I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1843: Tides of Trolls

   In about ten minutes, Huang Quanjiu and others have chased the distance of nearly a thousand miles! And the eighth-order zombies that were running away desperately in front also showed signs of insufficient activity. Its movements became uncoordinated, and it was crooked in mid-air, but it still stubbornly moved towards the southeast, and I didn’t know what was attracting it. hold it.

In the team, except for Hu Ji, a high-level silver-armored corpse that can fly for a long time because of its black fog ability, the remaining five people can only land and take off continuously. By now, they have no idea that they are coming Where is it, look to the right, you can see the magnificent Yangtze River!

  The city on the bank of the river has been baptized for more than ten years, and it has long been covered with corpse plants. Looking around, it is a dead and withered yellow!

"It doesn't stop." After chasing for such a long time, several people became impatient. If they were chasing new humans before, they might have caught them now, but the zombies are too large, and they are consumed without restraint. With physical strength, I desperately distanced myself from them!

   "Where have we been?"

   "Ghost knows!"

   "That river is the Yangtze River, right?"

   "It should be the Yangtze River, isn't this guy going to the estuary?"

   "It's possible, I'm in a panic, I always feel that something is waiting for us to pass by."

The scenery below    flew by, and soon several people found that they and the others should have come to the sky above a certain old-time city, that is, at this moment, the zombie they were chasing finally slowed down!

"It's about to die!" Huang Quanjiu's eyesight was better, and at a glance, he could see that the other party was in a bad state, and immediately shouted, "Take him down for me!" After saying that, he fell heavily to the ground, **** the abandoned street. After smashing a big hole, he ran wildly, and then rose into the sky!

"Leave here for you!" He watched the figure of the eighth-order zombie quickly draw closer in his sight. Huang Quanjiu became excited and finally shouted. After a while, he had rushed from the bottom up to the other side's body. Seeing that there was only less than ten meters left, he waved the "mace" in his hand and smashed it towards the opponent's abdomen with maximum force!

   But at this time, an accident happened. The eighth-order zombie seemed to be suddenly taken away by someone, and suddenly fell from the air, dragging a large number of severed tentacles.

   is like a badminton on the ground.

   Huang Quanjiu didn't expect the opponent to suddenly fall, and the blow he swung out was not well predicted. He only tore off a piece of flesh from the opponent's waist or broke one of the bones inside.

   "Hey, you can't run anymore." Taking a deep breath, Huang Quanjiu, who had just jumped back into the air, controlled his body to lean toward the ground and began to descend again, chasing straight towards the eighth-order zombie!

  Others followed closely. At this moment, Hu Ji seemed to notice something, and frowned without warning. He looked around his companions left and right, and there was nothing unusual.


  I don't know why, but when he saw it suddenly, he felt a lot of the same kind of breath, it was a lot, it was too much!

   But there is no strange existence around.

   Just when he was wondering, Yu Guang casually glanced at the Yangtze River.

   "Huh?" Hu Ji was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at it, but this was incredible. In an instant, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he shouted out two words in an extremely exaggerated tone. The scalp immediately went numb!

"Fuck~ trough!" With a loud scolding, other people around also noticed the abnormal expression on his face, and they became curious and looked at the place he was looking at. The next second, the faces of Chang Jinlun and several people They all showed the exact same expression as Hu Ji!

  Scalp almost burst at this moment!

  The Yangtze River, which winds like a giant dragon on the ground, changed a color at some point!

   Controlling his body in a hurry, Chang Jinlun hurriedly looked at Huang Quanjiu and reminded him loudly: "Old Huang, don't chase after him! Come back!"

   "Shut up, this guy belongs to Lao Tzu!" Huang Quanjiu was unmoved and continued to chase, and the anxious voices of others quickly came over.

   "Listen to him, stop chasing! Look at the water on the river!"

"come back quickly!"

   "Danger ahead! Sabie!"


The voices of his companions sounded one after another, which finally made Huang Quanjiu realize that something was wrong. He also looked over the Yangtze River in the distance. After seeing the changes in the Yangtze River, his face changed. In a panic, he fell to the ground at a high speed. It made several turns in the air.

   The original turquoise water of the Yangtze River turned dark brown before you knew it! A large number of tentacles emerged on the river, and the number was too numerous to count, and they were densely packed like a large group of snake nests!

   This is the "gospel" for patients with intensive phobia!

   Every tentacle is extremely thick, and the thinnest is comparable to a bucket!

   Countless tentacles like snakes’ belly are intertwined and stacked, and the dark brown of the skin covers the original color of the Yangtze River water!

The station is far away, if you don't look carefully, you would think that after more than ten years of geographical changes, the Yangtze River has become a new land, but it is just like this that the anomalies on the Yangtze River will look so terrifying. !

   The few people stopped chasing, and they all landed on the ruins of a half-collapsed building, letting the eighth-order zombie fall to the ground and staggered away.

   Huang Quanjiu quickly turned back, he was panting loudly, half tired, and the other half scared. After all, there were too many tentacles, and the density made people uncomfortable at first glance!


"I'll be darling~" he sighed loudly, and now no one has any intention of joking, each with a serious face, staring blankly at what happened on the Yangtze River, and occasionally a thick and exaggerated tentacle is raised high, At the same time as a huge wave was set off, another giant in the river was forced to turn over.

   "These are... Shui Guanyin?"

   The waves in the river were turbulent, and Huang Quanjiu and his party also saw what was in the water. It was a head of water Guanyin! The corpse of the royal family of the next generation of the corpse king of the extreme north!

   They had to be vigilant, so much water Guanyin poured into the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River was already crowded!

   It's hard not to wonder what they are doing, and it is very likely that the legendary corpse king of the extreme north is among them! But the body of the corpse king of the extreme north is huge, and the Yangtze River is so vast, it is difficult to accommodate his huge body, right?

   It’s hard to say, what if someone has the ability to shrink their body?

   But in this way, the corpse king of the extreme north is even more terrifying!

"Hu Ji, how many eighth-order zombies are there in the river?" At this time, Huang Quanjiu, who had recovered his senses, asked Hu Ji. Huge size does not mean that he is of equal rank. Need to know how many water Guanyin of the eighth order?

   However, Hu Ji did not give an accurate answer to Huang Quanjiu's question. He shook his head and said: "There are too many, I can't tell the difference."

  Everyone fell silent. Seeing such a scene, Rao was a battle-hardened and murdered countless of them, and they couldn't control the fear in their hearts!

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