neck had the intention of going back to Sanctuary City, Guitou Zai hurriedly stopped him.

"No, with your little fighting power, what do you do when you go back and meet those people inside? They don't care who you go to, let's go to Bai Ling first, don't forget, we have a huge amount of money in our hands! At that time, you can hire several mercenary groups to find them!"


   "Don't do it! If you go back and encounter an accident, you will basically die in vain!"

There was still hesitation on his face with a crooked neck. Seeing that he was such a ghost, he didn't give him a chance to speak, so he dragged him and walked outside, and said to Brother Shi and Yong at the same time: "You two, hurry up, come on. Let's go quickly."

  Yong followed without a word, Brother Shi picked up the weapon and touched his pocket to make sure that Yajindu was still behind him.

  Compared with the afterglow of the setting sun at sunset, the sun that was born in the early morning is a little dazzling. After a few people went out, they raised their hands to block the rays of the sun subconsciously, and at the same time they felt the warmth that they had not felt for a long time.

After a night of recovery, the injuries suffered by a few people yesterday have gotten better after a night of training. Although they are still limping on foot, the magnitude has been reduced a lot. Sitting in the driver's seat, he urged others at the same time: "Hurry up, hurry up."

   "Don't rush!"

After everyone got into the car in half a minute, they turned their necks to start the car, and drove forward with a humming sound. This car was no less exposed to the wind and the sun than the big bike they had taken before. It will take half a year to say that the parts are not aging, and the harsh noise can be heard when driving, and the sound is not small. On this point, they can basically give up going to the Bailing base through some cities. This kind of noise is enough to make The zombies along the way are madly chasing them all the way!

   "Hey Brother Shi, where are we going now?"

As soon as he got in the car, Guitou Zai asked Brother Shi. The other party took out his mobile phone and clicked on the navigation. He first ruled out some roads that had to pass through towns, especially those areas with a large population before the end of the world. A relatively short path was finally confirmed.

   "Only go to Qingqin."

   "How much distance?"

   "More than 130 kilometers."

"I go……"

A few people only felt uncomfortable for a while. Yesterday, they drove almost half a day. Normally, it is only 189 kilometers from Dangerous Sanctuary City to Bailing. Counting the distance of yesterday, they have already driven at least. Seventy or eighty kilometers, but half of the way I walked yesterday was in vain.

   "Don't sigh, let's go."

"Hurry up with the crooked neck. If there is no accident on the road, we may arrive at noon today." Brother Shi said. At the same time, the noise from the body is also getting louder.

   This journey is very boring. Brother Shi looked at the phone with 36% battery, hesitated for a while and started to open the entertainment software. If you only watch one or two videos, it won't use up much battery...

[Last night at 11:02, the defense against the corpse tide in the second district of Dangerous Sanctuary City announced that it had failed. The corpse tide successfully broke through the anti-corpse wall and was continuously recommending it to Dangerous Sanctuary City. At 5:43 this morning, Dangerous Sanctuary City dispatched Lin Han, The remnants of the two major legions in the late winter set up a defense line in the third area defense line. Some insiders said that the loss of the second area defense line caused a great blow to the dangerous Sanctuary City. As for the defense line of the third area near the city, can they successfully resist the magic sound? There is no information on the corpse tide's offensive. 】

[Chen Jiaowen, the head of the Ice Legion from Dangerous Sanctuary City, said that Dangerous Sanctuary City has given up the defense line of the third area by default, because the city of Dangerous Sanctuary has not invested too much in the defense line of the third area, and the fortifications are still in the unfinished stage. , Next, Dangerous Sanctuary City will put all resources into the main city to improve the toughness of the anti-corpse wall and the light energy defense cover. 】

[It's 7:11, I can see that the dangerous shelter city is in chaos now, and a large number of residents are going to seek shelter elsewhere. This scene is chilling, but we are not qualified to evaluate people's behavior, no one To be able to face death calmly, of course, there is also one thing that is very moving, look at my hand, this large piece of paper in my hand contains the names of soldiers who went to the defense line of the second district yesterday. They knew they were going to die, but they didn't turn back. Everyone wrote their name on it. There were 14,618 people in total, including people from the eighth rank to ordinary people. It's a pity... …None of these people survived…]

The reporter in the video was silent for a while at this time. The street where he was located was full of blood stains. It can be seen that there have been many tragedies in this street before. He approached this reporter with a weapon, but after just approaching a distance, he immediately turned around and left. This reporter doesn't seem to be that simple?

There are not many people on the street talking about it, at least the people who appear here are not fleeing but to **** supplies, and among them, there is a very strange scene, not far from this reporter, there is a pile of objects, clothes, accessories, photos, etc. In this way, a hill was built, and many valuable things could be seen in it. When someone passed by, greed appeared in their eyes, but they didn’t know if they found something. In the end, they just glanced at it, although it was like never Having seen these things, it is natural to pass by and leave.

   This is the case with everyone. It seems that everyone has the same tacit understanding in their hearts that they know what should not be touched.

   As for Brother Shi in front of the screen, the expression on his face froze for some time, and he didn't know if he noticed something.

   (end of this chapter)

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