I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 171: Surrounded by

   Chapter 171 Besieged

   "There are three suspicious persons ahead, hurry up and catch them!"

   The three of them were about to leave when a shout rang out from the street next to them, making their heart skip a beat!

   "This can't be caught!"

  Li Xiaoyan reacted quickly, raised his gun and fired at the soldiers running over there, temporarily forcing them back.

   bang bang bang!

   Bullets flew with them, splashing dust.

   "Quick, come on!"

  The soldiers saw the three fleeing and rushed forward to chase after them, but how could their speed compare to these three new humans? When they looked at the narrow road, Chen Chaoyang and the others had long since disappeared, but they still bit the bullet and continued to chase forward to see if they could try their luck.

The leader of the   Complex team took out his walkie-talkie while running and said, "A suspicious person was found at No. 16, Nantun, Linglong Street, District 2, and I asked the nearby patrol team to come quickly to support!"

   "Team 6 has received it and is rushing over!"

   "Team 10 received and is coming!"


   The three of them ran wildly and stopped at a cross.

   "What the hell, it's so annoying!"

   "No, someone is here again!"

   The three of them hadn't rested for a while when the soldier's figure appeared next to him.

   "Come on, let's go!" Chen Chaoyang waved his hand and said quickly, and then he took the lead in choosing a path to run!

   "Catch them!"


   Under the dim yellow street lamp next to them, the three of them were rarely irritable, and they didn't have time to control the road they were taking. When they turned a corner toward the savage front, they collided with another team of soldiers on the dark side!

   "I **** Nima!"

   Seeing the direct confrontation, Chen Chaoyang raised his gun and smashed the head of a soldier in front of him, smashing his head all at once!

Yan Jie flipped the corpse-cutting knife in his hand and smashed it straight into Huanglong, inserting it into the heart of a soldier. The previous team also rushed over. With the two most backed up, Li Xiaoyan shot with a gun, shot out a shuttle of bullets, and took him with him. Take the lives of several soldiers!

   If you are fighting at a distance, you can still have a slight advantage, but at this close distance, even if the soldiers have hot weapons in their hands, they are not as powerful as new humans in close combat.

   The difference in strength and speed between the two sides was too great, and they were not at the same level at all. A few minutes later, Li Xiaoyan dragged the attacking soldiers and bought time for Chen Chaoyang and the two.

  Yanjie raised the corpse-cutting knife and slashed Huashan with force, directly slicing a soldier in half diagonally. After the blade turned, the hook on the side of the blade pierced the neck of another soldier, and the blood shot straight!

  Chen Chaoyang's style of play was similar to that of a hooligan. After the dagger was inserted into a soldier's eye, he raised his foot and kicked him.

   "Ah, my eyes, it hurts! It hurts... I want you to die!"

  The soldier wailed, covering the poked eye, and looking at Chen Chaoyang with a bitter eye, but Chen Chaoyang is not easy to bully, the current apocalypse has magnified his dark side, and his psychological quality has also improved a lot.

  Murder is the norm in this era, it's no big deal, just kill it.

   didn't give the soldier a chance to speak again, but his dagger slashed the soldier's neck again, taking his life and killing the last soldier in the squad.

   "Come on, I can't take it anymore!" Li Xiaoyan said sweating as he changed the ammunition.

   It’s fun to watch other people’s gunfights in the movie, and it looks exciting, but it’s really not fun.

   Once this is hit, most of the combat effectiveness will be lost immediately!

   When it came to ammunition, Li Xiaoyan didn't just shoot, but retracted his body, wrapped the cloth strips tied to Nan Nan more tightly, stood up and ran forward!

   The scene of the gunfight just now attracted the surrounding survivors. They all poked their heads out curiously and saw a soldier passing by in the street, their mouths pouting out of boredom.

   They also want to see the real police and bandit battle.

  The sound of sirens began to surround and suppress them from all directions. They underestimated the support speed of the soldiers at Yindan Base. When they heard the sound of sirens from far and near, the three fell into confusion.

   Running around like a headless fly is never the answer, they need a place to hide!

   seemed to understand this, Yan Jie walked to a house, raised his foot against the door and kicked hard.


   "Okay, don't waste your energy, what if we kicked it away, those people can't come in and arrest us!" Chen Chaoyang said.

   "Now it's time to think of a way!"

   "What can be done? Unless we can fly!"

   "Just spell it!"

   "Fight? Can I fight bullets? I'm not Superman!"

   Without kicking the door, Yan Jie couldn't help being discouraged. This door has been transformed, and the power of the first-order new human has not reached the level of abnormality, at most it is only three times higher than that of ordinary people.

  It is impossible to forcefully open a door without some effort, and the soldiers who are chasing them will not have a chance during the time when the door is broken.

   "A suspicious person found, come on!"

   "Please answer when you receive it. Team 10 has found a suspicious person and is sending the location."


   Just as the three of them were stunned, a soldier appeared in their eyes and opened fire on them with a gun. The three of them were in a panic, and they fled in panic with their heads in their hands!

   "Damn it!"

  Chen Chaoyang cursed in his heart, since he met Tang Ye, he has been slumped, with a burning fire in his heart, and he has nowhere to vent. Because of this, his words began to increase.

  Unconsciously, he has become a chatter, and he has a lot of thoughts to reveal to others.

   Looking at the soldiers who were sticking to himself and others like dog skin plaster, fire in his eyes, and he didn't care whether he was caught or not. He urgently needed a vent!

   And the targets of venting are these soldiers!

   Without a word, he snatched the gun in Li Xiaoyan's hand, and shot at the soldiers who were chasing after him in revenge!

  The tongues of flame kept flickering, and the bullets fired one after another scared the soldiers who were majestic one second before crouching down with their heads in their hands to avoid the bullets!

   bang bang bang bang!

   "Come on! Come on, come on! Fuck Nima, a bunch of cowards, come and catch your father, hahaha!"

  Chen Chaoyang seemed to be crazy, shouting with a smile, seeing that Li Xiaoyan was in a bad mood, he hurriedly reached out and grabbed his arm.

   "Young Master Yang, stop fighting, go!"

   "Go? Where can I go?"

  Chen Chaoyang was unmoved, still carrying his gun and spewing bullets at the group of soldiers. Now, sirens are sounding in all directions. The place where they are may have been surrounded. If they can run again, where can they run?

  Ta Ta Ta...!

   There was another burst of hurried footsteps, and soldiers appeared on the road to the right of the three, slowly approaching them with guns.

   "Don't worry about the weapons in your hands, hold your head and squat down!"

   (end of this chapter)

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