I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1662: it ate its own kind

   Chapter 1662 It ate its own kind

"I...was rescued by a zombie..." Guitouzai's thoughts haven't completely jumped over. As long as he's not stupid in such a scene, he can guess what happened, but he can't believe it, feeling It was like having a long dream.

   "Sabi, you sabi, are you eating shit? Don't hurry, run!"

Unlike Guitou Zai, the two people who were still hanging on the fault were able to see everything that happened just now. Just at the moment when the fourth-order zombie was going to devour Gui Tou Zai, the silver flaming body was burning. A corpse actually overthrew such a bunch of zombies with his own strength, which made the ghost head boy survive!

Zombies saved people, it was really hard to believe, so the first reaction of the two people thought that they had been hit by illusion, and Shi Ge was the first to react, and immediately reminded Guitouzai to hurry up and take advantage of it. This chance to escape!

   Hearing his voice, Guitou Zai stood up from the ground with difficulty after realizing it. He now felt that his **** was gone, and his heart was beating very fast. After all, being surrounded by so much was too exciting!

When he successfully stood up, he could only walk step by step, and he didn't dare to take too big steps, but this speed was too torturous. While moving, he observed the movements of the zombies around him. After the appearance of the silver armor corpse, the attention of the corpse group was attracted by it, and Guitou Zai was surprised to find that there was no zombie looking at him at the scene!

Judging from the handsome man who appeared before, the silver armored corpse and the demonic zombie that appeared in Sanctuary City were divided into two different camps, and they were enemies of each other. The silver armored corpse faced off against the surrounding demonic zombies, full of chills, which more and more proved his guess.

The opportunity is fleeting, and the ghost head boy did not dare to delay at all, and used his best efforts to distance himself from the corpse tide. Thousands of demonic zombies were suppressed! But in the next second, the Demonic Corpse roared, not to be outdone, and the battle between the two sides officially broke out!

   In an instant, a large number of demonic zombies leaped into the air, attacking the silver armored corpse from both the ground and the air! This scene is so spectacular that even the running ghost boy couldn't help but look back at the battle between the zombies!

   "Let me go!" Guitouzai exclaimed, the two sides just collided, and the silver armored corpse pushed hundreds of fourth-order zombies across more than ten meters with its own brute force!


   Exclusively for the Shining Armored corpse, the thick and very snarling roar set off a clear air wave, and the sand and dust on the ground were rolled up to the corpse tide! Let the air suppress a lot! But there are too many demonic zombies. As soon as the battle started, the silver-armored zombies were surrounded by groups. They were like a group of hungry wolves. The smell filled the air, and the scene became extremely chaotic for a while, and Guitouzi felt as if he had been abandoned by this world.

  I am human, what happened to these zombies? No one was willing to put their eyes on him.

   "This hatred is not small."

He murmured, shaking his head slightly, in the end times, the number is not everything, regardless of the amazing number of demonic zombies, but the silver armored corpse is at least a high-level zombie above the seventh rank, facing such a large group The same kind of attack was unmoved. Their terrifying steel teeth couldn't bite through the silver armor on their body at all. On the contrary, the sharp corpse claws of the other party could easily knock out several demonic zombies with every random wave. The body is divided into several sections! The roar of the corpse tide kept pouring into his ears like a witch chanting some kind of spell.

   Makes it hard to breathe!

As the battle progressed, the corpse tide became more and more crazy, and more and more demonic zombies appeared from various streets and alleys, roaring at the silver armored corpse that did not belong to their own camp. Big, the silver-armored corpse was like a tiger that accidentally entered the wolf's den, and soon it was covered with a large number of the same kind, while the demonic zombies in other places were still desperately rushing in the direction where it was, and gradually, Zombies piled up into a hill!

   This corpse mountain, which is completely piled up by fourth-order zombies, can be described as spectacular, but it didn't last long, and it was quickly overthrown by the silver armored corpse!

  Wash la la~




Every time it took a step, the steel-like skin made a dull sound where it touched. The next second, the corpse wave formed a hill again, and it wanted to continue to smash at it, but just after it was formed, it was once again pounded by the opponent. The power overturned, it took another step, the ground was still shaking, and every step it took would leave a huge footprint on the ground!

It dragged its bulky body and squeezed hard into the corpse tide, letting the dark purple zombies bite and scratch on itself, and did not launch a formal attack on them, no one knew what this guy was doing now, and walked a few more times. After the step, the unwilling zombies in the corpse tide climbed each other and piled up a hill, but they were pushed down in time by the silver armored corpse. A bunch of squishy bugs!

   Several people can only use horror to describe everything they see!

After a while, Guitou Zai realized that it seemed to be looking for something. The silver-armored corpse stopped and began to turn its head. With those black eyes with blood-like scarlet eyes, he looked at the surrounding environment. When he came over, Guitou Zai's heart jumped to his throat at this moment. Fortunately, the terrifying silver-armored corpse didn't keep his eyes on him, and quickly turned back.



   It took another two steps forward. It seemed to have found what it was looking for. It even nodded its huge head humanely, and then it raised its head and roared at the sky!


After the roar, the ghost boy finally saw that guy stretched out his sturdy arm autonomously, and the next second he grabbed one of the unfortunate zombies that was hanging on his body, and twisted his head off with a gentle force. , and then threw it into his **** mouth that could fit a truck tire!

The two rows of yellow fangs mixed with black strange substances fused together, and the three of them clearly saw the squirming of the silver armored corpse's mouth, and the crisp cracking sound of "click, click" was continuously heard, just like themselves and others before the apocalypse It's like eating a crispy bone, and it makes such a sound when you chew it in your mouth!

   It even ate its own kind!

   (end of this chapter)

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