I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1625: Corpse King appeared?

   Chapter 1625 The Corpse King Appears?

Thinking that his brother's corpse would be buried in the second district, the excitement he had just felt at the sight of hope also dissipated, and Brother Shi's fist slowly clenched. It might be the death of a loved one, and at this moment, he gave it again. He was brave, he finally dared to look at Yan Jiang's eyes.

   "My brother... should you know him?"

   "Who is your brother?"

   "His name is Luo Zhenfeng!"

"and then?"

   "He died, in the second district!"

   "Then what? You came back because of him?"


   "Hehehe...you think he's still alive?" Yan Jiang suddenly burst into laughter, his voice mocking at Brother Shi's actions.


   "That's to come back to avenge him?"


"anything else?"

   "He wants to be a hero!"

   "You want to do it too?"




   "Aren't you avenging him?"


   After some repeated questions, Brother Shi was speechless at once. He looked at the man in front of him, and the thoughts he had just generated were like tofu brains shattered in front of him!

   He wanted to answer, but he couldn't even organize the words in his mind. How he answered, his mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, it was very funny.

Yan Jiang's eyes didn't stay on Brother Shi for too long. After he couldn't answer, Yan Jiang looked at Guitou Zai: "What about you? Why are you coming back? Do you also have a brother who died in the second place? District, are you here to avenge him?"

   "No... not..."

   "What's that for?"

Guitouzai looked up at Yan Jiang's face, but didn't dare to stay for too long. He looked behind him in a strange way. The sky outside was gloomy, and he still couldn't see the sun and blue sky. Crooked neck, Yong, and Guitou Zai, only Gui Tou Zai understands what Brother Shi is thinking.

It is said that he came back to avenge his brother, but in fact he can no longer find a reason to live, but people are no longer afraid of death, they will have courage that others can't understand, and he himself has not lived a long time ago. He should have been torn apart by a group of corpses and died or turned into a zombie when he was thrown from the upstairs, but he didn't, and he still survived.

   He never thought about the meaning of human life. If the meaning of life is just to live in this world, is it too simple? He never thought about it... No, maybe he thought about this question at a certain moment in the past, but he didn't realize it, so he wanted to see some beautiful things, even if it was just an ordinary flower. yellow flower.

  It wasn't until last night that he really started to think about this issue, and now, with the voice of Yan Jiang in his ears, he realized that he was still alive!

   But it's just the instinct of the creature that drives him to move. He only knows that he is alive, just like a zombie, and needs food to meet the requirements of his physical activity!

  Yan looked at the eyes that were looking for Guitou Zai, and what he saw was also the gray sky, which did not cause him any impression, and soon turned his eyes to Gui Tou Zai again.

   "Have you thought about it? Why did you come back?"

Guitou Zai didn't answer immediately. The memory of himself emerged in his mind, which aroused his yearning. This was a fluke as a human being. He thought that he would definitely get something, but in fact it is very likely that he won't get it. , he couldn't be sure whether he could accept the ending, he just came back, maybe planning for the worst.

Those mountains, those flowers, those trees, and those people kept flashing in his mind, but when he came back to his senses, what he saw was the gloomy sky outside, he turned his head again, and the next second his eyes collided with Yan Jiang. .

   "Tell me, why did you come back, my patience is limited."

   "I...I want to live a worthwhile life."

   "How does it count as valuable?"

   "Just... it's not a waste of life."

   "Then what does it mean to live in vain?" Yan Jiang's eyes showed playfulness, as if at this moment he was not asking questions for the three to answer, but was deliberately playing tricks on them.


  Guitouzai couldn't answer for a while, how can he answer this?

   He hesitated for a while, and before he could answer, Yan Jiang snorted coldly, and then turned his eyes to Yong.

"And you?"

Yong looked at him blankly, and Brother Shi also glanced at Yong. Now he and Guitouzai wanted to remind each other, but they couldn't do anything, so Yong's dazed appearance was very likely to arouse Yan Jiang's anger. !

   There was no answer to General Yan's words, and there was no sign of even speaking. In this way, the atmosphere at the scene became extremely strange.

The two just stared at each other for a while, but at this moment, Yan Jiang didn't say anything, he turned around, pulled the swivel chair to the front computer, and seemed to be ignoring the three of them. Brother Shi was anxious and said quickly: "Please give us a chance, we won't be deserters anymore."

   Yan Jiang, who had just sat down, did not take the next step. He stared at the computer screen for a while, and laughed abruptly, but the voice was very cold.

"Rhodian Stone, right? I heard about you from your brother, you are his brother anyway, you shouldn't be stupid, some things are destined to exist in people's hearts in a tragic form, not dark, dirty , you want a chance, this can..."

   "Really?" Brother Shi had a happy expression on his face, but realizing that Yan Jiang hadn't finished speaking, he quickly closed his mouth and waited for the next sentence.

   "It's just... what if I don't give it?"


The expression on Brother Shi's face froze. Of course, he knew what the other party said before. It was the [Graveyard Project]. Not a single one of the more than 20,000 soldiers in the second district escaped and all died, which moved everyone. , also feel heroic, but the [Cemetery Project] seems extremely dark, this should not be known by people!

The word    opportunity made the spring flowers bloom in his heart, but the words behind it instantly made the spring flowers become cold and freezing!

In his mind, when Yan Jiang spoke, he should have the same joking smile as before, but when he came back to his senses, he saw Yan Jiang's expressionless face, and he gave a "crack" in his heart, and only two flashes passed. Character!

   It's over!

  Yan said those words of this guy that would not give the impression of being joking at all, but he still couldn't help asking: "You...you are not joking?"

   "Why am I kidding you?" Perhaps seeing Guitouzi's retreat, Yan Jiang said again, "What? Want to escape again?"

  Guitouzai was about to answer, but at this moment, a slightly harsh sound came from the contactor next to the computer in front of Yan Jiang, he frowned and answered immediately.

   "What's the matter?" As soon as he answered, there was a loud noise from there.

   "General Yan! General Yan! It's not good! The Corpse King has appeared! The Corpse King! The Corpse King has really appeared!! Request support... here it is..."

   (end of this chapter)

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