I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1882: "Spare your life"

  lie didn't answer, he raised his head slightly, looked at the sky, touched his chin, and when he looked at the man, a fascinated smile appeared on his mouth!

   And this smile, in the eyes of the man, undoubtedly admitted that he is a corpse king!


  It was hard for a man to describe the shock in his heart. He never thought that one day, a corpse king would stand in front of him like this!

   His body trembled uncontrollably again. At this moment, he had no other thoughts in his mind, only Liel's words!

  It turns out...it's all true! As expected by those on the Internet, those high-level zombies with intelligence comparable to normal humans really have the idea of ​​raising humans in captivity!

  This...this is so ridiculous!

  Man can already imagine how absurd and dark human history will be in the future!

   No matter how much he cherishes his life, the man still hesitates at this moment!

   He didn't know what kind of conscience he would receive once he chose to make such a decision?

   Even if no one poked his spine, he couldn't guarantee that in the countless late nights in the future, his strong guilt would not make him toss and turn?

  The man's heart fell into a violent struggle without any accident, do you want to promise this corpse king, do you really want to promise this zombie?

   He can't be sure!

   One side is his life, and the other side is his personality!

   If he chooses the latter, his life will end here, but if he chooses the latter, he will not only survive, but also have huge power in a world completely dominated by corpses in the future!

   At that time, you can have whatever you want!

  Except the Corpse King and their followers, he is everyone's Heavenly King Lao Tzu, even those high-ranking eighth-order new humans in the past will wag their tails like dogs!


   He let out a heavy breath. The man's inner activity is very intense at the moment, because the next decision he has to make will change his current situation!

  The four corpse kings invaded the mainland of China at the same time, and Guang Su Sigui is a ninth-order new human being. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to be an opponent! It is not difficult to predict the outcome of human beings. This hope is too slim. There is a high probability that human efforts will be in vain!

   If so, why didn’t you get yourself a chance to live well in the future?

   Even kneeling!

   Thinking of this, the man's eyes gradually brightened, and he seemed to be about to make that decision!

   Conscience? Can conscience be used for food?

   Obviously, this is not possible!

   Moreover, even if you don't choose to be the person who goes against your conscience and helps the zombies in captivity, there will be a lot of people vying to do it! Can anyone resist this temptation?

   In the last days, we talk about dignity, personality, and conscience. Isn’t this ridiculous?

  It is difficult for human beings to trust their own kind. Under this kind of self-comfort, men completely fall into a deep pit and cannot extricate themselves!

"When..." The man started to confirm out loud, but just after saying a word, his new struggle again, but this is the last time to struggle, the next moment, the expression on the man's face became completely hot, He said loudly and firmly: "Of course!"

   The change in his expression was seen by Lier during the whole process. For him, it was a wonderful experience!

   But, what a pity…

   He looked at each other's eyes, and his eyes had no other color except for the joke.

"No, no, please don't look at me with such expectant eyes, because I'm not optimistic about you, I'm sorry, I've lost this game, it's irreversible, do you want to change your mind? It's possible, go to **** to repent."

   "What?" Hearing Lier's words, the man's eyes narrowed and his heart tightened! As his face gradually turned pale, he now realized that the corpse king in front of him was teasing himself from the very beginning!

This made him feel annoyed for a while, but he was simply insignificant in front of the other party. After realizing this, he quickly controlled the expression on his face that was about to lose control. He did not completely lose his mind because of this, but held With the mentality of trying, he asked in a low voice: "I have no grievances with you, nor will I have any interests entangled, no matter what you do, with my strength, it will not have any impact on you, why can't you let me go. horse?"

   "Huh?" The man's words made Lier think, but the direction of his thinking was obviously not in line with the man's wishes, so he finally asked in a doubtful tone: "Are you asking me to spare your life?"

"Yes..." The man couldn't guess what Liel's mental activity was for a while, so he could only frown and nod his head. After all, the other party was right. What he said just now was indeed asking the other party to save his life. I don't want to die like this, and I don't have the courage to die.

"Hahahaha..." Hearing the man's affirmative answer, Liel laughed, as if excited that he had found the law of something, and soon, he said, "Very good, but I have to remind you, This is not what it should be like to ask for someone, have you seen that person, you are not as good as him, at least, he is very sincere."

  Liel pointed to the head of the robber who had already returned to the sky. His body was lying there alone, blood flowing from the torn head, mixed with a little red and white brain tissue.

The man also looked over, and in the next second he understood what Liel meant. Without any hesitation, he immediately knelt down, his posture was neat, his body was completely prostrate on the ground, and he slammed his head down on the ground. !

   "Please... Surrender me!" When he said this, the man's tone was trembling, he was trying his best to suppress his emotions, and only he knew that the humiliation and resentment in his heart almost drowned Lier!

   But he didn't dare to show the slightest!

The atmosphere around    has solidified, only the sound of explosions from the forest base and the sound of laser weapons firing.

   The other party didn't speak, and the man didn't dare to look up. In less than half a minute, Liel's laughter reached his ears again.

   "Hahahaha, it's really fun, you are more afraid of death than I imagined! Hahaha! It turns out...you will kneel down and beg for mercy..."

   Hearing Lier's extremely rude voice, the man's fists were slowly clenched, and he buried his head very low. This is also to prevent the other party from seeing his own eyes and his own eyes full of anger!

"Okay, I'll kill you." Lier said this not long after, and the man breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the thought in his heart was very simple, that is, as long as he lives, no matter how much humiliation he suffers, it won't matter. Worth mentioning!

"Thank you..." The man whispered thank you, then slowly got up and wanted to stand up, but just raised his head, he made an "uh" sound, at that moment, he only felt a chill in his neck, something passed through His throat was nailed to the ground!

   "Oh, sorry, I can let you go, but my partner doesn't seem to want to..."

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