I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1782: skip class

   At the moment when she heard this voice, Deria stopped and looked to the left, where she went to "Mr. Pillay's General Store" every day.

   At this moment, only the entrance door of the grocery store remained in her eyes. She stared blankly, letting pedestrians pass by her, and then disappeared at the end of the street.

She remembered every morning and every afternoon before. Every time she passed by, she could see Mr. Pillay who was busy inside or greeting classmates who went to school outside, but in recent days, he seldom appeared , including today, and today, he did not go to the appointment.

   Disappointed? She was in denial, she was not only completely disappointed, she remembered Mr. Pillay's state yesterday, but more worried, he did not seem to have completely missed the appointment, he was also fulfilling his promise to himself, but also because of these, he paid some price.

   She glanced helplessly at the way she had come, and she didn't know who to tell the bitterness in her heart, should it be regret?

   Maybe I should have told Mr. Pillay that, rather than my absurd fantasies, I would rather have the people who care about me in this world to live well.


   Her fists clenched slowly, and she suddenly tasted what it was like to hate herself.

   She hates that she has not grown up enough, how she hopes she can grow up quickly, so that she will no longer need the help of others, and she will have the courage to care for those who love her.

   Looking back, she looked at the road ahead again. At this moment, she gave up on her own path, pushed aside the fence in front of her and walked towards the small garden. When she came to the door, she hesitated and finally knocked on the door.

   tuk tuk tuk~

   "Mr. Pillai..." She called out aloud, but there was no response, which was the same result as she thought. She didn't give up, but she didn't keep knocking on the door, she just sat on the steps in front of the door, like yesterday, like the day before yesterday, using the stupidest way to slowly wait for the result to come, she was more in her heart than disappointment of hope.

   And for this hope, she is willing to devote all her time here!

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the street in front of her, looking at the dead leaves that were blown by the wind and wet by the water, I don't know when, she fell in love with this feeling, sitting here alone, waiting the appearance of a person.

Her heart was very calm, but as time passed, there were fewer and fewer children of her age on the street. She knew that if she didn't move now, she would be late, but she didn't get up. Come, this time is her own, and she doesn't want to be deprived of it by anything else.

   But this didn't last long. Soon, a pair of delicate brown leather shoes appeared in front of her. She raised her head. It was a woman with long blond hair but a haggard face. She knew this person, so she was stunned.

   The other party frowned and looked down at her, and after a while, she called out her name.



   Her voice brought Deria back to her senses, but she also panicked.

   "Mr. Ellie...I..."

   "What are you doing here? You're going to be late, don't you know? Come to school with me!"

Teacher Ellie didn't seem to have slept well, her face was full of exhaustion, and she was out of breath when she spoke. After speaking, she waved to Deria, and walked out of the small garden first, while her face struggled. After a while, but finally got up and followed out.

   "Let's go." After greeting, Teacher Ellie walked forward, and Deria followed behind with her head lowered.

Everyone today, their state seems to be not very good, listlessly towards their destination, no one makes a sound, such an atmosphere makes Deria feel depressed and uncomfortable, she raised her head several times and wanted to face the Egyptian who was walking in front. Mr. Mi said something, but in the end he didn't say anything he wanted to say.

In this way, under the leadership of Teacher Ellie, she entered the school and came to the door of the classroom. As soon as the door was opened, the teacher inside had already started lecturing, and the voice he made on the podium was obviously tired compared to yesterday. The moment Deria just opened the door, the voice of the male teacher who was lecturing stopped. He looked at her. She thought he would accuse her of being late, but unexpectedly, the other party didn't say anything. She put down her hand and motioned her to sit in her seat. Those series of movements always had an indescribable mechanical feeling.

  Delia was a little stunned. She didn't know why, but she could feel that something in this world was rapidly draining, and she even saw the crumbling dead leaves outside losing their color!

   But she is not afraid, maybe in her opinion, the world is like this.

After the teacher on the podium looked away from herself, she walked in with her head lowered. Her seat was the one by the window in the fourth row. Today's teacher's voice was like countless familiar moments in the past. In the same way, the "buzzing" of mosquitoes in her ears made her irritable, and she was not interested at all.

   She looked at the textbook, the neatly arranged words were so vague in her eyes, her mind was very heavy, she just wanted to quickly end this boring class, and then get out of school!

But it was very boring to just wait for the time to pass. She remembered that every time she came to this time, she would look out the window, look at the blue sky and birds, and occasionally hear their voices, but today's weather It was very gloomy. She couldn't see a single bird, but only saw dead leaves falling one by one. It was like the bleakness of the late autumn. She couldn't find any place that could be called "beauty". The most direct feeling to people was death.

   And she doesn't even have such a simple way of entertainment now!

The teacher's voice on the podium became more and more distorted, but it couldn't be blocked. It was like a demonic sound pouring into her ears, and she began to feel disgusted. She had never been so eager for a quiet environment before, and no one disturbed her. , let yourself wait quietly, waiting for that person to appear, waiting for his own surprise.

   She still endured, but with the ticking of the clock hands on the podium and the irritating sound of lectures still pouring into her ears, it didn't take long before she finally couldn't stand it anymore!

   She just wants to go back to that step and watch time pass by before her eyes, not to feel deeply!

After this desire was magnified infinitely, she suddenly picked up her schoolbag and ran out of the back door of the classroom when everyone was not expecting it. Everyone was stunned, even the male teacher on the podium. I was also stunned for a while, but fortunately, I finally reacted.

   "Deria! Stop!" He hurriedly followed out, but he was too flustered to notice the teacher Amy who was just about to come in outside the door, and slammed into it!

   "Mr. Sauk, you..."

   "Quick, there are students skipping class!"



   "This kid... hurry up!"

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