I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1620: Heroes and Deserters

   Chapter 1620 Heroes and Deserters

The bandit leader approached the vehicle. As the distance got closer, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he lifted the laser weapon in his hand and aimed it at the person in the car, but the next second, the door opened and the bandit After seeing the people getting off the car, the leader almost didn't seem to hesitate, turned around and ran!

   A total of three people got off the car, and they are not some powerful new human beings. However, he is wearing an exoskeleton battle suit, and looking at the style, as long as his vision is not lower than the average level, he knows that this is not ordinary goods! Especially the weapons in the hands of the three people, those who live in the dangerous shelter city can see the sky light as long as they are not blind!

At this moment, not only those gangsters turned around and ran away, but the surrounding people also quickly cut off their thoughts at this moment, but many people's eyes are still on the three people who got off the car, because compared to the one that can be used Cars, and more surprising are people, their exoskeleton suits make people guess their identities.

   "They seem to be from the Frigid Legion, why did they come here, what about the others?"

   "No, they should have just come from the battlefield, are they the survivors of the second district?"

   "Really a survivor of the second district! People are not dead yet!"

   "Just the three of them?"

   "There's another one in the car."


  The people around were talking a lot, and some people came over boldly and looked at them carefully, but the three of them were wrapped in exoskeleton suits, and the people who came around couldn't see what the three of them looked like.

There are more and more people around, but this is not to express condolences to the three so-called survivors of the second district, but to try to expose their faces to the three of them. Too many people died in the second district, and many of them There are soldiers who are relatives of the people here, and they are expecting that one of the three soldiers is their relatives!

   Regrettably, the three soldiers in exoskeleton suits did not greet anyone around them, which made many disappointed and looked sad.

   These three are Guitouzai, Brother Shi and Yong. They ignored the people around them and walked towards the dangerous Sanctuary City step by step.

It seems that people have regarded the three of them as heroes. On the battlefield in the second district, thousands of people were drowned by the tide of corpses. There are countless dead souls in the sky, and the city on the ground is filled with a heavy weight. No one knows who the three are actually. deserter.

Only the crooked neck who stayed in the car looked at the seventh-order evolutionary crystallization in his hand, with a smile on his face. His exoskeleton battle suit was now on Yong's body. Before he came, he had changed into plain clothes, and now no one will Knowing that he is also a deserter, as long as no one goes to check, he will be irrelevant to the Frigid Legion forever, but compared to these, he will not care, because the high-level evolutionary crystallization in his hand gives him infinite life. yearning.

The smile on his face didn't last long. When he looked at the three of them again, the smile on his face slowly disappeared. For some reason, a sadness appeared in his heart for no reason. He didn't know what to say. He said slowly to the backs of the three: "I wish you good luck."

After saying this, he swung the sky light next to him heavily. After this action shocked others, he drove the car and turned to the back. As long as no one noticed him, he could go into the city to find his wife. son.

   On the other side, the three people walked into the city. As expected, they did not stop them along the way. They just looked at the people around them when they passed by.

At this time, the city of Sanctuary was not as prosperous and lively as when he left. The streets became deserted. There were few people on the road. Occasionally, I was eager to escape. It's useless. This scene is like the old city above the wasteland, retaining the chaotic appearance of the cataclysm.

   There were corpses lying on the streets, blood mixed with sewage, exuding a fishy smell and a smell of something being burnt.

  The three of them didn't see each other, and Guitouzai looked at Brother Shi from time to time. He walked to the front with a firm step. He didn't seem to regret it. The clenched fist seemed to express the depression in his heart. Does he need a chance to vent?

The difference is that Guitou Zai is trembling. This may be the biggest decision he has ever made in his life, just like you have worked hard and finally saved enough millions, but before you spend much, an idea suddenly arises in your heart. To use this money to donate to those who need it, at that moment, he felt great, his trembling heart and trembling hands, he didn't know whether it was excitement or fear.

   However, the unforgettable images in his mind strengthened his thoughts. If he can't see it in this life, then it is not a waste of life to dedicate his own strength to build it.

   sighed lightly. If the time is up for a week, he doesn't know if he is still alive?

He remembered this moment, just like lying in bed when he was a child and looking at the night sky outside the window, trying to remember everything at that time, but he can still remember it clearly now, and this scene also makes him clearly feel the years Be still, if you are still alive and think about everything now, you may shake your head and smile. Everyone has the most difficult time in their life, and the memory of that time will make the future life become vast and profound. good.

   alive... maybe...

As the three of them went deeper and deeper into Sanctuary City and entered the military area, soldiers in military uniforms gradually appeared in the surrounding environment. When these soldiers saw the three men who had not removed their exoskeleton suits, they were all puzzled, but they were broken. The exoskeleton suit made the soldiers serious. Maybe they misunderstood and regarded the three deserters as heroes who survived from the second district.

   For the respect of the soldiers, how could the three of them have the courage to accept it. When they found that countless pairs of eyes were looking at them, Guitouzi and the others quickly lowered their heads and did not dare to look at any of them.


   Finally, someone stopped them, and the three of them dared to raise their heads and look at the blocker.

   stopped them was a man wearing a non-commissioned officer uniform, he put out a hand to block in front of himself and others, although his face was expressionless, but not rude.

   "Turn off the exoskeleton suit."

After seeing the three of them stop, the sergeant said again, Guitouzi and the others hurriedly followed suit. Soon, Brother Shi and Yong's exoskeleton suits were all taken back into the shrinking pack. Only Guitouzi was severely damaged. It was lifted and one of them was held directly. The sergeant seemed to have guessed this and didn't care. He looked at the three of them, and finally asked, "Where did you come from?"

   (end of this chapter)

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