I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1943: The strongest weapon

  Chapter 1943 The strongest weapon

   "What's inside?" The table was crushed as soon as the box was put on it. It is conceivable how heavy the things inside are. From this point, it can be seen that the things in the box are not simple.

  Su Sigui was curious, but Tang Ye didn't answer directly. He smiled mysteriously and said, "Open it yourself, but no one is better than what I gave you. Hey, if you have nothing to do, go first."

   After the voice fell, Tang Ye didn't give Su Sigui a chance to speak. He turned around and left the basement, returning to the surface.

After watching his back disappear into his sight, Su Sigui remained silent before looking at the long box. The soldiers next to him also looked at it curiously. Everyone wondered what was in the box. what.

   After all, it is not easy to think about what can be given to the ninth-level new human beings.

Su Sigui slowly stretched out his hand, but when he was still a few centimeters away from the box, the things inside seemed to sense something approaching, and jumped suddenly, and the soldiers around were startled. some kind of living thing?

And this made Su Sigui retract her hand subconsciously. She frowned, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out her hand again. The moment her fingers touched the box, the box reacted more violently, but This time Su Sigui didn't think about anything, and followed closely with his other hand, and opened the box violently!


The box was opened, and the first thing I saw inside was a mass of bright red meat membrane, which soon tore, revealing the mysterious thing inside, which was a slender knife and a straight long sword. It is completely composed of entangled flesh and blood, and the lines formed by the bending and stretching of muscle tissue seem to have fresh blood flowing inside.

   The flesh and blood on it squirmed slightly, making a low growl of "hissing, hissing" continuously, matching the appearance with a ferocious and irritable appearance!

As if they had just seen the light of day again, the two living weapons quickly became restless after touching the air. The part of the handle suddenly tore open, and countless tiny tentacles protruded from it, trying to attack the surrounding attempts. Fortunately, Su Sigui reacted quickly enough, quickly grabbed the two weapons with both hands, and then let them settle down.

  After she took it, she felt a heavy feeling that made her heart beat twice.

   These are two living weapons. At first, Suth thought they were just ordinary living weapons, but after getting them, he discovered that the source of these two living weapons was a corpse king, which was composed of a part of the body tissue of the corpse king!

   Hiss hiss~


The low growls like a zombie kept coming to her ears. Su Sigui stroked the blade, and when her fingers touched the blade, her skin was cut open, and the anti-life matter in the blade tried to get into her body, trying to kill her. She assimilated into a silver-armored corpse, but was sucked out by an inexplicable traction in the next second.

  Blood fell drop by drop on the two living weapons, and was wantonly absorbed by them, making the roar even more powerful.

  Seeing that the wound on her finger had healed completely, Su Sigui was relieved. Without saying a word, she swung the two living weapons, and instantly cut the table that had been crushed flat!

  This feeling is tailor-made for her, as if it is integrated with herself.

  Where the heart goes, so does the tip!

   On the other side, after Tang Ye came out of the basement, he kept thinking about Su Sigui's words.

  Why, she always thought that he would stop her?

  She knows that one day she will become black, and one day she will swing the butcher knife at herself? why is that?

  Tang Ye couldn't figure it out, but Su Sigui was a time traveler, maybe what did she really do before she time travel?

Walking on the deserted street, Tang Ye suddenly stopped, looked back, his eyes swept over the countless yellow warning signs pasted on the surrounding buildings, and when he looked up, he realized that many buildings inside They all hide deadly weapons, and the thick and thick muzzles are all pointing at a certain building. It is a residential building about 30 meters away. It is not high and not very eye-catching. The building above the basement where Su Sigui is Near the residential building, not far away, about thirty meters away, she has been waiting for something.

   "Is there something coming..." Tang Ye seemed to be aware of it, and looked up at the sky. At the same time, harsh sirens sounded from all over the Yunxia base, and the atmosphere in the distance suddenly became noisy!


The people who were evacuating from the Yunxia base in an orderly manner were in a mess, pushing the people in front to speed up and flee to the exit gate of the Yunxia base. Countless trampling incidents occurred, and in a short while, there were many unlucky people The people were trampled to death by the chaotic crowd, the smell of blood spread, and the ground was covered with blood and flesh. The scene was barely suppressed until the soldier next to him took out a pre-apocalyptic pistol and fired a shot at the sky as a warning. down.

   "This is..." Tang Ye noticed that through the huge "Sky Continent", small black spots appeared on the sky at this time, which were not clearly visible, above a thousand meters above the sky.

  A perception swept across the entire Yunxia Base abruptly. At this moment, Tang Ye quickly put away all the perceptions covering his body surface, shrunk into a "hairball", to prevent being discovered by this perception, and observed quietly.

  This perception comes from another corpse king. The source seems to be far away from him. Could it be that guy named Lie Er?

   But it shouldn't be him, that radiation zombie king doesn't seem to be so reckless, because Lieer has been hiding his whereabouts, and he is very afraid of being discovered, especially by himself!

It can be proved from the fact that I directly forced the other party out when I wanted to absorb the memory of the radiated species before, maybe Kamutos, the abyss corpse king and the extreme north corpse king, these three corpse kings also have a nine-headed corpse king. Chen Chaoyang and Tang Ye didn't pay much attention to the high-level resting man. As for who he wanted to kill first, it would undoubtedly be the Radiation Corpse King!

  There is no other reason. This guy likes to pretend to be a human being and hide in human society. This is the same as Tang Ye, but for both of them, there is no such thing as like attracting each other, only like repelling each other!

I don't know why, but Tang Ye always feels that that guy is very sinister, like he knew that a poisonous snake came into his house, and the ghost knew when he bit him, so Tang Ye just wanted to find out this guy urgently, and then get rid of it. Lose!

And this perception unscrupulously swept across the entire Yunxia base. It seemed that he didn't care that he would be discovered by other terrifying existences. This should be another corpse king. First rule out the radiation corpse king, and then Kamutos , the corpse king of the extreme north is in the east, and the source of this perception seems to come from the northwest direction, it seems to be the corpse king of the abyss.

   It is still far away from itself, but according to its location before it lost its whereabouts, it is also heading towards the Yunxia Base like the Extreme North Corpse King. At this speed, it may arrive tomorrow...

   With such a sweep, it knows how many living people are in the entire Yunxia base, and Su Sigui's location should also be exposed. I hope she can notice it.

  (end of this chapter)

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