I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1848: stop

   "Hey" Aben laughed proudly, and soon another person asked, "What about the other end, didn't you kill both?"

   "The other one hides in a slaughterhouse and usually eats a few pigs for a living."

   "Just stealing pigs to eat, you kill people? Don't see if you can pass the inspection?"

"Hey!" Hearing someone questioning himself, Ah Beng blew angrily that there was no beard, and retorted angrily: "Your father, I am also a ticket inspector for the mother's nest, I don't know if I can pass the inspection? It's not a fuel-efficient lamp! It's what caused many new humans to disappear in Yunxia Base before."

   "Uh... okay."

   Watching the atmosphere quiet down, Tang Ye asked Xiang Aben: "Do those two zombies have anything to do with other zombie kings? Why did you come to Yunxia Base?"

"This has nothing to do with the Corpse King." A Beng said with certainty: "I checked their memories, the one who became the leader of the Independent Gold Association came in because of curiosity about the Yunxia Base, and the one hiding in the slaughterhouse was completely Seeing that there are many people here, I wanted to come in and have a big meal, but I was unlucky, and I just came in and was beaten and chopped off my head."

   "I'm going, who did it?" Hearing what A Beng said, everyone became curious, who has such courage? Directly beat up an eighth-order?

"Su Sigui's subordinates, one Xu Tianyu and the other are women, I have seen them, they seem to be called... Qiuyue? That guy was about to arrest him as soon as he entered the Yunxia Base, but Xu Tianyu saw him before he was kidnapped. At that time, the two of them were going to kill it. I didn't expect it to be a zombie. I cut off its head and thought it was dead.

   "So it is."

After A Beng told the time when they met, the rest of the people also began to talk about their own experiences, and they were not so thrilling. Except for A Beng's group who went to find the eighth-order zombies at the beginning, the other Like Ah Fu, they all started from soft persimmons, but the seventh-order zombies were only half cleaned before they were recalled.

  If it weren't for the speed of the 8th-order zombies, it would be impossible to bring back the evolutionary crystallization of an eighth-order zombie.

"Boss, now other corpse kings may already know about the gods rain plan, this is not a big threat to them, the laboratory responsible for the gods rain plan yesterday may be their fans, there should be some zombies now. Are you still in the Yunxia Base? Then leave it to me to investigate." Huang Quanjiu said at this time.

But for his proposal, Tang Ye shook his head and refused, saying: "I know what you think, but you all stopped a little this time, this time I didn't think so much at all, and I hurriedly called you back because I was afraid of you. I cut off all the clues, but today's incident may have attracted the attention of other corpse kings, fortunately, Yunxia Base is still..." While speaking, Tang Ye swept the Yunxia Base with his perception, and now Yunxia There are the last two eighth-order zombies left in the base, and the seventh-order zombies are not counted.

"I don't need to trouble you for the last two. I will handle these two myself. I will only have one. The goal is small. Anyway, during this time, you should eat and drink. Pay attention to the situation on Gong Xiao and the others. It is necessary to If so, replace the job with some in the past.”

   "That line."

   "Attention, don't panic, no matter what happens, don't take action, just tell Su Sigui's people and let them deal with it."

   "Understood." Everyone nodded in unison, only Zhao Boning didn't understand why.

   "Well, is there anything else to explain?" Tang Ye swept around.


   "What's the matter?" Tang Ye looked at Yin Huangcheng, who was talking. Before Huang Quanjiu and the others were asking him where he went after being shot down.

   "I met Brother Xu..."


   The words spit out from Yin Huangcheng's mouth changed the atmosphere immediately!

   Everyone looked at Yin Huangcheng with disbelief on their faces!

   Doesn't it mean that Xu Haihui is not at the Yunxia Base? Why did he say that he met the other party, could it be...

   Not only did other people have very bad guesses, but even Tang Ye himself was silent.

   He looked into Yin Huangcheng's eyes and asked three words: "Are you sure?"

   "I'm sure, he looked for me." Yin Huangcheng's tone was firm, he was sure that his eyes did not deceive him, and Xu Haihui did appear in front of him!

   A cool breeze blew in from the garage next to it, and both zombies and people at the scene felt an inexplicable chill!

  Tang Ye didn't speak anymore, just looked at the others, everyone immediately understood what they meant, and immediately greeted the others and walked out together.

   "Go away, let's go out and have some fun."

   "Walk around."


   In about a minute, everyone except Yin Huangcheng ran out, and the villa quickly became deserted.

  Xu Haihui is still at the Yunxia Base, which only means that Xu Haihui has left the control of Tangye! This is serious! It is an exception in the history of the zombie population! No one knows that a certain companion around him has already shared his vision and perception with Xu Haihui!

   "Old Bai, Lao Huang, you two stay." After they were almost gone, Tang Ye stopped Huang Quanjiu and Bai Huipeng who were the last to go out.

   When the two heard this, they immediately stopped.

   "Follow me." Tang Ye got up and took Yin Huangcheng into the private tea room in the west.

After signaling the three of them to sit down, Tang Ye sat on the front chair with his hands on the table, with a solemn expression on his face, and said to Yin Huangcheng: "How did you meet Xu Haihui, what did he tell you, and what? How to leave, please explain carefully."

   "Hmm..." Yin Huangcheng nodded, organized the language in his mind, and then slowly opened his mouth to say before and after the encounter with Xu Haihai.

About five minutes later, when he finished talking about how he met Xu Haihui, Tang Ye remained silent and didn't speak, and when Yin Huangcheng's voice fell, he raised his head and asked, "As far as you think, do you have any other relatives? Alive? Like your parents, and siblings?"

   "Huh?" Yin Huangcheng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Tang Ye suspected that Xu Haihai had found one of his relatives and wanted to make a deal with him, otherwise he would not choose himself.

   "I...hs~" He took a breath and finally shook his head: "I don't know, I'm not sure."

"That's right." Seeing Yin Huangcheng's words, Tang Ye directly confirmed that if he had confirmed that his relatives were still alive, he would not have given such a pertinent answer. At least, someone who Yin Huangcheng cared about would not be alive or dead. !

  Yin Huangcheng didn't say anything, he was the only child, his parents had already been infected into zombies in the early days of the apocalypse outbreak, and there was only one person left who could be used by Xu Haihai to trade with him.

   Thinking of that person, he had some expectations in his heart, but he was more apprehensive...

   "Boss, did Brother Xu really defect?"

"What do you think?"

   "I... When I saw him today, he was in a very bad state..."

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