I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1631: Yong's marksmanship is the best in the world 1

   Chapter 1631 Yong's marksmanship is the best in the world 1

   "Ghost boy! Let's go over there!"

   Seeing this group of soldiers coming, Brother Shi shouted to Guitou Zai, and then he took the lead in running to the place where the group of soldiers was.

   The ghost head boy on the other side also quickly concentrated his attention and caught up with Brother Shi.

"You are……"

The captain of this team of soldiers was stunned when he saw the two of them, and then asked a question. Now the news that the Corpse King has appeared in the third district has reached the ears of every soldier. No one else from the team will be in this place.

   "My name is Rhodes."

   "My name is Rong Xiangfei."

   When answering, Brother Shi glanced at the leader of the team of soldiers. The other side's arm badge indicated that he was a soldier of the so-called seventh team. He quickly handed over the registration form that General Yan had given him earlier.

   "Are you new here?"


  The non-commissioned officer looked over the registration form carefully, and after seeing Nijan's signature, he had no doubts.

   "How did that zombie appear?"

A soldier asked the two of them. Brother Shi didn’t talk nonsense. He told everything that happened to Su Xiujun. After listening to their stories, the soldiers couldn’t help but look at each other. They only felt that they were being deceived. In the drum, nothing is known.

   "That zombie was made by Su Jiang?"


   "Isn't it good before?"

   Seeing the puzzled look of the captain's clothes, the two of them didn't know what to say.

Brother Shi looked at Yong in the distance. The guy patted his clothes, jumped off the broken pillar, and walked towards them. The laser beam just didn't touch him at all. Except for a few cuts on his clothes, no injuries can be seen.

   "Okay, don't look at it, everyone has it, ready to fight!"

The battle over there was still in full swing. A large number of buildings collapsed one after another under the destruction of General Yan, and all kinds of gravel flew around. The captain also knew that he and others couldn't watch like this, and gave a few words to the people below, He put on the exoskeleton suit and ordered the other soldiers to point the muzzle of the laser weapon at the place where General Yan and "Su Xiujun" were fighting, but the speed of the two sides was too fast, and their muzzles swayed left and right.

   One of the soldiers pushed out the Shigekawa Annihilation Cannon that was idle on the side and sat on the console, but his eyesight couldn't keep up with the battle over there, let alone the movements on his hands, so he could only sit there staring blankly. However, Yong Swee swept the situation on both sides, and looked at the annihilation cannon and seemed to fall into contemplation, but the next second, the loud noise over there disrupted his thoughts!


  Yan will fall from the sky, and the big sword in his hand is slammed into the place, as if the gods are angry, and the ground has become bumpy. Various building fragments are shaken up to a height of more than ten meters, and a lot of dust also blocks everyone's sight!

Seeing that his attack was dodged by the opponent again, Yan Jiang felt annoyed in his heart. He used force again, and his right hand picked up the big sword again. It crossed the head of "Su Xiujun".


  Yan frowned a little tighter, the roar from the other party's mouth passed by his ear, and when he looked back, "Su Xiujun" had disappeared!

"not good!"

   He was startled, and before he turned his head back to look, the right hand that was holding the big sword and swung out quickly swung it back again, with smooth movements!



With a muffled sound and the sound of something breaking, Yan Jiang only felt a huge force coming from his body. He couldn't control his body at all and flew away. He didn't grasp the weapon for a while, and then let go. , and behind him, the big sword successfully slashed into the waist of "Su Xiujun", but he could not feel the pain, he lowered his head and glanced, then looked at General Yan who flew out, and suddenly pulled the big sword out!

  The tentacles that grew from it pushed Yan Jiang's body back continuously. At the same time, it held Yan Jiang's great sword with its wrinkled hands, and threw it towards the opponent like a dart!

   "Open to me!"

   General Yan, who was still flying upside down, roared and barely controlled his balance. He grabbed the tentacles of "Su Xiujun" with both hands, gritted his teeth, and pulled it off abruptly! Then he looked at the big sword that was flying towards him, raised his hand and took it.

But the force exerted by the tentacles hadn't been removed by him, so he forced to catch his own weapon. As soon as he got it, it caused Yan to fly upside down even higher, hitting several stone piers along the way, and finally. It stopped after hitting the distant flower bed beyond recognition.

When General Yan stood up again, several parts of his exoskeleton suit had been seriously distorted and deformed, and a slit about forty centimeters in length was split on his chest by his own sword, and blood was seeping through it. came out.

   Yan Jiang, who just stood up, was in a very wrong state. He was breathing heavily, almost blocked by his mask, and he could hear the heavy breathing. He didn't see his weak appearance, but looked angry instead?

   "Uh... ah!"

   As if to verify everyone's thoughts, Yan Jiang suddenly roared, as if the beast who had been cornered into a corner broke out all his ferocity at the last moment, and the murderous intent emanating from him seemed to make the surrounding cold several times!

After    roaring, Yan Jiang frantically grabbed the seam on his chest split by his own weapon with both hands, and tore it with force, the amazing quality A-level exoskeleton suit was torn apart like a piece of paper!

   He forcibly touched the exoskeleton battle suit on his body, and even the clothes inside were tragically damaged. The military uniform on his body had been dyed black and red with blood, and exaggerated bulging muscles could be seen in the damaged part!


   He shouted at "Su Xiujun", his fighting spirit shot straight into the sky, he didn't answer the other side, he turned into a shadow and rushed to "Su Xiujun" in an instant!

At the moment when he just approached, his palm firmly grasped "Su Xiujun"'s face, and he lifted it up with force. The next second, only a "bang" was heard, and "Su Xiujun" was pressed to the ground. !

"go to hell!"

  Yan raised his other hand, his five fingers were already tightly pinched together, and he smashed it out at Su Xiujun, who had been pressed to the ground by himself! A large amount of black and yellow liquid sputtered out! Yan Jiang's posture was extremely violent, punching punches with his left hand! The ground is constantly being impacted, and the cracks are not only expanding!

   "Really fierce!"

  The soldiers watching from a distance couldn't help but put down their guns. At this point, they have nothing to worry about. Maybe they are now patiently waiting for General Yan to win?

   (end of this chapter)

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