I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1846: Follow us, you won't be hungry

Hearing Tang Ye say this, Bai Eipeng smiled and walked out. After walking out, he waved to the others. Soon, the high-level zombie who was forced to come here was immediately killed by a few strong physiques. The big man ran into the house.

   "Let's go, let's go in."

   "What are you doing!"

   "Oops, stop dawdling."

Listening to the urging of the people around him, he looked helpless. The number of the other party was too large, and he couldn't handle it with a head of eighth-order zombies. He tried to find a chance to leave here, but he turned his head and looked around. The directions that can break through are blocked tightly!

   He is sure that once he expresses his desire to escape, he will be pushed to the ground just as they were caught before within a second!

   had no choice but to be pushed into this luxurious villa reluctantly according to the wishes of these fellows.

   As soon as he came in, he saw Tang Ye sitting on the sofa in the living room at first sight. At this moment, the expression on his face was stunned, and his footsteps stopped there.

   "Uh..." His mouth uttered low and vague syllables. Unlike new humans, he has evolved to the eighth-order zombie. At a glance, he can feel that the man sitting on the sofa is a terrifying kind that is far superior to his own!

   The almost substantive high-level will made his body weak, and he seemed to understand what suffocation was!

   At this moment, this is called suffocation!

   knelt down uncontrollably, others reached out to help him up, but after thinking about it, they didn't care about him in the end.

"Boss, we have caught an interesting guy, he should be the one who can pass the inspection." One of the prairie men said in Tang Ye's ear, and Tang Ye just raised his hand to show that he knew, and then looked at the guy who was wearing "Man" in grey jacket.

   he asked, "What's your name?"

  The "person" looked left and right, and after confirming that he was asking himself, he shrank his body subconsciously.

   It may be that he has lived in human society for too long, and people's fear of the corpse king has also affected him, making him start to fear the corpse king he has never seen before!

  I originally thought that I would never deal with such a terrifying existence in my life. Who would have thought that I would encounter such a sudden?

   He was not mentally prepared at all!

   There are only six rank nine corpse kings on the land, one of which has fallen, and the remaining five corpse kings are on different continents. Just now, he was also guessing which corpse king this man would be?

   But now, as the other party opened his mouth to ask him, just the pressure from his tone made him temporarily lose his ability to think.

   He was stunned for a while, and then he cautiously replied in a low voice, "I...my name is Zhao Boning..."

   "Zhao Boning?" Hearing the name, Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, then said in a weird tone, "Your name is quite literary..."

   Don't blame Tang Ye for being strange. If high-level zombies want to infiltrate human society, they must first have a name, right? But when these high-level zombies first came into contact with human society, they couldn't even speak human words, let alone name themselves!

   And it's so good?

Take Wang Ting as an example, many eighth-order zombies have very random names, such as Hong Heixin, Jima, Ah Beng, Li Man, Chu Zha, Zhu Moli, Pang Xiong, and so on. This one is easier to remember than the other. Their names, Usually Liang Hanyang, Gong Xiao or Ah Fu took it, so it doesn't sound very serious.

   As for Geert, Canojie, Dulifu, Hazen, Horst, and Balth, their names are either applied to people who have died, or they only sporadically remember their names before they became zombies.

   Like the ones from Hong Heixin above, for example, the prairie man who was talking in Tang Ye’s ear just now, his name is Hei Ya, and he has no surname, just the word “Hei Ya”.

It's just such a weird name, because I met this guy when Ah Fu led people to guide the corpse tide in the early days. At that time, Heiya couldn't speak, and the first roar made was "Hey" (onomatopoeia) .

   At that time, he saw that he could communicate, so he took him back to the royal court. When he was named, Ah Fu took the name "Heiya" with the first sound he roared.

   And the name was used, and it gradually became the nickname of "Black Duck". Today, it has evolved into "Duck".

   In short, zombies that can mix into normal life in human society, rarely have a delicate name.

   "Thank you, thank you! Hahaha~" Tang Ye's words made Zhao Boning laugh awkwardly. For the time being, he didn't understand what Tang Ye's "literary fan" meant, maybe he thought the other party was complimenting him...

   "You chose this name yourself?" Soon, Tang Ye asked again, and Zhao Boning shook his head when he heard the words: "No."

   "Who is that?" Tang Ye nodded indifferently, this Zhao Boning has already "passed" half of the inspection.

   "I can't remember." Zhao Boning shook his head again, his face seemed to be remembering something, and quickly replied: "It seems to be a very old man, he gave me this name."

   "A very old man, um." Tang Ye nodded again, it seemed that a very learned old man gave him this name.

   "The one who taught you how to speak was also him?"

   "No, it was his doll who taught me. He has many, many dolls, and those dolls taught me to learn... Synphony? Then slowly I can speak."

   "Well, what about those who taught you?"

   Zhao Boning was silent for a moment, then shook his head again.

"I don't know, I can't find them, they're dead?" He asked a question, Tang Ye took a mouthful of minced meat, he didn't help the other party to struggle with this matter, and quickly asked: "You are usually in Yunxia Base. Do something?"

   "Help people collect corpses and eat them."

   "How many tools can you take in a day?"

   "Sometimes there are more and sometimes less. When there are many, there are hundreds of them a day. When there are few, you may not receive a single one."

"Is it enough for you?" Tang Ye frowned slightly. The deceased people are ordinary people except for the new humans. No one will keep an evolutionary nucleus after the former dies, while the latter is a simple corpse, eating only the corpse. Even if there are more than 300 pieces of meat every day, it is not enough to satisfy the food and clothing of an eighth-order zombie, right?

   "Not enough." Zhao Boning shook his head without concealing it.

   "What do you do when that's not enough? Kill?"

   "No, I will steal other people's yajin. Many people have yajin at home, and when it's not enough, I will steal it at night."

"Huh~" Tang Ye laughed, the other party said so, that's enough, there are a lot of wealthy newcomers in Yunxia Base, if they steal, they can easily do it for eighth-order zombies, but Barely able to solve his food and clothing.

   "Okay, how many days have you been hungry?"

"It seems like a long way to fill my stomach last time." Zhao Boning didn't dare to say this too loudly, but said it in a low voice. Tang Ye smiled and gestured to Bai Huipeng. After the other party understood, he went upstairs. After a while, he grabbed a handful of evolutionary crystals and threw it at Zhao Boning without saying a word.

  The other party hurriedly accepted it, a little stunned, but Bai Huipeng said: "Follow us, if you can't be hungry, eat it."

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