I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1879: wasting expression

   The man had a smile on his face that made people feel bad at first sight, no one knew how proud he was at the moment!

The initiative is in his hands, and what he is going to do is actually not glorious, and the purpose is only to obtain greater benefits from the Linyuan base, but such benefits are not allowed by other powerhouses. Once discovered, Then he will be attacked by all the crowds!

   Therefore, he needs an outsider, and this outsider is Lie Er and Chen Chaoyang behind him!

   At this time, Lier has the handle in the hands of a man. Although this looks ridiculous in front of Lier, as long as the man thinks this is enough, it is enough!

From the perspective of a man, Liel has successfully entered the trap. Once he is involved in such a thing and wants to quit, he can't help him, unless Liel has the courage to perish with himself, but it is a pity The thing is, there are very few powerful new human powerhouses who have such courage.

   is ridiculous, absurd, and perishes without the slightest meaning.

"I hope you can understand my concern, so I think you should tell us directly what you are going to do next, rather than the so-called cheating, right? Good man?" It seems that he saw through the man's malicious intentions. Thinking carefully, Lie Er also directly asked the other party without any scruples.

The man hesitated for a while, but finally he was relieved. Anyway, he has already reached this stage. After thinking about telling the other party directly, there will be nothing wrong, so he simply said: "Okay, then we are now on the same boat. Now, it's okay to tell you, I need Yajin, lots and lots of Yajin!"

   "Just this?" Lieer wondered, with his own understanding of the human society in the Chinese mainland, high-level new humans generally would not be short of Yajin!


   "How much Yakin is that?"

   "An amount you can't imagine."

   "An unimaginable amount..." Liel pretended to ponder for a while, but he didn't directly ask the man why he wanted so much Yakin, but just said, "So, you mean let's keep robbing the bank, don't you?"

"The answer is correct! And I will be responsible for helping you finish the process. Although my rights are not very large, it is also very easy for me to do this. The division is the same as just now. I am seven and you are three. The same, You should also understand my difficulties, after all, like you, I also need to take great risks."

   The man looked at Lier, and Lier did not disappoint him, and nodded happily without any hesitation: "OK, I promise!"

   "What about him?" The man looked at Chen Chaoyang who was behind him, and Lier's cheerful man also expected it, but he felt that Lier's plans were too big, and he didn't care.

"He's my best partner, and of course he agrees! But, I'm just curious, you are also a big man in it. If you do this, you won't be afraid of accidents? No, no, I should use a more artistic word, Dongchuang... Happened? Hmm! It's perfect!"

Seeing Lie's words, the man thought it was a little funny, but he also said: "You don't have to worry about me, Linyuan Base, it's just a stop on the road of my life, I won't stay here for too long, The reason why I need a lot of Yajin is because I just want to go to a better place. Friends from foreign countries, you should have heard a saying in Huaxia, called smoke builds bridges, wine builds roads, and money clears the way! This is a classic sentence before the end of the world. , but in this day and age, the first six words have become dispensable."

   "The last [money opening] is the top priority! I need a lot of Yajin to go to a brand new place to build a place for myself to live."

"Huh?..." The man's words made Lier's eyes light up. To be honest, the words "smoke bridges, wine pave the way, money clears the way" in the man's words was the first time he had heard it, which inevitably made him want to collect it. , but compared to this sentence, another meaning expressed by the man interested him even more!

   He was going to a better place, what would that be? Is it better than the Linyuan base? Will the population be larger than the forest base?

  Perhaps, he can go to that place with the man and choose a better base than the Linyuan base as his first captive breeding base!

  Thinking of this, Liel's mind became a lot more active, so he asked excitedly, "Then where are you going?"

The man didn't hide it, and replied directly: "Where else can there be? Of course, it is the largest sheltered city today, Yunxia Base! The resources it has there are not comparable to the Linyuan Base. As for the safety, Yunxia Base. The base has the protection of the only ninth-order new human beings, and it is more than a dozen streets away from the Linyuan base! The gap between heaven and earth."

When he said this, there was a strong yearning in the man's eyes. After Su Sigui announced that he had evolved into a ninth-order new human being, although it made all eighth-order new human beings feel desperate, it also made everyone want to get her shelter. And they are rushing to the Yunxia Base, especially now that the four corpse kings are invading Shenzhou!

  According to rough statistics, the number of survivors who were blocked at all entrance gates of Yunxia Base during this period exceeded 3 million, and in the future, there will only be more!

   No matter the survivor base or the Sanctuary City, no matter how strong they are, no matter how large the number of 8th-order new human beings, without the ninth-order new human beings sitting in the town, all this is empty!

   Countless tragic incidents in the past have proved to people that in front of the Corpse King, the eighth-order new humans are just jokes, and only the places where the ninth-order new humans exist can give people such a sense of security.

   Even men need a sense of security. The Linyuan base is within the southwest boundary of the Huaxia Dynasty. Once the corpse kings who are eyeing them move in groups, the Linyuan base will be the first group to bear the brunt!

What the man didn't know was that at the moment when his voice just fell, the surrounding air was quiet, and he was still imagining that he was living a good life in Yunxia Base with hundreds of thousands of Yajin, but he didn't notice at all. Changes in atmosphere.

   Lie Er, who was very interested in the man's words at the beginning, also looked indifferent at this time, and there was a murderous look between his brows!

   It's not that the corpse king is not interested in Yunxia Base, but because there is a ninth-order new human being like Su Sigui in Yunxia Base! Under the same rank, although new humans have natural weaknesses compared to zombies, they are not without the power of a battle. If the strength of the ninth-order new humans is strong enough, they can forcibly kill a corpse king! Even if there is no precedent for this.

   Of course, it's not that Lier has no confidence to defeat a ninth-order new human powerhouse, it's that he doesn't want to be noticed by this early.

  The most important thing is that the Corpse King Tangye is also in the Yunxia Base!

   He wants to foolishly pay attention to the Yunxia base. Isn't that lighting up the toilet and looking for **** (death)?

   In addition, the man has already revealed that he is not interested in the forest base, what is the use of following this guy? Liel chose the wrong person from the beginning!

   This is the point that annoys him the most!

  Co-authored that he had wasted so many expressions just now, but in exchange for this result?

   Oh~ Ejaculation!

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