I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1864: has come

   Xu Mengyun, who had already gone upstairs, dug out the cell phone that she did not use from the cabinet. This cell phone was used exclusively by the foster home to contact Ryoko Sugiyama.

After    turned on the phone, Xu Mengyun quickly clicked on the only contact in the phone book.

   ding ding ding ding…

The    call tone came from the phone, Xu Mengyun sat on the chair and waited patiently, the bell rang for about ten seconds, and someone over there was connected.


   Sugiyama Ryoko's voice came from the phone. Although it was already late at night, her geisha hall was still in full swing. For the people over there, the nightlife had just begun.

  The tones of Qin Se and Mingxia can immediately remind people of the enchanting figure of a famous Dongying geisha, showing the strange dance like a puppet to the audience under the stage.

   "Liangzi!" The moment she heard the other party's voice, Xu Mengyun only felt a lot of peace of mind, and quickly responded to the other party.

   "Did you contact me so late, did something happen?" This midnight call made Ryoko Sugiyama on the other side of the phone immediately realize that something bad happened on Xu Mengyun's side.

   "Something did happen." Xu Mengyun's expression became bitter.

   "What is it, I will send someone to help you if necessary."

   "No, is my brother by your side?"

"Xu Jun? ... He is not here, he has left my side a long time ago, and I have not seen him for a long time, and I have only heard about him from the mouths of those under my command. whereabouts."

"He's not here..." Shanshan Liangzi's answer made Xu Mengyun stunned for a moment, but she quickly recovered and asked the other party over the phone: "Liangzi, when my brother left you, did I say anything to you? ?"

   Sugiyama Ryoko over there seemed to be silent for a while, Xu Mengyun noticed that the atmosphere on her side had become strange, and her brows could not help wrinkling.

"Ryoko?" She called out, but Shanshan Ryoko didn't answer immediately. After a while, she heard the music in the place where the other party was slowly decreasing, and she could hear that Sugiyama Ryoko was changing the place of conversation. .

   After a while, Sugiyama Ryoko's words finally rang from the phone: "I don't know what Xu Jun is going to do, but when he left, he told me something."

"What's up?"

   "He said that the people from the royal court are here, let me take care of you..."

   "Hmm..." Xu Mengyun was a little caught off guard when she heard what the other party said. The strong man on Wang Ting's side went to Yunxia Base, what did it have to do with Xu Haihui's departure?

  Is it…

During the period of time after recognizing Xu Haihai, Xu Mengyun of course had a certain understanding of the royal court through the other party's mouth, but the understanding was not deep. Xu Haihai did not explain all the details of the royal court to this sister. After coming out, Xu Mengyun only knew that more than half of the powerful people in the royal court were high-level zombies who could live with humans normally.

   This has the same purpose as the Peace Society founded by Li Henian in the early years.

  Although the current Xu Mengyun doesn't know what happened to Xu Haihai, but from Sugiyama Ryoko's words, she is keenly aware that the relationship between Xu Haihui and Wang Ting seems to have become a matter of microseconds...

   "My brother... what happened?"

   "I don't know either, Mengyun, you'd better talk about what's going on over there."

   Xu Mengyun caught the other party's words that seemed to have something to say but hurriedly changed the subject.

   But she was also very helpless. She knew that she couldn't waste her time now, and she quickly told Xiang Shan's madness, including the words he said that the Corpse King was coming.

   After listening to Xu Mengyun's statement, Sugiyama Ryoko over the phone fell silent again. Xu Mengyun seemed to hear the sound of Sugiyama Ryoko gasping for air!

The silence of the other party didn't last long, and Sugiyama Ryoko's voice quickly came over again: "Mengyun, bring everyone in the foster home to pack up, and then go to Block 21, I will contact me over there. People, drive you all out!"

   The other party's tone was serious, and she could clearly hear the urgency in her tone.

   "Let's leave Yunxia Base?"

   "Yes, but don't worry, after leaving the Yunxia base, my people will safely send you to the Changzhou Ming Survivor Base. Xinwu has already established a firm foothold there, and you can be arranged."

   "Then what are you going to do?" Xu Mengyun asked worriedly, while Ryoko Sugiyama replied with a smile, "You don't have to worry about me, I have to make other preparations for you here."

"what are you going to do?"

   "Didn't Xiang Shan say that the corpse king came to you? I will go to the city government building now and inform the Twelve Department of this matter, and the mayor should take it seriously."

   "Are you going to be okay?"

"Don't worry, there is a corpse king lurking in the Yunxia base. No matter what, the mayor will not care about it. If there is an accident on your side, try to make the noise a little louder, and make sure to attract the mayor's attention. !"

"That's alright." Xu Mengyun hung up the phone with a dignified expression, and then walked downstairs with her mobile phone. Long Yingjia and the others on the first floor were still packing up with the children, and she shouted, "Are you okay? "

   "It's almost there." The voice of a man with glasses came from one of the rooms, and he was soon seen walking out with a group of children carrying packed things.

   She swept around, stepped into the room where Xiang Shan was, and asked him, "Do you know when the Corpse King will come?"

This question confused Xiang Shan for a while, and after a while, he shook his head and answered incoherently: "I...I don't know...I just feel that she will come...No, I don't know...I don't know when she will arrive. ."

   Xu Mengyun frowned. Not only was the other party's answer meaningless, it also made her feel even more terrified!

   She had already guessed in her heart that the corpse king in Xiangshan's mouth was most likely because of Xu Haihui!

   I learned from Shanshan Liangzi that the current relationship between Xu Haihui and Wang Ting will definitely not be very good. This corpse king, I am afraid that the visitor is not good...

   Her body trembled uncontrollably for two times, Xu Mengyun could no longer describe her current mental activity, Xiang Shan said too much, it felt like she was joking!

   came back to her senses, she put her eyes on Xiangshan again, and said, "Don't take it away, let's go quickly!"

   Hearing her words, Xiang Shan didn't say anything. He stopped the movements in his hands, carried the things he had packed on his back, and went outside.

   Now no one can be more anxious than him.

  Xu Mengyun walked out of the room with Xiang Shan, and stopped everyone, then greeted everyone to come out of the foster home, and walked out of the door mightily.

   But at this moment, no one noticed that Xiang Shan, who had just come out, stopped, and Xu Mengyun, who was leading the crowd at the front, immediately noticed the abnormality of the other party and turned around.

   "Xiang Shan?" At first glance, she saw the sluggish expression on her face, and she couldn't help but groan.

"What's wrong?"

   "Already come..."

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