I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1885: 1 in 10,000 win rate

Hearing Tang Ye's words, Su Sigui fell silent, but she didn't stay silent for too long. After a while, she raised her head and looked into Tang Ye's eyes and said, "I will never disappoint those who expect me. But don't worry about me, I'll face it with confidence, do you have any questions?" Su Sigui had a confident smile on his face, Tang Ye didn't know if her confidence was real or fake?



"The four corpse kings have now figured out how to deal with them, so the next step is those followers, what solution do you have for this, can't you devote your energy to deal with these guys when you are fighting with the corpse king? And now Now, even if we gather all the new eighth-order human beings, and add the eighth-order zombies in my royal court, there are not enough manpower, and I am afraid that even if we win in the end, the mess left behind will be the same as if we did not win."


"why are you laughing?"

   "Don't get me wrong, that's why I brought you here, huh."

The two of them at this time had come to the end of the mysterious underground passage. Su Sigui rubbed his eyes, and then looked at an inconspicuous camera in the upper right corner. Any emotive mechanical synth sounds.

  【The iris verification is successful, the invisible valve is being opened... Please wait. 】

   Then there was the sound of some kind of machine running. Tang Ye looked up at the bare concrete ceiling above. The sound came from above.

After a while, Tang Ye retracted his gaze, and the concrete wall in front of him suddenly turned into two doors and was opened. Before that, the closed walls were completely invisible. If someone came here by mistake, I am afraid they would only think that this place is here. It is an abandoned drainage channel.

   "Let's go."

As the cement walls in front of them are opened to both sides, there is a cave inside. This is a huge space, and the light emitted by the tritium lamps cannot completely illuminate this area, but it also makes this space very neutral. There were only a few staff in blue clothes, most of them were debugging something with a tablet in their hands, and on the observation deck on the second floor in the distance, some soldiers were fully armed and on guard.

   "This is..." Tang Ye looked around, while Su Sigui next to him said, "Look at the top?"

   Hearing this, Tang Ye raised his head as the other party said, and at first glance he saw the huge mecha fixed on the sky guard!

   "Huh?" Tang Ye raised his brows. He was familiar with this mecha, and he quickly recalled that this was the large mecha that Yang Xiangfeng was driving when he fought against the Nightmare Corpse King!

  This mecha is not simple, its defense strength can even block the attack of the corpse king! Although it can't stop it a few times, it can also prove that it is extraordinary! If you put it on the battlefield below the ninth order, the effect can be different!

   "This is the mecha that Yang Xiangfeng drove at the beginning of the battle with the Nightmare Corpse King. Its name is [Departure from Nowhere]. All the research and development materials were taken by my people from the dangerous Sanctuary City that had already fallen."

"You should know about its performance. Although it is in front of the existence of the corpse king, it can make the driver inside intact even if it is attacked with full force by the opponent. In the future, it will be used by humans to target those who follow the corpse king. the mainstream weapon of the attackers.”

Looking at the steel giant lying on the ceiling above his head, more than 20 meters high and full of technological colors, Tang Ye nodded in approval. This "Departure from Nowhere" may be the super mecha that is currently at the forefront of human technology. .

   However, the corpse king's full-strength blow is not a joke, every punch is a complete disaster! Since it can withstand an attack of this magnitude, it also means that such a mecha, each one costs a lot of money!

"Are you mass-producing this type of mecha?" Tang Ye asked. Now they are facing the four corpse kings, and apart from Kamutos, the lone and widowed corpse, the followers of the other three corpse kings are absolutely not. How much less than myself! At that time, even though he and Su Sigui could barely cope with the four corpse kings in the battlefield at the ninth-order level, the battle situation below would definitely not be optimistic when facing the corpse king's followers.

  Departure from Nowhere can be used to deal with eighth-order zombies, but if there is only such a machine, it is meaningless.

"Yeah." Su Sigui didn't hide anything from Tang Ye, she nodded and continued: "The cost of each Departure is extremely expensive, just like the one you saw, its cost It's seven hundred and fifty thousand yakin!"

   "I'll go..." Tang Ye thought that the cost of this mecha would be very high, but he didn't expect it to be so high! 750,000 Asian gold, this is already worth the royal court's tax for one year! Even the double S-level super sheltered city in Yunxia Base is more than one-tenth of it!

  If such mechas are mass-produced, the finances will probably collapse soon!

"As you can imagine, there is not only one such construction base here. There are thirty-three other construction bases in other parts of Yunxia Base, and there are more than forty such construction bases in many sheltered cities outside Yunxia Base. and the average progress has reached more than 98%, and in a few days, they will be ready for use on the battlefield."

   "Although this will indeed bring the Yunxia Base and those survivors' bases into a stage of economic collapse, but at this point, human beings can only choose to use military force. Once they lose, it will be doomed!"

  Su Sigui's tone was serious, but after she finished speaking, her expression loosened and she smiled at Tang Ye: "Thank you, willing to use your life to accompany me to continue this game with almost no win rate."

   The attitude she showed was very sincere, but Tang Ye licked his mouth and said speechlessly: "Look, I said you have no confidence. Since you think you can't win, you might as well just let it go, and don't care about it."

   "Well, I admit that I don't have the same mentality as yours. Maybe it's because the Virgin Mary's heart is overflowing, and I always feel that I don't care about anything."

   "So, you chose to die with everyone?" Tang Ye asked suspiciously.

And Su Sigui shook his head and said in a low voice: "No... This should be because my thoughts are different from yours. I am used to taking action on something after a certain degree of certainty, but I am not one to give up easily. people, once I choose to stand by and watch, then in the future, I will have no chance for those people of the same species as me, have you seen those people?"

Su Sigui pointed to the blue-clothed worker who was holding a tablet in front of him, and continued to Tang Ye: "Those people, they are just like me, working hard for one thing, even if there is little hope, although they are not interested in me. My help is limited, but they share the same goal as me, and there are such people in places and corners that I can’t see. They are my companions, and I have to learn to cherish them, so I will do What, even if there is only a 1/10,000 win rate in the end!"

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