I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1803: merciless god

   Chapter 1803 Relentless God

   "Is there anything else to order?"

   After hearing her calling him, Ye Changgong quickly stopped, turned around and asked respectfully, what he showed in his eyes was the ultimate awe of Su Sigui!

   But the other party was stunned for a moment after seeing him like this, the look in his eyes dimmed, and what he wanted to say was also pressed into his heart, and the only thing that came to his mouth was: "Sorry..."

   Ye Changgong was also a little stunned, but he quickly reacted, but there was no smile on his old face, instead he became angry!

   "Su Sigui!" He suddenly shouted her name, and then strode over!

   His expression was serious, like a stern teacher looking at his students who made mistakes.

   "Are you apologizing to me?…"

"You...you don't have to feel any guilt against me. What you have to do now is to sit in your seat. What is that word? Middle two, yes! I am one point, and now you can be said to be the **** of all mankind, God What is it? God is omnipotent! God is the embodiment of a rule, you understand, you are the rule now! You can't have any emotion, you can't show any weakness, and you can't in the future!"

"I may understand your worries, but I don't know how to comfort you. All I know is that in the future you will be what people believe in. As I said now, you are God! Supreme! Alas..." Ye Changgong suddenly let out a long sigh. He suddenly realized that compared to Su Sigui's method, she was the most pitiful one who was bound by human destiny, and his tone couldn't help softening.

"Kid... this may be the last time I call you this, I just... just want to correct your attitude! You have to understand that from now on, you are no longer you, everyone is eager for you to save them, The fate of all mankind is now in your hands. How to save them is very difficult and complicated. I admit that everyone can worry about you, but you can't!

   "You have to know that your straight spine will be the confidence of everyone! It will make all warriors willing to give their lives for all mankind. If you feel afraid, if you are afraid, it will be over! Do you want everyone to sit still?"

"You don't have to care about our thoughts at all, it can't affect your existence here, unless someone can replace you! Then we are willing, even if you really let us be a dog, if you are because of us, you don't have to be soft-hearted, You can kill us immediately, there are many people in China, and many people are willing to be your tools!"

"You're under a lot of pressure, but the more you are like this, the less you can't be influenced by your emotions. Ruthlessness will be your best weapon! ... I'm running out of words, so I'll stop here, I believe you understand, put down all your Fettered, be a **** who can do whatever you want! No matter what you do, no one can stop you!"

"If you really can't get over the hurdle in your heart, my old man is here to remind you again, you are the supreme god! Over time, if we succeed, human beings can continue to continue in this world. At that time, you can Change your mind recklessly, and at that time, we too can get to know each other again.”

When Ye Changgong spoke, Su Sigui remained silent, the expression on her face disappeared at a certain moment, and a hint of disappointment flashed in her indifferent eyes occasionally. , made Ye Changgong startled for a moment. He didn't know if the other party had listened to his words, but wasn't this action what he wanted?

Ruthless like a god, she seemed to have done it, he raised his head and glanced at her secretly, his heart was filled with deep guilt at this moment, he stooped, and in an instant, he seemed to be a few years older, He looked at the blood-stained floor, shook his head with a wry smile, and finally raised his head to force a smile on his face. After hesitating for a while, he could only apologize as the other party had done before.

   "I'm sorry...this..." But Su Sigui interrupted him without saying a few words.

   "Needless to say these, since you all know so well that you also need such a me, well, I will satisfy you, go away."

Su Sigui's words were mixed with a chill that could penetrate deep into one's bone marrow. Ye Changgong shivered. This was the first time he felt the kind of aura emanating from the other party, the extremely devastating sense of oppression. Immerse yourself in it all at once!

   At that moment, he felt like his heart was about to stop!

   The words he wanted to say instantly vanished in his mind, and he couldn't even have other thoughts, just like a person in front of a disaster, the first thing that comes to his mind is not to resist, but to use all his strength to escape!

   "...Yes!" Ye Changgong replied with a trembling voice, then lowered his head and walked away quickly, as if the first Su Sigui was a vicious beast that could eat people at any time!

  Su Sigui watched quietly, until the figure of the other party disappeared behind the door, the expressionless face showed a smile, but this smile was a little sick!

   She felt like she was about to be driven crazy by the depression in her heart! Everyone is afraid of themselves, and they seem to have a pair of see-through eyes. The things that everyone hides in their hearts cannot escape their eyes. That is fear. Yan Xing has it, Yao Gong has it, Xu Tianyu has it, And Ye Changgong also has it, everyone has it!

It turned out that people are so boring and simple. She looked at the corpse on the table in front of her. The pungent **** smell did not make her feel sick or disgusted, but continued to cause her remorse. However, she has no turning back. Ning Tianlang is dead, if she doesn't stand up, it will be too late!

   "Ning Tianlang, ah Ning Tianlang, is this how you feel?"

   Suddenly remembered the appearance of that man. In the previous life, he was more helpless than himself. After all, he sacrificed his relatives for the sake of all mankind, and he should be glad that he did not have the fetters of family affection.

But thinking like this didn't ease the depression in her heart. Desperately wanting to be released, she pinched a handful of papers and smashed them into a ball, but in the end, she didn't know what she thought, and she sighed and called it. The evil beast of "emotion" just came out and before she could go far, she was locked into a cage called "heart" by her again.

   spread out the crumbled paper, she carefully organized all the files, then got up and walked to the window not far away, looking down at the city below.

   The corpse king of the extreme north and Kamutos could no longer bear the hunger and reached out to the "cake" of Shenzhou, and when will the radiant corpse king and the abyss evil Buddha of Yansha Continent set off?

Perhaps she has already acted, but the former has not been able to grasp the whereabouts and the latter has not yet observed. She began to think about how she should deal with the four corpse kings in the future. With the information she collected, Kamuto among the four corpse kings Squirrel is the toughest to deal with, but at the same time, the best one to deal with, as reflective items are immune to its damage

  So, she needs a special set of gear that is not only hard, but also has the clearest reflections! After the research and development is completed, what effect can it have on Kamutos? It is only after practice that you will know.

However, compared to the corpse king Kamutos, the most troublesome thing for her is the radiation corpse king Liel. This guy is different from other corpse kings. He has a strange habit of entering human settlements and living in human settlements. There are many cases on the North American continent. !

   (end of this chapter)

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