I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1659: I'm here this time

   Chapter 1659 I'm here this time

   The two looked at each other, a little fortunate, fortunately they thought a lot at the time, otherwise they would have wasted their lives in vain if they waited for the building to collapse before they reacted!

   "Can't stay here too long, we have to go somewhere else quickly!"

   "You're still on your way."


After a few simple exchanges, Brother Shi took a deep breath and put Guitouzai on his back again. Once again, Wu Zhixiong led the three of them into the corridor and headed for the top floor. During the process, Guitouzai said to Brother Shi, "Thank you, I have troubled you."

   "Are you thanking me? You are so thankful for someone."

Brother Shi seemed to be so angry that he laughed a little, but what Guitouzi replied to him was just laughing hahaha. They didn't speak any more. They both used the fastest speed to get to the roof. The first thing was Wu Zhixiong When I came to the edge, I took another look at the situation below. More and more zombies climbed up the wall and quickly approached the three of them.

Fortunately, the sixth-order zombie staring at them has not evolved organs such as corpse claws that can be easily crawled on itself, so it can only circle around the building, with pale but bloodthirsty eyes kept watching. Above the building, Wu Zhixiong glanced at this guy for the first time after sticking his head out.

   "What an annoying guy! From Mahlergobi."

   Wu Zhixiong cursed and began to look for places to escape. Although the zombies below are all fourth-order zombies, this level is also a devastating disaster for people like them, not to mention the number is far more than hundreds or thousands!

   With their excellent crawling ability, the slowest time to reach the top floor of the building is one or two minutes, which makes the three of them dare to stay there?

   But that's it, the more troublesome things get, because they don't know when they're going to escape until it's over!

   This kind of feeling is like being chased by a murderer in a dream, the difference is that they are in reality, but being chased is death!

  There is no safe place in Sanctuary City, no matter where you flee, you will be covered by endless corpses in the end!

  To live, they need to leave Sanctuary and go to other places, but this is easier said than done?

Even if you really make up your mind to leave Sanctuary City, Daximen, who was used as a breakthrough by the corpse tide, can completely give up immediately. With the most optimistic idea, the current Sanctuary City may only be a few large cities in the southeast. The district has not yet fallen, but if you want to get there, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to keep up with the advancing speed of the corpse tide!

   And few people have the ability to confidently think that they can live to that time.

  Thinking of this, Wu Zhixiong felt a little tired, and a sense of exhaustion filled his body, as if he was carrying out an absolutely impossible task, and the result was only death! That sense of insignificance made him desperate!

He swept around and found that there was almost no place for them to escape. On the front of the building where they were now, there was a residential building that existed before the end of the world. It was about seven or eight stories high. The problem is that the top of the building where the three of them are now is too far from the residential building. Even if they are third-order new humans, it is very difficult to jump on it, let alone them who are only second-order?

   If you choose to jump to that residential building, there is a high probability that you will fall on the street and be eaten by zombies!

   As for other places, the floor is too high. If you want to go over without talking about the distance, it will also end up hitting the wall. Or if other buildings are too short, you will be injured if you jump over them. They dare not bet.

   But now is not the time to hesitate. The zombies below are getting closer and closer to them. If they hesitate any longer, they will have no choice when all the zombies come up.

His scalp was numb, and Wu Zhixiong gritted his teeth. He was about to block it, just like before. Then he chose the building closest to them, looked at the opposite window, and touched the exoskeleton suit mask. That's right, he Think of hitting it directly like you would.

   "Isn't it coming again?" Brother Shi's heart jumped when he saw Wu Zhixiong's actions, he was a little bit conflicted, if he made a mistake, it would be doomed!

   "Then tell me what to do?" Wu Zhixiong replied angrily.

   "Listen to you, listen to you." Hearing this, Brother Shi could only follow the other party and wave his hand, and then he had to carry the ghost boy on his back.

   "This time it's me who will carry it." Before Brother Shi could pick up the ghost boy, Wu Zhixiong took a step forward and grabbed the job.


   "Don't be stunned, this time it's yours to bump it, I'll jump over with him on my back, you just need to be optimistic."


   Brother Shi had an expression of wanting to cry without tears, but now the situation is really anxious, he clenched his fists and loosened them, and could only say: "Okay, I'll come this time!"

   When Wu Zhixiong carried the ghost boy, Brother Shi came to the edge of the roof and took a deep breath to calm his beating heart.

   "Hurry up!" Wu Zhixiong urged!

"No hurries!"

   Brother Shi replied very quickly, looked at a window of the opposite building, took another deep breath, and he started to back up. After reaching a similar distance, he suddenly started to run!


   He shouted to cheer for himself, concentrated all his strength on his feet, and jumped up when he ran to the edge! Wu Zhixiong held his breath and looked at Brother Shi, who was already in the air. They will always have only one chance. No matter who it is, as long as there is such an accident, it will be fatal. Any of them may die. , but until that time comes, it is better that no one dies!

It seems that in a desperate situation, the potential of a person was forced out. Brother Shi jumped to the opposite side, but his hands and feet were not as nimble as Wu Zhixiong. The window canopy!

   Seeing that no one fell, Wu Zhixiong and Guitouzai on the other side of the building were also relieved.

   "Quick, climb up!"

   "Brother Shi, you climb hard!"


The words of Wu Zhixiong and Guitouzai echoed in his ears, Brother Shi growled, his face flushed red, but fortunately, he used up his strength to support himself with both hands, and when he approached the window glass. He bumped his head hard and finally crawled in.


"Come on..." Brother Shi, who successfully entered the building, only felt relieved throughout his body, and his beating heart gradually calmed down. He turned around and was about to call the two people on the opposite side to come over, but before he finished speaking, Wu Zhixiong was already carrying a ghost on his back. Boy jumped over!


Suddenly, with the sound of the glass "clicking, clicking", Brother Shi was smashed to the ground in the next second, and the person who smashed him was Wu Zhixiong, who was carrying a ghost boy on his back. The window frame fell off, and glass fragments of various shapes flew to the ground.

   (end of this chapter)

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