I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1872: that big baby

   Chapter 1872 That big baby

   Putting the stockings on his head down, Liel was not angry at the person who kicked him down, but on the contrary he had a smile on his face.

After him, other people jumped down one after another from "The Scavenger". Unlike Lier, everyone else wore masks on their faces, and among them there was a man with a completely different temperament. Chen Chaoyang, who is with Lier.

   Compared with their attitude towards Lier, the other robbers were much more polite towards Chen Chaoyang.

"Come on!" A man wearing a Monkey King mask who looked like the head of this group of robbers quickly hid behind the "scavenger", holding weapons purchased from the black market and facing the rest of the robbers who were still alive The security guards shot and killed them one by one!

Although their weapons have long since been eliminated, they are powerful enough to deal with the security guards in front of them. Liel, who was watching their actions, didn't know what to do. He looked up at the ceiling. , and finally just squatted indifferently behind the counter next to him, waiting for the battle to end.

   After a while, the security guards on the opposite side screamed one after another and fell into a pool of blood. After making sure that no one in the bank could stop them, these robbers appeared.

   Seeing that there was really no movement, the robber leader came out with a weapon and led Chen Chaoyang and the others, came to Lier's side, raised his foot violently, and kicked over.

   "What are you doing here on a horse? Fuck!"

"I don't know what I'm going to do?" He was kicked like this for no reason, and the innocence on Liel's face was also appropriate. How can he tell that this is a terrifying ninth-order corpse. king?

   However, this sentence "I don't know what to do" made the head of the robber who heard this sentence almost smoke out of his nostrils!

He snatched the weapon from the opponent's hand, pressed it on Lier's face, and roared: "Show me, what is this! Will it be possible! If you are riding a horse, will you shoot! Murder! I let you kill! Did I ask you to come and play?"

  The old laser weapon was unceremoniously attached to Liel's face, and the strength of the robber's head was getting heavier, and it seemed that he wanted to kill the foreign young man in front of him here! However, it was precisely because the expression was blocked that the head of the robber didn't notice the fierce light that burst from Lie Er's eyes!

However, this didn't last long. As the strength of the robber's head in front of him loosened, the fierceness in Lie's heart was quickly suppressed by himself. When the other party moved his hand away, he saw a smile on his face. "Isn't this nervous?"

   "Nervous? You're riding a horse..." Lier's words almost made the robber head go berserk again!

   What the **** is this?

   Now what they are doing is terrible!

   roared, watching the robbers raise their heads and start kicking each other again, but was finally stopped by the companions behind.

   "Boss, don't get excited, we don't have much time, let's do business, it's important!"

   Hearing the words, the robber leaders also know that they can't waste time on this matter at this time. They really don't have much time. When the security team arrives, things will be difficult to handle!

   So he could only temporarily suppress the irritability in his heart, snorted coldly at Liel in front of him, and finally took a few cloth bags from another companion next to him and smashed them in the face.

   "Go and open the door of the vault and fill up Yajin. If it takes more than four minutes, I will kill you when you come out!"

  Learl picked up the bag handed by the other party with a smile on his face. He didn't look angry at all. He said, "Okay, okay, promise to complete the task."

"Come on!" The head of the robber kicked the other side fiercely. Lieer hurriedly stood up from the ground, ran to the side and started to put all the Yajin he could see into the bag. .

The robber on the other side looked at his quick movements and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Chen Chaoyang next to him and asked, "Brother, is there something wrong with this guy?" As he said, the robber pointed his finger at the head. Pointing to his head, the meaning is obvious.

   And Chen Chaoyang didn't explain anything to Lieer, he just replied plainly: "Maybe."

   "Hahaha~" For a while, except for Chen Chaoyang, the other four or five robbers all laughed, but they couldn't see the coldness in Chen Chaoyang's eyes under the mask.

   After they know the identity of Lier, they don't know if they can still laugh?

   "This idiot is so funny, robbing a bank and wearing stockings, hahahaha!"

   "Watching TV is stupid! Hahahaha~hahaha!"


In this way, Chen Chaoyang kept laughing, while Lier was doing it in full swing. It didn't take four minutes. When it was almost three minutes, Lier ran away with four bags full of Yakin. come over.

   "Boss, it's done!"

When   Lel came over, several people were still laughing, and he didn't know when this guy came to his side. The sudden sound almost made several people gasp for breath.

   "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... so fast?" The robber's head was a little stunned and looked at the cloth bag full of Yakin in Liel's hand.

   "Are you still satisfied?"

   "Uh...but...you can!" The head of the robber who came to his senses also laughed, and he finally found something more reliable about this guy.

   He took the bag and weighed it in his hand. With this weight, there are at least tens of thousands of Asian gold in it, which is enough for them to live happily until the end of the world!

   "Let's go!" The robber headed to the "scavenger" with full of joy. The engine started again, and the roar spread throughout the chaotic bank. The huge "scavenger" began to back up and drove out again.

The chaos in the bank has already attracted the attention of many people at this time. On the street outside, many people have gathered to watch again, and I don't know who drove this "scavenger" violently from the already broken through. He retreated from the wall, and when he came to the street, he suddenly turned his direction, no matter how many people were in front of him, he roared and rushed forward!

The ferocious drum meat grinder in front of the car had a terrifying sense of horror. People screamed and ran away, but the excitement was not for nothing. Although most of the people successfully evacuated to the safe area, there were only a few small ones left. Part of it was unfortunately sucked into it by the drum meat grinder, and the blood mist was sprayed from the output port behind the "scavenger" along with the minced meat.

  The smell of blood gradually filled the whole street!

   Compared with the panic on the faces of the people outside, the robbers in the "Scavenger" were full of excitement.

   "Quick! Hit them to death, and whoever dares to stop in front will hang him!"

   "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Boss, it's almost time for the anti-corpse wall!" Driving a "scavenger" on the street, the sound of the drum meat grinder telling people to run only makes one's scalp tingle, not to mention people on the road, even some When the soldiers on patrol saw this scene, they had to hesitate for a while.

   Seeing the corpse wall in front of him getting closer and closer, the robber head in the car took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

   "Go, take out my big treasure!"

   (end of this chapter)

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