I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1938: Accept it with the cheek?

  Chapter 1938 Accept it with the cheek?

  Yin Huangcheng remained silent, just as Tang Ye thought, he was thinking about whether to accept this task.

  When he heard that Tang Ye was going to make himself do some dangerous things, he was at a loss for a moment.

  Everyone is afraid of death, and he is no exception. When facing death, he hesitated.

  In just a dozen seconds, he recalled everything he had experienced in the last days. How many times did he wander before the gate of hell?

  In the past life, behind every vigorous event he has done is that he successfully escaped from the gate of hell. When was the last thrilling and exciting feeling?

  He seems to have lost his memory. Since joining the royal court, his life in the last days has become more stable.

  But he clearly remembered that he was alone, and the man standing in front of him was a zombie, a corpse king!

  In an instant, he suddenly thought of something clearly. Yes, the other party is a zombie, but he is doing his best for human beings. In terms of danger, Tang Ye is much more dangerous than himself. As a human being, why can't he go all out?

   Are you really dying?

   Not necessarily!

  This is more like an opportunity, a chance to face the ninth-rank corpse king!

  Wearing the Yao Shenjia, he has the qualification to fight to death in the most manly way like Yang Xiangfeng in Dangerous Asylum City!

  Besides, I don't seem to want to die silently in a corner where no one cares about me...

   It's been too long...

  In an instant, a gleam flashed in Yin Huangcheng's eyes, and suddenly, he seemed to have figured it out!

   I understand why!

  He looked at Tang Ye, and solemnly shouted two words in a tone he had never done before: "Khan!"

   "Huh?" Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize why Yin Huangcheng suddenly called him this name.

   "Have you figured it out?"

  Yin Huangcheng nodded heavily, his gaze firm.

   "Think it over, let's do it!"

  There are many meanings of life, let’s burn it vigorously once!

  Facing the corpse king?

  What a bold decision!

   And it was this decision that completely inspired Yin Huangcheng's most primitive militant element!

Hearing his answer, Tang Ye grinned. Not long after, he stood up, came to Yin Huangcheng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Put it away, since you have decided, then get to know Yin Huangcheng well." It, you will be under a lot of pressure in the future, don't let me down, and besides, live if you can."

Tang Ye's tone was a little heavy. Following his words, the flames burning in Yin Huangcheng's heart gradually subsided. He looked at the pure black but somewhat heavy Yao Shenjia in his hand, and felt the icy texture from above. , he was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Tang Ye again, and asked, "Boss, do you really not want it?"

  What is he confirming? The reason for asking this question is also very simple. Putting on the God Armor, he should be able to fight against the corpse king, but it is only a battle!

  In the real situation, the scene is definitely not optimistic!

He is at most the most, and can only play a little containment effect. If he can contain one of the corpse kings or Chen Chaoyang, who is a ninth-level rester, Tang Ye will still have to face the other three in the end. The existence of the ninth level!

  In any case, the pressure on Tang Ye's side is much greater than that on his own side. Although Yao Shenjia will benefit more if he uses it himself, it can relieve part of the pressure if Tang Ye uses it anyway?

  He couldn't figure it out, but Tang Ye just smiled and shook, and explained to Yin Huangcheng: "This thing is indeed useful, but it doesn't really help me."

Tang Ye didn't pretend to be generous, he was just telling the truth, wearing the Yao Shenjia can indeed bring some improvement to the user's combat situation, but this is only for the ninth-level new human beings, but For zombies, when enjoying the help provided by Yao Shenjia, their own flexibility will also be limited!

High-level zombies can turn any part of their body into the deadliest weapon when fighting. Some eighth-level zombies with brighter brains will make corresponding moves according to the surrounding environment. The same is true for Tang Ye. If he Putting on the Yao Shenjia, these characteristics will disappear, and you can only maintain your human form during the battle. The advantages and disadvantages cancel each other out, which is equivalent to nothing!

  So this Yao Shenjia might as well be used by other people.

"That's fine." Yin Huangcheng nodded. He knew that he couldn't use his own level of cognition to look at Tang Ye, the corpse king. How strong is the existence of the ninth level? None of them around them has a very intuitive understanding.

The ninth-level battle has only appeared once since the end of the world, and that is the battle between Tang Ye and the Nightmare Corpse King. But that time, in order to prevent Chiyu from being affected, all the existences in the battle field except the Corpse King were withdrawn. It's far away, and I don't have the opportunity to find out.

   "You go to rest first, and raise your spirits. Troubles will come to you at any time in the future. Don't lose the chain when the time comes."

After calling Yin Huangcheng away and watching him return to his room, Hei Ya handed a cup of "chili coffee" to Tang Ye at this time, and after he took it casually, he heard Hei Ya say: "Boss, Su Sigui Given such a great gift to us, do I want to return something?"

   Tang Ye, who just wanted to drink, froze for a moment when he heard this sentence.

   also ha...

   "...What's good then?" Tang Ye asked, and this question immediately stumped the four zombies around him.

  He is a ninth-level new human, and he has everything that one expects to find in general. It seems too cheap to play the pre-apocalyptic way of giving away precious treasures.

  What is the most precious thing in the last days? It seems to be an active weapon! However, although this kind of weapon is rare, Su Sigui, a ninth-level new human, holds the resources of all human beings, so there is no need for it. Moreover, active weapons are useless to Su Sigui. The Yao Shenjia given away is not enough to look at at all.

  In addition to the active weapon, the only thing left seems to be the ninth-level evolutionary crystal from the body of the Nightmare Corpse King in Tang Ye's hand.

But this thing is useless to Su Sigui, and this thing is used by Tang Ye as a backup hidden energy source. It is a key item he uses to fight the war of attrition with other corpse kings, so it is meaningless to give it away, and it cannot be given away. Isn't it just to die for face?

   It is absolutely impossible for Tang Ye to do such a stupid thing.

  The atmosphere remained so stiff for more than ten seconds. Finally, Chu Zha scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "Or...just be cheeky..."

  (end of this chapter)

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