I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1818: Eat and hit the road

   Chapter 1818 Eat on the road

   This scene was all too familiar to Su Sigui. The people who gathered at the gate of the corpse wall like a corpse wave had seen it countless times in previous lives.

   It’s just that such a picture came relatively late.

A long time ago, she had thought that such a thing would happen. She thought she would be used to it, but after seeing it, she couldn't help but feel confused. What did she do compared to Ning Tianlang? Woolen cloth?

   There are too many things that she can't control, and these things she can't control happen again in front of her eyes. She can't do anything. What she can do is to make herself more cold-blooded.

   She didn't answer Tang Ye, and Tang Ye didn't care.

When he came to her side, he also looked over. The railings that had been dented and twisted by himself before had been repaired. In the city below, the streets were many and complicated, and the crowds flowed along the river like a tide. The old times In the buildings he left behind, he could see through his powerful eyesight the people lying on the mats with numb faces.

  The soldiers wearing exoskeleton suits on the street cut through the crowd like a sharp blade and moved straight ahead, and the crowd hurriedly dodged.

   The surroundings were very quiet, but Tang Ye didn't think that hearing too well at this time was also an annoyance, and the sounds from below were so noisy that it was like someone who didn't understand the rhythm playing an unknown musical instrument.

  The two did not stay silent for too long, and soon Tang Ye heard Su Sigui speak, and she said, "What do you think of this place?"

  Tang Ye glanced at her, didn't hide it, and shook his head: "It's not very good, it's no different from other places. If there is really any difference, it's that this place is much bigger than other places."

"I think so."

  Tang Ye was a little surprised and said, "Don't you think I'm mocking you?"

   "No, unless you have the ability to clean up the mess in front of me."

   "I don't have that confidence."

   "Do you think I have?"

   "Huh? Shouldn't you ask yourself this question?"

   "Yeah, but I seem to have done it wrong in the first place, not as decisive as I thought."

   "You mean time?"

"Well, I wanted to go the other way, but I found that I overestimated the human species. When I had this idea, I thought there was still a lot of time, until what happened reminded me, and I began to force it to give up. As everything progressed, I discovered that time had been squandered a lot by myself."

   "What are you talking about... the last life or the present?"

"What do you think?"

   "If you're going to ask me that, then I don't feel you've wasted your time."

   "That's right, you're not me..." Su Sigui buried his head in his arms a little decadently. Tang Ye noticed something and pursed his lips. This was the second time the other party showed his vulnerable side to himself.

   He felt that the other party was expressing something to him, but he couldn't react for a while.

  Tang Ye was silent for a while, and then quickly said: "Tell me, why do you think it's a waste of time, I can't do anything else, but I can be a qualified listener."

  Su Si turned his head back and smiled with one eye exposed.

   "Under normal circumstances, if that person hadn't died, he would have advanced to the ninth rank."

"So early?"

"Well, but if there is no accident, he has two years to organize all mankind to prepare everything for the final chapter, but the bad thing is that the accident still happened, and I, I have no accident, although I am later than him It's been over a year, but I have also made one of the most fatal mistakes, which is to take it lightly and not pay attention to the outside world, so that I don't have a clear enough understanding of how much time I have, and I even delusionally give some people a chance to change , in the end, it turns out that threats that make people feel the most fearful are the most effective than kindness."

   "Do you think people are cheap?" Su Sigui suddenly asked back, Tang Ye was startled for a moment, took a deep look at the other party, but didn't say anything and listened carefully.

"I don't know why these days, maybe it's like what others have said, I'm already a god, a **** above, and I've achieved fame. This life is worth it, life is like this, so I didn't run around like before. , but go to bed on time and get up on time like an ordinary person, I began to like the time period after nine o'clock in the night."

   "It's not because I can do the time I like during this time, it's because...I like to sleep."

   "Why?" Tang Ye asked cooperatively.

"You can dream when you sleep, so I often dream of that person these days, and I suddenly realized that I am still like a child, and I started to be complacent when I did something that others couldn't do, thinking I was great, Hehe...Especially after reaching the same height as him, I thought I would do better than him, but in the end it was a complete mess."

"I'm in a dilemma now... No, it's not a dilemma, it should be that I don't know what to do, so it didn't take long for me to follow the most instinctive choice of human beings, which is to escape, and then the next thing is whether I am advancing or retreating. running away."

   "Now I start to do some unrealistic fantasies, hoping that someone will tell me, what should I do, how to solve all this?"

   "Better just cut the mess for me and make everything in order."

"Can you understand? From my own point of view, only the weak can fantasize. I used to be like this. The family was broken. In order to support me, my father touched some things that should not be touched, and became a complete Gambler, my mother has a family of her own, and I was like an outsider with her. At that time, I was very helpless. I would imagine that God would give me two buttons, one button would give me a lot of money, and the other would give me a lot of money. Bringing my family back together."

   "Do you know how I chose at that time?"

   "I chose money, I hate my mother more than my father, I wish I had a lot of money, and then she would turn around to please me, hahaha, funny?"

   "The time span between the me at that time and the me now is more than 20 years. It's so far away. It feels like I'll be back alive at once, but the mess is still on me."

   She glanced at him, and after seeing that he did not speak, she fell silent and lowered her head to look at the street scene below.

   And just when she was silent, Tang Ye looked at the sky and said something meaningful.

"When we just came to the Prince Hotel, everything was ready in the banquet hall on the top floor, but there was no one else. We learned from the little girl that this banquet was only us, and then my people were there. Think, of course, I have also thought about it myself, through the things you have done recently, we thought you wanted us to be full after eating! Let's go."

   said that Tang Ye looked at him, but Su Sigui suddenly raised his head, raised his brows, and asked, "If I really do that, what will happen to you?"

"What else can I do? Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover, and the big deal will die with you, just like the people I saw comforting themselves before they died. Anyway, the big deal is death, right?" In the meantime, the smile on Tang Ye's face became even weirder and brighter.

   (end of this chapter)

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