I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1948: big embarrassment

  Chapter 1948 A Big Embarrassment

After half an hour of lecturing, everyone outside also calmed down, and no one had the thought of resisting. Everyone could only watch the supplies that originally belonged to them being unified by this group of guys like robbers. dare not speak.

"Okay, that's all for today. I will discuss with Brother Song in the evening and assign work to everyone. I will warn you again, don't make any small moves, or we will find out, and the king of heaven will not be able to save you when I come! "

After the dog leg in front of the crowd finished speaking, he ran into the office where Brother Song was located. At this time, people breathed a sigh of relief and began to move freely, but the young women who looked particularly conspicuous among them walked not far away They sat down in front of the iron stairs, but before they had time to communicate, two men with wretched smiles appeared out of place.

  Among them, Zheng Minghui found a woman he had seen the most, and approached her with coquettish steps.

"Little sister, are you interested in playing with brother?" He said with a smile. At the same time, Shen Mingke on the side also chatted with his target. He hurriedly got up and walked away, leaving behind his companion decisively.

  The woman Zheng Minghui looked at was silent and didn't speak, but this guy thought it was because she was shy, and thinking about it, the smile on his face became even bigger.

   "Don't be shy, your brother and I are the sixth-order new human beings. As long as you agree, my little sister, I will cover you here, but no one dares to touch a finger of you."

  The woman still didn't speak, she lowered her head, and her side face was very pretty, which made Zheng Minghui's breathing quicken for a while.


   "Oh, don't be coy, let me touch your balls."


"hold head high?"


   "If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement?"


   "Okay, okay, I'm done?"

Under Zheng Minghui's rhetoric, the other party was stunned and couldn't utter a complete sentence. The woman could only nod her head when she was forced to do so. Such a scene also instantly attracted the attention of the people around, but no one dared to speak, for fear of annoying this sixth-order new human.

  The woman was completely silent, and with her head down, she couldn't see her expression now.

   Zheng Minghui enjoyed the first second, but gradually, he noticed something was wrong.

   "No, this feels so weird...Little sister?"


   "...Hey, you still have the waistcoat thread...Huh?...I..."

   “…Is there something wrong?”

   "Uh... exercising regularly is a good thing..."

   "Those two **** are silicone."

   "So it's like this, plastic surgery? It's okay, it's okay... Wait, why is your voice so thick?"

   "Brother, I am male."

   "Uh... well, I'm a man too..."

   Zheng Minghui:? ? ?

  Shen Mingke:? ? ?

   "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   "You didn't even give me a chance to say..."

For a moment, the two of them looked at the "woman" in front of them as if petrified, and the people around them burst into laughter, but they stopped in a very short time. They didn't dare to laugh too presumptuously, they knew that the two men who had made a big embarrassment were two sixth-order new humans, and it wouldn't be fun if they suddenly violently killed people.

  But this scene of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh has caused some people to suffer internal injuries.

Two minutes later, not far from the fertilizer factory, Zheng Minghui retched while holding onto a withered tree trunk. Tears kept choking from the corners of his eyes, and his eyes were red. He might never forget it in his life. The woman rolled up her pant legs in front of her, revealing her thickly haired thighs.

  Thinking of this, Zheng Minghui's stomach churned even more, and his hands on the tree trunk tightened and then loosened. Thinking about how he touched those two fake "balls", he almost cut off his hands on impulse!

  Shen Mingke on the side was also pale, and after a while, he muttered angrily: "No wonder, Liang Junsong's dog gate can always agree so readily, so he already knew that those guys are men, shit!"

   The two looked at each other, and then sighed again. They were put together by Liang Junsong, but what can they do? This breath can only be swallowed obediently.

  Looking inside the factory again, at this moment, many people were looking at the direction of the two of them. When Shen Mingke looked over, the group of people backed away in fright.

  Of course, it's also the fault of the two of them for being careless. They didn't think about it carefully. With so many men, women who don't have much "things" dare to join in?

   But women with a little brains will not easily participate, they should have thought so, those "women" who look more attractive are all men!

Well now, all the decent-looking people in the team are men, so the remaining real female members may not even have double digits, and these real women have the courage to mingle among a large group of men. Not a good deal.

   There is not a single one that can be seen, either ugly to ward off evil spirits, or a girl with a masculine look, who looks more masculine than a man, not to mention making people interested, the secreted hormones have to be recycled!

   These days, it's hard to be a pervert.

"Let's go, let's go in, I've lost all face today." Shen Mingke patted Zheng Minghui on the shoulder. Brothers and sisters have been together for so many years, and they haven't seen such a big storm. It's not until today that they know what it means to want to find a seam. The feeling of getting in.

Zheng Minghui also sighed, he didn't want to stay with those people inside anymore, even though he was under one person and over a hundred, but considering the existence of Liang Junsong, a seventh-level new human being, they didn't dare to bet on themselves and Shen Mingke After sneaking away, will the other party chase and kill me?

  From the beginning of the last days to the present period, they don't mind living for a while, and they don't want to gamble their lives on anything.

   That's the sentence, they can live in the last days, and the only purpose they believe in is to have more dogs, more dogs!

   Just as they were about to return to the fertilizer factory, they suddenly caught a question from the noisy voice: "Hey brother, you have a nosebleed."


   "Why do I get a nosebleed?"

   "Touch it."

   "Fuck, it's really true! Strange, whoever has paper, lend me some... Alas, you also have a nosebleed!"

"You...I'll go, what's going on." The crowd suddenly became commotion. Liang Junsong, who sensed something was wrong, came out of the old office, frowning and looked at the people in front of him who started to have nosebleeds one after another. Outside, the two brothers Shen and Zheng They also stopped in their tracks and glanced at each other. Finally, Zheng Minghui pointed at each other. When Shen Mingke touched him, blood flowed from his own nostrils!

  The next second, the faces of the two changed drastically!

   Radiation species!

  (end of this chapter)

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