I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1877: The first captive breeding base

   The man "really" wasn't threatening Liel and them, but he almost wrote the words "I have an idea" on his face.

The man's words seemed to make Chen Chaoyang think of something. He glanced at the leader of the robber. This time he robbed the bank, and he thought it was very rash. Most people would not want to do this. But thinking about it now, even if the leader of the robber managed to escape Entering Jiayan City, but taking away a huge amount of Yajin, the seventh-order powerhouses in the Baobuqi base will be anxious for such a large amount of Yajin, and they will really dispatch military forces to hunt them down!

   Although the zombies in Jiayan City can't be helped, the military power of Linyuan Base is enough to trap them inside!

   He and Lier are not afraid of the corpse king-level terror, but there is no reason not to be afraid of the leader of the robber!

  The leader of the robber is not stupid. He already understands what the man in front of him seems to have asked for, otherwise he would not have let him go just now.

   But that's fine. It's better to help this new human being than to be killed directly by the other party, so he asked: "Then... what do you want us to do?"

It's a pity that the man's attention is not on the leader of the robbers at all, but looks at Lier. This is already a world where the strong are respected, no matter what the reason is for the foreigner to follow the robbers Robbing the bank together, this is not the point anymore. His strength is obviously not comparable to the leader of the robber in front of him, so only the strong among them can make a decision!

   Seeing that the man's eyes didn't look at him, the robber's head became cold. He remembered his previous behavior of punching and kicking Lier and saying bad things. Will this guy let him go?

  The man's ignorance made him feel even more desperate!

   Following the man's gaze, Liel quickly reacted, and pretended to say "ah", the fear on his face pretended to be perfect!

   "Oh, my God, this is really terrible! Friend, I need your help!" After speaking, Liel came to the man with a look of "Please, help me".

   "Do you have any good suggestions? Maybe, we can meet some of your requirements."

   The man frowned. For some reason, he felt that this guy was exaggerating, but he didn't think about it carefully. Isn't this the result he wanted?

   So, the man pretended to be embarrassed and shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that this matter is a little embarrassing for me."

   "That's not impossible!" Lier responded quickly, and his face was overjoyed!

  "Uh..." The man glanced at the guy, but did not continue to pretend to be deep, he said: "There are indeed some ways, but why should I help you?" He asked rhetorically.

  The smile on Liel's face became brighter, the man didn't even know that the other party was happy to find a fun thing at the moment!

"Hey brother, of course you don't have to ask why! Because our strength is the best reward, if you are willing to help us wash away our sins, as I said before, we can meet some of your requirements, isn't it enough? Is it enough?"

   The man nodded, he really wanted this, but he still lacked a guarantee, a guarantee that could bind the two people in front of him!

  Why two?

  Because the leader of the robbers has been rudely excluded by him, in front of the man, the other party has become a dead person!

"That's right, I can help you hide some details of the crime, so that the people who will dispatch this matter in the future can't find you, until you are completely safe! But! Apart from doing things for me in the future, the Asians you robbed Jin, I want 70%! Can you agree?"

   The words of a man are like a lion's mouth! These 40,000 to 50,000 Asian gold, but they risked their lives to grab it, what is the concept of 70%, how can it be divided?

  The average person would definitely not agree, and the man also thought of this, so he was ready to bargain with Lier and the others.

   However, what happened next caught him by surprise. Not only did Lier not hesitate, but the expression on his face became happier, as if he was waiting for the man to speak!

   "Of course I agree!" Lier almost shouted out the words. Chen Chaoyang glanced at him and said nothing, but the robber suddenly raised his head to look at him, his face full of incredulity!

   He thought to himself, "This guy can't be crazy, can he?"

  The man is also a little confused, why did things develop to this scene?

   At this moment, he really wanted to open this guy's head to see what was inside. Why did he agree so quickly? The other party's words made him sound a little unreal!

   But he quickly recovered from his brief astonishment, it would be great if he could do this! The other party promised to give him 70% of the Yajin he grabbed.

   But the man is not a brainless person, and he also began to think about what Liel was thinking.

  Be diligent for nothing, either a traitor or a thief!

   He understands! But for some reasons, he wasn't too worried about Liel's real purpose.

   But he also wouldn't know that Lier's diligence for nothing is really not a traitor or a thief!

   He simply wants to enjoy doing things for others, and then step by step to be trusted by others and entrusted with heavy responsibility.

Once in a large survivor base in North America, he joined an unremarkable underground force. He obeyed one of the small leaders in that force, and relying on his own powerful strength, he was extremely reliable in execution. Shengsheng turned that little leader into the head of that underground force!

   And then let the ordinary underground force grow day by day, until finally, with his help, the little leader became the ruler of the large base!

   However, the ending is sad, and the success will inevitably lead to some suspicions. In order to avoid being replaced by Lier, the former little leader chose to kill to silence and regain the rights that he once gave to the other party!

   But in fact, Liel's mind was very simple at that time, the leader was very good to him, and he never thought of betrayal.

In the end, he killed the person he used to be loyal to, took his place, and became the ruler of the base. It was also from that time that his views on human beings changed completely, and he participated in some events in human society. At the time, he just held the mentality of playing games and never took it seriously.

   He hated the ending, but thoroughly enjoyed the process.

   And this time, he chose this man and wanted to relive that time!

   It's just that it's not up to a man to decide what the ending will be, it's up to him to decide!

   At that time, he will take the initiative to choose to betray, and he will become the ruler of Linyuan Base just like he was the ruler of that base!

   At that time, the delicious prey will not lose a penny! The Linyuan base will become his first captive breeding base!

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