I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1821: beloved city of sanctuary

   Chapter 1821 The much-loved Sanctuary

  As Tang Ye controlled his power, the inclined "Sky Continent" slowly returned to normal, and the people on both sides calmed down from the chaos.

   "What happened just now? It scared me to death."

   "I thought we were going to fall to our death tonight."

   "Hahaha, I almost died before the arrival of the four corpse kings."

   "If this Sky Continent collapses, I don't know how many people will be killed."

   "Quiet and quiet, all go back to me!"

   "What else to watch? Nothing happened, stop watching."

  【Everyone, don’t be impatient, just now there were some abnormalities in the Sky Continent’s operating procedures. Please rest assured and live your own life…】


   With the announcements from the broadcasts in various regions, the disturbance gradually subsided.

   As for Tang Ye, walking on the road, he slapped his face twice, his face a little angry.

   "Made, what the **** is going on with me!"

Tang Ye was blowing his hair, and his face was ugly. What just happened made him both resist and look forward to it. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing. Until now, his hands are still shaking unconsciously. Excited, so excited that I can't control my body!

   At that moment, he felt that he was not a corpse king at all, but a low-level zombie who had just been infected and had no ability to think!


Trembling and stumbled all the way to Wang Ting's villa at the Yunxia Base, Tang Ye first informed Ah Fu and the others that they were done, and then gathered here, then sat on the sofa to calm down for a while, but the strange restlessness in his heart made him He couldn't calm down at all, and after a while, he rushed into the bathroom and turned on the shower head to flush cold water.

  The water was very icy, but it didn't make him feel any cold when rushing on him. After more than ten minutes, Tang Ye slowly retreated from the restless state.

   Putting on the bathrobe, Tang Ye turned on the TV, but after watching it for a while, he lost his mind and became confused.

   Although he has no experience in this kind of thing, it can make people feel particularly excited, but he also understands that it will not be as far as before! This is overdone!

   Think about when you just turned into a zombie, that thing has lost its function, and it didn't recover until it evolved to the sixth level.

It is worth noting that only after the silver armor corpse has evolved to a certain level, some of the organs that have lost their functions will restore their functions, but other types of zombies will not, even if they reach the seventh or eighth level, they can disguise themselves as human beings and enter the survivors. The same goes for life in a base or a sanctuary.

   Of course, whether there are other types of zombies like this, Tang Ye does not know, because he has not ruled.

  I'm not idle, and I will rule over the types of zombies that can be lifted up by that thing.

   Time passed, and the sound from the TV kept entering his ears, which made him feel noisy. Tang Ye sighed and simply turned off the TV.

  Referring to Ah Fu, this may be a drawback belonging to the Shining Armored Corpse, which allows you to keep the dignity of a man, but also makes you lose something.

At that moment, the combination of various desires made him lose all his ability to think. After thinking about the expression on Su Sigui's face when he left, Tang Ye rubbed his hair embarrassedly. See people.

   I don't know how embarrassing it will be next time we meet...

"Fuck!" With a secret curse, Tang Ye forced himself not to think about what happened just now, and then turned on the TV that had just been turned off, but the content played in it was not attractive, most of which were news stories. But Tang Ye still forced himself to watch for a while.

   Not long after, Tang Ye suddenly remembered something, turned off the TV again, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the night scene outside, and frowned.

   "Strange... Where's Xu Haihui?"

   His perception just covered the entire Yunxia Base, but he did not capture the existence of Xu Haihui.

   "Did he leave?" He rubbed his face with a toothache, thinking of what just happened, Tang Ye couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

   Society die!

   But he had to sigh, Yunxia Base is worthy of being the only double S-level sheltered city for human beings, not only people sharpen their heads and want to drill here, but even some of their own kind are trying their best to sneak in.

The night was getting darker. At ten o'clock sharp, Tang Ye heard the noise from below, and turned his head to glance. It turned out that Ah Fu and the others had come back from the banquet. There is a strong smell of alcohol, which is not bad in the nose of zombies, but it is not bad either.

   After a few minutes, the door of the hall was pushed open, and a group of bulls and horses pushed each other and squeezed in. They were talking nonsense, and after staggering in, they lay all over the place.

   "Drink some horse urine like this?"

   "Boss, these guys work together to feed me!"

   "Okay, give me some seriousness."

   "What's the matter..." Hearing what Tang Ye said, the people who were not serious also became serious.

  Tang Ye swept around and asked, "Did you guys clean up when you came back? If you make a mess for others, I'm not safe if they find out."

   "Don't worry, the people from Su Sigui went in to clean up as soon as we came out."

   "This..." Tang Ye hesitated, but in the end he gave up on this matter, "Okay..."

   He sighed in his heart, but then Ah Fu asked, "Boss, what did Su Sigui do with you?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Ye remembered what happened before, his face became a little unnatural, and his expression was also seen by Ah Fu, and he suddenly became suspicious. The next moment, he looked at Chang Jinlun behind him. at a glance.

   didn't know what to think, when he turned his head again, a strange smile appeared on Ah Fu's face.


"Fuck off! What are you thinking." Realizing that Ah Fu's expression was not right, Tang Ye's face turned dark, and his eyes turned around again. The remaining part of the face showed an expression that everyone understands, which made Er and the others look confused.

"what are you guys saying?"

   "Boss, what did you and Su Sigui say? Why did they..."

   "Bum, let me be normal, I have something to tell you." Seeing Yuan'erchuza and the others looking like curious babies, Tang Ye waved his hands and quickly changed the subject.

   "You all know about the recent events, right? Corpse kings from other continents are marching towards us."

"I know."

   "This is going to compete with us for territory."

   "You say, do we stay out of the way or face the difficulties?"

   "Boss, what do you mean?"

  Unconsciously, the smiles on the faces of the zombies and people in the hall slowly disappeared, and the atmosphere became solemn.

   (end of this chapter)

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