I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1622: come to kill me

   Chapter 1622 Come to Kill Lao Tzu

   Taking advantage of the present, Brother Shi patted Yong's hand on the back, wanting the other party to be like himself, lower his head, and don't be too rigid.

This time, Brother Shi didn't know if Yong understood what he meant. He turned his head and glanced, and found that Yong's eyes had moved away from the non-commissioned officer, but what was even worse was that the idiot turned to look at the general. Sergeant!

This is no longer easy to look at. There is no curiosity in Yong's eyes. On the contrary, he seems to have encountered a strong enemy. His eyes are waiting for the general-level non-commissioned officer, and his eyes have changed, no longer the one they saw before. It's sluggish, filled with some killing intent, and it's disturbing.

"what are you doing?"

   He patted the back of Yong's hand again, the look of the other party scared him, and for a moment he felt that the other party was not Yong, but a high-level zombie slowly advancing in the corpse tide!

   This shot finally caught Yong's attention. The killing intent in his eyes slowly disappeared, and he looked at Yong with doubts on his face?

"What's wrong?"

   He opened his mouth to ask Brother Xiang Shi. Before Brother Shi had time to answer, the sergeant shouted sharply: "What are you doing? Stand up for Lao Tzu!"

   Hearing the voice of the non-commissioned officer, Brother Shi dared to speak, and lowered his head directly, and Yong seemed to understand the meaning of slapping the back of his hand before coming over, Brother Shi, and lowered his head.

   "Do you know what happens when you are a deserter?"


"Since the establishment of Dangerous Sanctuary City, there has never been an exception to deserters. For deserters, it is light to shoot them directly! Now that they're back, we don't need to send people to arrest them. What's more, when you are deserters, you Killed two experienced veterans, you want a chance, who gave the two killed by you a chance?"

   The words of the non-commissioned officer reached Brother Shi and Guitouzai's ears, causing them to tremble for a while. Brother Shi hurriedly raised his head and wanted to speak, but he was interrupted by the non-commissioned officer just after he said a word.

   As soon as he waved his hand, several soldiers who were watching the fun stood up.

   "Keep them three under control!"

As soon as the non-commissioned officer finished speaking, four or five soldiers ran forward. Without saying a word, they grabbed the arms of the three and pressed them to the ground. These soldiers' eyes were full of anger, and they despised their behavior as deserters. I am very puzzled. Since they have already become deserters and have successfully escaped, why do they want to come back?

What the    trio did was really a mystery to the others.

"Sorry, we just want a chance to make up for our wrongs, please don't let us die worthless! Please, I can't let my brother Bai die on the battlefield in the second district, he is a hero! He can and I can also be a deserter and live somewhere else, but he didn't, he chose to die in the second district! I want to be like him! Please give me a chance! I won't be a deserter, just give me Enough ammo, I'll fight until the moment I fall..."

"Let go of me! You all let me go! Let me let go of those who step on the horse! I **** Nima... The third district... Isn't the corpse tide coming to the third district? I can go to the third district! If I become a deserter It must be damned, please let me die in the third district, and die in the second district like Luo Dianfeng! Don't you high-ranking people like to drain the value of chess pieces?"

   "...Let the chess piece use its remaining value and meet his next fate, isn't it good? You tell me! I am Cao Nima!"

Under the control of the soldiers, the three of them were dragged outside little by little. The ghost head sighed and said nothing. He wanted a chance. The so-called opportunity has always been rare.

   I seem to have been rotten, how can death not be a death? At first, Guitouzai struggled violently like Brother Shi, but after he figured it out, he gave up the struggle and let himself be dragged by these soldiers. He looked up at the dissatisfied sky and remembered that he swore to remember just now. The scene of , I didn't expect it to end so long ago...

  The memory of the past reappeared. It's a pity, and the pity magnifies the pity. He was sad because he couldn't see the picture he wanted. What's more regrettable is that when he died, he couldn't even see the blue sky.

With a sigh, he forcibly turned his head to look at Brother Shi. The other party was still struggling violently. In the end, he scolded the non-commissioned officer directly. All kinds of swear words were sprayed out with the saliva. He could only sigh: This is the Dude boy.

But speaking of it, this is the first time Brother Shi has shown such a temper in front of him. The aura of the evil young man unfolds immediately, but the swear words are so refreshing, but his powerful brother who is a sixth-order new human has died. Now, who can protect him?

The national quintessence of greeting women in the family is simply unbearable, no matter how good the sergeant is, it is unbearable, not to mention that this guy does not seem to be a good-natured person, there is no accident, the sergeant roared and rushed forward with great strides. , shouted at the soldiers who were holding Brother Shi: "Let him go!"

As soon as the words    came out, the soldiers put Brother Shi down without any hesitation.

   "What are you saying when you ride a horse?"

  The non-commissioned officer rushed over and kicked him on the spot as soon as he approached Brother Shi!


With a muffled sound, Brother Shi flew out backwards, spitting out blood, and then there was another "bang". Before Brother Shi stood up, the non-commissioned officer came to him again, grabbed his hair and carried it up? Looking at his face, he cursed: "I'm **** Nima!"

The four classic words   , as well as the half a catty of saliva sprayed from the sergeant's mouth, were sprinkled on Brother Shi's face and mixed with the blood on it.

   Brother Shi struggled, whimpered for a long time, and replied bravely: "I **** Nima..."





   In the end, the non-commissioned officer let out a low roar, smashed Brother Shi on the ground, looked at the soldiers, and shouted, "Don't listen to his nonsense, the three of them quickly hang Lao Tzu!"

The soldiers didn't dare to say anything, and quickly moved forward to put Brother Shi, who was almost maimed. Guitouzai glanced at the non-commissioned officer. He seemed to have found something. The non-commissioned officer could kill Brother Shi directly. After all, a It is only a second-order new human being. For a fourth-order powerhouse, killing Fanggen and killing a chicken is no different.

  I just don't know why, the non-commissioned officer doesn't seem to be dead?

Brother Shi, who was put up again, slowed down for a while, but he didn't seem to admit defeat. After a while, he laughed "hehehe" and continued to yell at the non-commissioned officer: "Come on! Kill me! Ha! Haha, don't you dare? If you have the ability, kill Lao Tzu and see if anyone troubles you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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