I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1932: dead on both ends

  Chapter 1932 Both ends are dead

When Xu Yang thought about it, he glanced at the opposite side. His other neighbor locked the cell door tightly, who knows what he was doing, but he probably wouldn't pay attention to him, and the one he knew well Chen Mingyi was still standing in front of the vent and looking outside, not bothering to pay attention to himself.

Feeling a little more at ease, Xu Yang stretched out his hand to grab the bottle of red wine as if nothing had happened while playing the arcade machine, but before his hand touched the bottle of red wine, he, with his keen senses, heard the sound coming from the corridor in the distance in the next second. The sound of footsteps coming up, although he didn't know who it was, made him quickly withdraw his hand in fright, and continued playing the arcade machine pretending to be excited.

   Not long after, the door was pushed open, and a pretty girl appeared, holding a pile of books in her arms. She immediately looked at the man playing games in her room, her face was full of frost.

"what are you doing here?"

   "I... just played the game, just, just played it." Xu Yang looked a little embarrassed.


  The girl said a word, and Xu Yang didn't dare to stay any longer. He quickly stood up and ran out, entering his own cell.

   Among the few women in this underground prison, that girl is one of the existences he dared not joke with. Others may not do it, but this woman will definitely! And regardless of any consequences!

  In the last days, everyone who can evolve to the eighth-level new human being is not a good person, especially women. If there are women who can become the eighth-level new human beings, then such women will often be more vicious than men!

The way Xu Yang fled into his cell in desperation caused people in other cells to burst into laughter, and someone in cell No. 46 in the distance shouted: "Sister Yunxuan, **** him, that **** I owe you a lot on weekdays, and I have long wanted to mess with him!"

   "That's right! Take a good look to see if there is anything missing in the room, he must have stolen something."



  The people around were afraid of the booing of the world, but the girl didn't take it seriously. After Xu Yang left, he went in and locked the door of his cell. No one knew what she was doing.

Throwing the books in her arms on the bed, the girl picked up one of them alone, then sat on the bed and flipped through it quickly. After a while, she saw a note in the book, on which someone used A word scribbled down.

[After my investigation, it seems that Su Sigui's focus is not on us. She is trying to contact the local corpse king in Shenzhou through Li Henian. Those rumors are very likely to be true. If we If we leave, there is a high probability that Su Sigui will not pursue us. 】

[Think about it carefully, Lingchun City was acquired by us after more than ten years of hard work. It contains the painstaking efforts of our comrades who died in the past and the two of us for half a lifetime. If the Liao Pingjun coup succeeds, we will be rootless. Ping can only go with the flow. 】

  【Chu Yunxuan, if you have made up your mind, come find me in Room 4. We will leave at noon tomorrow. 】

  The girl read the above content expressionlessly, then tore the note into pieces in the next second and threw it into the trash can.

   There is no need to think about it anymore, she has already made a decision.

Standing up, the girl opened the door again and was about to go to Room 4, but just as she turned around, she saw a group of people walking in front of the corridor. An eighth-order new human powerhouse belonging to Yunxia Base.

  The girl took a step back without saying a word, while the crowd over there, led by Chi Biyi, walked all the way to the depths of the corridor, while reaching out and knocking on the cell doors along the way.

"Come out." When he was not far from the girl, Chi Biyi stopped and shouted loudly. Soon, eighth-level new human strongmen came out of the room one after another. They all looked at Chi Biyi suspiciously, while the girl secretly exchanged glances with a man who came out of Room 4 in the distance.

  The other party was tired and said nothing.

   Someone asked Chi Biyi: "What's the matter? Let us go? Free?"

  Chi Biyi heard the words and turned around and said: "It is, but it is not."

After ambiguously saying this, Chi Biyi looked at everyone and said loudly: "Okay everyone, Yunxia Base is sorry for you during this time, but you all understand the truth that with great power comes great responsibility, right? Enjoying a high status in the human group society, it is time to take up your responsibilities."

"The human species needs you very much now. If someone chooses to escape, there is no need for it to exist. I did not threaten you. This is inevitable, because the sky has already fallen, and the first to fall will only be We, if we don't go to the top, the end result will only be death!"

   "I know very well that you all want to live, including me. If someone doesn't want to live, at least they have to give everything they own to others to inherit."

"I don't want to die, and I don't want to be a slave. It's just a joke. Adults want everything, and children will choose. But if you want to have both, hard work is necessary. Having said that, how you choose is up to you.”

   "Let's go, let's all go out." After the words fell, Chi Biyi waved his hand and led the people out of the underground prison.

  No one refuted him. Although they were standing on the same level, behind Chi Biyi stood Su Sigui, a ninth-level new human.

  After Chi Biyi left, Chen Mingyi was the first to smile wryly: "Oh, to put it bluntly, we were not given a choice at all, and there are dead words at both ends. Let's go, let's go out."

Under the leadership of Chen Mingyi, all the eighth-level new human beings in this underground prison were silent and left the prison together, while the girl walked quickly to the man who came out of Room 4, frowning and lowering her eyes. Said: "What do you do now?"

  Although the man was exhausted, he still smiled and said, "What else can I do? Follow them out and have a look."

  The girl also fell silent and did not speak.

Everyone left the underground prison and walked out from the entrance of the Empire State Building. What they saw was the crowds on the street carrying large and small bags, surrounded by countless soldiers guarding them. The people were silent, forming a huge flow of people towards leaving the cloud. Evacuate the gate of the corpse wall at the Gap base.

  The people's noisy shouts and discussions mixed with the sound of the radio made the atmosphere particularly depressing.

   Half of the sky is lit up in the south, and the blue sky seems to calm people's restless hearts, but it doesn't look like midnight at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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