I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1927: most precious opportunity

  Chapter 1927 The most precious opportunity

   After weighing again and again, Chen Chaoyang finally chose to follow his heart. What should the bad guys do? It is a must to retaliate!

   If you actually kill your own people, then get ready for your fiercest revenge!

Although there are eighth-level new humans in the anti-human organization, but the number is not many, plus two eighth-level zombies, there are only fourteen in total, and three people are lost in this way. For the anti-human organization, It was already considered a serious injury!

  He is not one of those corpse kings, he always has more than two hundred eighth-rank zombies as his fans.

Thinking of this, Chen Chaoyang put away the sandpaper in his hand, and slowly stood up from the steps. He stroked the smooth blade on the bone knife, then put it away, and said to the eighth-level new human in front of him: "Here Keep kneeling until I come back."

  How dare you say anything on the other side? I can only nod quickly and agree: "I will do it! Leader!"

With a cold snort, Chen Chaoyang didn't say anything anymore, and disappeared in front of this eighth-order new human in a flash, and the guy opposite him had never seen even a little bit of his movements from the beginning to the end. It's just that the moment Chen Chaoyang disappeared in front of him, he smelled a strong smell of blood!

   There is no doubt, this is Chen Chaoyang's body odor.


  Mengjiao Base, the top floor of Shihao Garden Building.

Lier, who had been silent while watching the Exodus ship killing all directions in the tide of corpses, suddenly snorted, he turned around, and said with a smile on his face: "Ladies and gentlemen, the next most exciting part It's coming, please keep your eyes open, but miss this moment!"

What he said made the people in the back a little confused, but after Lie Er finished speaking, he moved an office chair and sat down, crossing his legs, with a relaxed and joking look on his face, that look was more casual than the beginning A little bit more.

"what does it mean?"

   "What do you want to say?"

"What's a good show, can you explain clearly?" Everyone repeatedly inspected the Dead Road Qiqi that trampled back and forth in the corpse tide. Except that they looked a little more embarrassed than at the beginning, but their actions were not affected in any way. Now there are no more than eight corpses in the corpse tide. Zombies, the army in the Mengjiao base has regained the initiative and is fighting back the wave of radiated zombies. They really can't figure out what kind of accident will happen next.


  Suddenly a very bad possibility came to people's minds, but they were really afraid that something might happen. Not long after Liel sat down, a flash of light suddenly appeared! Violently pierced through the huge Desperate Departure!


  For a moment, a ball of flames surged on the left chest side of the mecha, and an invisible force seemed to push the mecha to smash it on the already dilapidated corpse wall!

  The sudden impact made the young man a little confused. Although he didn't feel pain, he could clearly feel the power contained in it!

   It is not comparable to those eighth-level new humans and eighth-level zombies!

   At least several grades higher!

He quickly reacted, his eyes quickly scanned all the things in front of him, and after a while, he found the culprit who caused all this. It was a man in a black windbreaker with a mask on his face, and the wind was blowing wildly. When blowing through his coat and hat, you can clearly see the snow-like white hair on his head.

  As for the one who pushed himself to the ground, it was a zombie thrown by the opponent casually, and the moment it collided with him, his body was smashed into pieces!

   "You are..." Seeing this man's attire, especially the mask on his face, the young man immediately recognized his identity. This man is the leader of an anti-human organization! The name is Abomination, as to whether this is his real name, there is no way of knowing, and of course few people know what the real name of Abomination is.

  The young man was a little astonished, and he quickly went to determine what happened just now. The blow that the leader of this anti-human organization swung casually caused damage that was far beyond the reach of the previous eighth-level zombies!

   This is no longer the strength that can be displayed at the eighth level!

  The so-called hatred of the leader of the anti-human organization will only be a terrorist existence at the ninth level, and this may be very huge!

   At that moment, the boy was confused in his heart.

  If the opponent is a powerhouse of the ninth rank.

  Do you want to continue?

The boy thought in his heart that before this, his target had always been the eighth-level new human beings and the eighth-level new human powerhouses in the anti-human organization, and for the ninth-level, it was a terrifying existence that he didn't even dare to think about. !

   But... here's an opportunity!

  An opportunity that comes from not easy!

  The last period of time I can live in this world, a chance to fight the ninth-level powerhouse, an extremely precious opportunity!

  …then come on, let me try it!

  The young man has no fear in his heart, and the fighting spirit that was about to burn out in his heart rises again! Burning!

  He controlled the already dilapidated Destiny to stand up slowly, and let out a high-pitched roar in his heart with all his might!


  The heavy steel fists of the mecha were clenched together. Amid the undulating roar of corpses, the young man stepped forward, his back looking a bit bleak.

  The dark green lines all over the body flickered, and all the devices inside the mecha were running at full speed, bringing all the power together!

  As the thick steel arm was raised, the shaft device had already made a "hissing" sound!

  Watching the mech rushing forward fearlessly under the control of the young man, Chen Chaoyang, who was standing in the tide of corpses in the distance, snorted coldly.


  He drew the knife, holding the handle upside down with one hand, aimed the sharp bone knife at the approaching No.

   The bone knife that flew out was a hundred times more powerful than the bullet that just came out! In an instant, it flew several kilometers away and directly hit the body next to the mecha!


The top-grade H-steel is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the bone knife, and it is torn apart by the blade in an instant. The bone knife easily penetrates into the body of the mecha, destroying all the complex devices combined inside. !

The sound of explosions kept coming, and the flames burst out. In the next second, the Juvenile Departure under the control of the young man suddenly staggered a few steps. The raised fist seemed to have lost its support, and it suddenly fell down. A few hundred meters away, it fell to the ground with a "boom"!

   Various parts are flying everywhere. The shattered steel armor fragments turned into the sharpest knives, cutting the bodies of many zombies around them to pieces in an instant!

  Chen Chaoyang acted extraordinarily relaxed, and this scene also proved to everyone watching the battlefield here that hatred is a ninth-order existence!

  (end of this chapter)

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