I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1665: You smell so good

   Chapter 1665 The smell on you is really fragrant



   After listening to the strange soldier's words, the silver armored corpse became furious, and the hammer-like fist smashed the ground frantically. The three normal people between the two sides glanced at the arm subconsciously, and all the hairs on it stood up!

Regarding the furious silver armored corpse, the strange soldier did not continue to pay attention, but looked at Wu Zhixiong again. Compared with the silver armored corpse outside, he cared more about the three people in front of him. of curiosity.

"You..." He said two words, but stopped after those two words. Wu Zhixiong, who was at the front, felt a little uncomfortable, and dared to ask the other party the following: "What happened to us... "I don't know how the strange soldier will answer, Wu Zhixiong has some inexplicable expectations in his heart, this is the first time he has communicated with zombies!

   lived up to his expectations, the strange soldier replied, but what he said was creepy!

"The smell on your body... It's so fragrant... I've never smelled it... Hu~ha~" As he spoke, he took a deep breath, his face full of enjoyment, seeing that the three of them were one Cold sweat flowing!

   "I seem to understand why those guys are chasing you, so that's how it is..."

With the voice of the strange soldier, the bodies of the three of them became more and more stiff, as if they were in the middle of the winter and the twelfth lunar month, and all their nerves were frozen, unable to make any movements, they could only stare blankly. In front of the guy.

   Who are the "those guys" in his mouth? Could it be those demonic zombies outside?

   The three of them were very confused about the identity of the strange soldier. He spoke fluent Chinese with a little accent, but this was what made his words very grounded. It didn't look like he was from the Lan'o Continent!

   However, the other party did not answer the doubts in the hearts of the three of them, but said in a familiar tone of command: "You stand here, and I will come to you when I get some more spoils."


The three were stunned for a moment, looking at the strange soldier, but the other party had no more words, and passed the three of them and walked towards the corpse tide outside. At this time, the aura on his body began to change, and the three only vaguely felt it. Arrived, but the feeling of the zombies outside seemed to be felt. The corpse tide that originally focused on the silver armored corpse began to divide a part and rushed towards the strange soldier.

Unexpectedly, and as expected, Guitouzi sighed inwardly: "Sure enough..." Then he heard a low roar from the strange soldier's mouth, and the next second, the clothes on his body burst directly, revealing diamond-shaped diamonds. muscle!

The pale and pale skin makes people unable to feel even a little bit of vitality from him. Because of evolution, there are bones on his back that grow out of the skin and protrude out of the skin. Organs, I don't know what they are used for, the muscles on his body are beating, and the whole person becomes stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye!


   hehe~ huh...

The three looked at each other, and they clearly heard the sound of deep breathing coming from each other's mouths, and the surrounding air became hot, making them feel that they were under the scorching sun of June. After a long time, they realized that this is not an illusion, the surrounding temperature is really rising!

The strange soldier walked towards the corpse tide that was rushing towards him step by step. As he continued to take deep breaths, his mouth gradually spit out a mouthful of white air. There was no blood at first, but the skin with a little purple in the white began to change color. Getting darker and darker, and finally thinking about the silver transformation!

   This guy is a Shining Armored Corpse!

At the same time, his height is increasing, and soon his head will touch the ceiling. The bones on the back that are protruding from the skin due to overgrowth are also growing rapidly, and they are quickly pulled to a length of four or five meters. There are six in total, half in half. Arranged on both sides of the back, there are slight movements, and these elongated bones also grow a root of white bone spurs, like the mantis forelimb arm, with a frightening cold light on it!

He walked faster and faster, and soon the corpse tide that rushed towards him had the first zombie to come to him without fear of death. The strange soldier came over, but the level gap was there. The next second when these tentacles rushed over, they were all squeezed by the opponent's random raising hand, and then with force, the zombie couldn't control his body at all. , only to hear a "swoosh", and the opponent was quickly pulled in front of him with the strength of one hand!

It subconsciously raised its body and wanted to distance itself from the strange soldier, but in the face of the power gap between the sky and the earth, no matter what actions it made, it seemed so pale, and in desperation, it opened Open your corpse mouth full of stench, and want to make a super high-decibel sound to subdue the opponent.

   But just opened his mouth, the opponent's fist was already stuffed in, and then the five clenched fingers just loosened, and the viscous unknown liquid suddenly exploded!

The three raised their arms to prevent the liquid from sticking to their face. When they came back to their senses, the strange soldier already had a red evolutionary crystal on his hand. He casually threw it into his mouth like eating jelly beans. In seconds, his figure swayed under his line of sight, and when he looked at it again in the next instant, it had disappeared in place.

"Where did you go?"

The three hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to see countless fourth-order zombies flying in mid-air. The densely packed, twisted silhouettes covered the sky, perhaps because their food was robbed, the silver armored corpse at the beginning was no longer pressed. Nai couldn't help the anger in her heart, and ignored the rest of the zombies, roaring and striding towards the silver armored corpse turned from a strange soldier!

   came to it, it raised its arm, and without a word, smashed the opponent with its huge fist!

The air was compressed by huge force and became visible to the naked eye. First, a large amount of white smoke was created out of thin air, and then a loud noise made the three people's eyes go black. distance, and smashed **** a transport truck on the street.

   When the three of them looked around again, a huge pit like a basketball court appeared under the body of the Shining Armor. Among them, countless zombies were wailing, and part of their bodies had turned into mud, and only their heads were roaring unwillingly, but the strange soldier did not know where to go.


Seeing that he failed to hit the target, the silver-armored corpse that smashed a big pit on the ground vented his anger in the form of roar, but halfway through the roar, he noticed something, and when he raised his head, a black beam of light hit his head. !


   (end of this chapter)

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