I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1643: Corpse Tide Purification

   Chapter 1643 Purification of Corpse Tide


  The bloodthirsty and crazy corpse roar suddenly piled up explosives, and the zombies all over the place raised their heads and let go of their throats to make a terrifying sound. It was very noisy, and it instantly covered the shooting sound of the laser weapons in the hands of the soldiers!

  The zombies are no longer moving slowly, the high-level zombies in the front start to speed up, and the low-level zombies in front are also unlucky, being knocked away or trampled to pieces!


   "Hey bro!"

  The shoulder was suddenly patted for a while, and Guitouzai looked at Brother Shi who patted him with doubts.

   "What's wrong?"

"I have something for you." Brother Shi pointed back with his thumb, and Guitouzai looked over and found that it was the soldier with the national character. He was holding something for himself, but just now his attention had been Putting it on the corpse tide, I didn't realize that the voice just now was calling me.


I took the thing handed by the soldier with the national character face. It was oval in shape and had a button at the top. Don't think about it, it should be something similar to a grenade. Brother Shi also has one in his hand, and other soldiers around him are also there. Passing this grenade to each other...

   Regarding Guitouzi's doubts, the soldier with the national character smiled and replied, "This thing is called the Destroyer."

   "Destroyer? That name doesn't sound very good."

"Hmph, it's for suicide. This time we want to survive. The chances of you winning five million before the end of the world are about the same. Forget it... Don't underestimate the power of this thing, although it doesn't look very good, once Explosion, even a seventh-order zombie can't hold it!"

   "You mean..." Hearing the words of the soldier with the national character face, Guitouzi understood.

   "If things get messed up later, we can run away. If we can't run away, we will take this thing and die with those zombies."

   "Ah? If you can't fight, you can escape, right..."

   The words of the soldier with the national character face made the two men hesitate. After all, the two returned as deserters, and they will be deserters again shortly after returning, which seems a bit unreasonable.

   "It's alright, the above is the default, you can understand it just now, we are not simply to die, we should try to escape if we can."

   "Also...also ha..."

Guitou Zai smiled, returned to his senses and continued to shoot at the corpse tide. With one hand, he pressed down the "Sky Light" that was shaking because of the recoil, while the other hand held the "Destroyer" and looked down. He looked at it, shook his head, and pinned it carefully on his waist.

   If you can't escape, use this thing to die with those high-level zombies, which seems to be a good choice.

  It's just...what does it feel like after death...

   Looking at the endless corpse tide that was advancing continuously, Guitouzai's eyes blurred for a while, and then the drone "woohoo" quickly swiped from his eyes, which made him refreshed.

There are several drones hovering in the air. They can't give the soldiers any help in this battle. The purpose of its existence is to record everyone's courage in the face of the dead king. Everything shows an attitude to the world.

As the corpse tide began to rampage, the high-level zombies in the rear accelerated, and the zombie corpses that were shot to the end and piled up were instantly knocked away by the exaggerated evolutionary zombies, roaring, like a fierce beast, extremely bloodthirsty At the same time, he rushed to the isolation fence with the madness that the evil beast did not have!

In the face of this huge tide of corpses, those iron nets have no resistance at all, and they were trampled in an instant. At this moment, this city of steel, which has stood for more than ten years in the end of the world, has also taken out all its heritage, and a large number of Missiles seem to be free of money, like the sky-hopping monkeys in the hands of Chinese New Year children, flying into the air one by one. The power of the explosion distorted the air, and the tearing impact set off a gust of wind and swept away the yellow dust. In the sky, the blue sky and white clouds and the sun with a bit of coldness were covered.

  Although the zombies in the front row of the corpse tide kept falling to the ground under the fierce shooting of the soldiers, they still could not keep up with their advancing speed. The zombies like the tide soon occupied most of the barren ground!


   The crazy corpse tide made the soldiers' adrenal hormones rise. For a while, they forgot their fear, and they roared, frantically venting a large number of rotten lasers at the continuously advancing corpse tide below!

The sky in the northwest became more and more purple, and the color of the earth was also occupied by the purple black that belonged to the corpse tide. The soldiers on the wall gritted their teeth, and the beams of the laser guns flashed one after another. At this moment, they seemed to use all their strength to hold the handle of Tianguang, and constantly replace the energy storage clips at the fastest speed. The distance from the corpse tide is covered by lasers, which is overwhelming!

   Facts have proved that in the face of some irresistible disasters, no matter how hard humans try, they still cannot change the result. Despite the fierce firepower of the soldiers on the top of the corpse wall, the corpse tide continues at a speed visible to the naked eye! Keep closing the distance, as the low-level zombies in front are killed, it becomes more and more difficult to deal with the zombies behind!

   "The corpse tide is being purified..."

It wasn't until the last Tier 3 zombies collapsed to the ground weakly that the sergeants reacted. There were too many corpses, and Sanctuary City couldn't determine the scale of the corpse at all. The only thing that was certain was the corpses they faced this time. Tide, the scale is only big and not small!

   And the scale is too large, those high-level zombies... may be difficult to manage...

  The corpse tide has gradually changed from the grand scene of falling down like harvesting wheat at the beginning of the battle to any zombie can push forward with a laser like a torrential rain, but the corpse tide still looks boundless!

   Even if it was just a long-range shot, the soldiers still felt the difficulty, as if the weapons in their hands were integrated with them, and some soldiers who were relatively fragile began to panic.

"How to do?"

  Someone tried to get a sense of security from their comrades beside them, but the reply they could get was a "cold salad" that was also overwhelmed and had a somewhat irritable tone!

With the high-level zombies in front to block the firepower of the soldiers, the advancing speed of the corpse tide accelerated, and there was some panic on the wall, and it quickly calmed down. Within the bounds of it, he bombarded the corpse tide! As the sixth-order new humans joined the battle, it brought a great killing effect, but for the corpse tide, it was still a little insignificant!

The corpse tide became chaotic, and the higher-order zombies in the back surpassed the same kind in front of them at a very fast speed, roaring and rushing forward. They have amazing defense power even in the hands of the sixth-order new human beings. Under the bombardment of "Sky Light" that has been opened to 3.0, it can continue to move forward!

   (end of this chapter)

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