I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1636: last time

   Chapter 1636 The Last Time

The national character face turned his head to the direction Guitou Zai said. The building is very high, and it seems that there are more than 30 floors, which is much higher than the anti-corpse wall. The Dangerous Sanctuary City was built on the original city, so the Most of the buildings are pre-apocalyptic buildings, but they are surrounded by anti-corpse walls, dividing this place into human territory.

These high-rise buildings that are several times higher than the corpse wall stand here, which seems to make the situation of the corpse wall embarrassing, but when there is usually a wave of corpses, these high-rise buildings are used as watchtowers, after all There is a saying that stands tall and sees far.

   "What's wrong?" The soldier with the national character face only saw a few people standing there on the top floor of the building, and there was nothing worthy of attention.

"Who are those people? They don't seem to be ordinary people..." Guitouzai narrowed his eyes as he spoke. With his second-order new human vision, he could vaguely see those people standing at the top of the building looking to the northwest. People are wearing suits and even wearing exoskeleton suits all over their bodies!

   Hearing Guitouzai's words, the soldier with the national character turned his head back and glanced back, but he turned back with just a glance.

   "You better forget who those people are, take the time to relax, wait for a while and you won't have a chance."


Guitou Zai was stunned for a moment, and finally he could only nod his head, and subconsciously touched his thigh, but all he could touch was the cold steel armor of the exoskeleton suit. The bragging, the people who play with the mobile phone, can't see any tension in the face of the demonic corpse tide.

Just now, Guitou Zai touched his thigh just to get his mobile phone, but unfortunately, the mobile phone has been rotten for a long time. If he wants to use his mobile phone to pass the next time, he can basically give up and go to Brother Shi, who is on the side. In front of the pile of boxes, he picks up the contents here and puts them down there, and he doesn't know many things, but he only knows the corpse traps and energy storage magazines, and he doesn't know what else they are for. However, it is a very powerful weapon.

Brother Shi looked at it for a while, and soon he moved almost subconsciously like Guitou Zai, and stretched his hand to the position where his trouser pocket was, but after his fingers touched the cold texture of the exoskeleton suit, Gui Tou Zai saw Brother Shi was silent for a while, and finally walked towards him.

  Perhaps, Brother Shi has begun to regret the act of throwing the phone out of the window just now.

   came to Guitouzai, but he didn't see Brother Shi talking, so he just sat beside Guitouzai.

The two were speechless. The surroundings were very noisy, but there was a lot of silence. The remaining soldiers from the three major legions of the dangerous Sanctuary City gathered on the anti-corpse wall. Looking at it, it was like ants on sugar cubes. There were probably tens of thousands of them. people.

The purple color that fills the northwest wind is getting thicker and thicker, and the psychological pressure it brings to people is also increasing. It should not be gas, but a kind of robe, floating in the air, attached to the buildings in the distance, followed by When the team came here and looked at it, they would find that the shape of the building over there had changed at some point.

"I'm really nervous." At this moment, Guitou Zai said, and he didn't know who he was talking to. Brother Shi, who was on the side, looked back, smiled, and replied, "What? I regret it? Actually... ...you don't have to be with me..."

   "I don't regret it..."

"what is that?"

  Guitouzai's eyes were dazed for a moment. He remembered the flower he saw two days ago. At that time, he didn't expect things to develop in this direction, and he never thought that he would be on the anti-corpse wall.

   "It's a bit of a pity..."

"Everyone has regrets, but it's too late to go back... Sigh~ The first time I court death, I'm a little nervous when I think about it, but this is the greatest moment in my life. "

   Brother Shi said, with a smile on his face. He didn't know whether the smile was proud of his actions or a helpless expression for the next fate, but Guitouzi believed it was the former.

   Before Guitouzai said anything to Brother Shi, the soldier with the national character face not far away suddenly said, "The two of you should hurry up and enjoy now, there is not much time left."

   "Hey...Thank you for reminding me." Brother Shi smiled and replied to the soldier with the Chinese character face, but he didn't see any answer.

"Also, it's the last time, hurry up and take a rest, I won't have a chance in the future." Gui Tou Zai said to Brother Shi in a joking tone, then he relaxed his body and leaned his back against the wall behind him. He lifted his feet and put them on the box in front of him, looking at the sky in the northwest that was completely occupied by purple, and stopped making a sound.

It's hard for the two of them to say how they feel now. This is the first time the two of them have participated in a military operation against the corpse tide. Judging from the records of other bases in the past, there are many examples of humans successfully resisting the corpse tide attack. The proportion of cases is also about 15 to 6 percent higher.

In general, humans win more and lose less in resisting the corpse tide. Of course, this is limited to Shenzhou, because there is no case where the corpse king has shot at the human survivor base, so that human civilization can survive in this land. Now.

And the Dangerous Sanctuary has existed to this day, and the success rate in resisting the corpse tide is of course 100%. Most of the soldiers who are now on the corpse wall have participated in similar operations, countless times. The victory gave them a certain confidence in the strength of the Dangerous Sanctuary City. As for the appearance of the Corpse King... Maybe they haven't fully recovered. The Corpse King brought people's haze like a sky-like mountain, blocking everyone. For them, this should have been a very rare thing to happen, but now it really happened.

   They couldn't believe it, just near this sheltered city, a corpse king appeared, really appeared!

  Although I couldn't see it with my own eyes, this news was like a thunderstorm that suddenly appeared in the clear sky, false and ethereal.

   Corpse King appeared? Is this news true? Is there a possibility that the higher-ups actually deceived themselves?

   Fear? Of course, fear, but this kind of fear is not the kind of fear when facing a huge corpse tide in the past or facing a single individual with abnormal and powerful zombies. Now this kind of fear is very plain, like a calm sea, where people can’t see it. There is a majestic murderous intention hidden in the dark place!

   Are they paralyzing themselves?

  Guitouzai guessed this, because he couldn't see the nervousness of other soldiers when facing a powerful enemy, and the relaxed freehand brushwork on his face seemed to show that what they were facing was just a trivial matter.

The update has been stopped for almost a month, and I have asked the leader for three days off, and the status is almost the same. I originally wanted to start the update on the 22nd, but on the 20th, I was harassed and lay in the hospital for a few days after eating bacteria. , sorry here.

These few days I have no strength in my hands and feet, so I just want to lie in bed. I haven't been at work for a few days. The things I see are stretched and narrowed, and it is slanted. When I write this sentence, I still have some sequelae. I haven't gotten used to it yet, sorry. I'm a few days late, the author will keep updating from today until the end of the book, thanks.



   (end of this chapter)

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