I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1952: free drink

  Chapter 1952 Free drinks

  The man scanned around, except for a man in the corner looking around with an unnatural expression, he didn't find anything unusual.

  He just wanted to know why, and didn't care too much about it. Now he just wants to get drunk, and he won't participate in any incidents before burning his life to fight.

   Not long after, the boy who entered the back kitchen came out, and at the same time carried a plate full of wine to the table in front of the man.

"enjoy your meal."

The man nodded, put away his cell phone, picked up one of the bottles of wine, unscrewed the cap, and gulped it into his mouth. The pungent feeling in his throat came quickly, but there was also a hint of joy, and the melancholy in his heart seemed to be At this moment, it also dissipated a lot.

He didn't like alcohol at first, but now he drank like drinking plain water, and this reckless way of drinking also attracted the attention of many people around him. The man sitting in the corner turned his head He glanced over here, thought for a while, and picked up a glass of green wine on the table in front of him, took a sip, and grinned in the next second.

   Hastily put down the wine glass, this guy looked at the table again, he had already eaten all the appetizers on it half an hour ago, but his stomach was still twitching with hunger.

  His eyes looked at the entrance door of the tavern from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone, but he didn't notice at all that other people around him who looked drunk and crawled unconscious on the table were secretly observing him.

  【A set of reports, the target person has no abnormalities for the time being. 】

  【Continue to observe, keep a close eye on me, if there is any abnormal behavior, you will be punished immediately on the spot. 】

【clear. 】


Time passed by every minute and every second, and not long after, the man who came here to buy drunk began to fall asleep from the alcohol. At this time, a man suddenly broke into the tavern, and the stench from his body immediately made the drunk The man suddenly became a little less drunk.

  The boy who saw the guest coming in wanted to run over to greet him, but the next second, he was subconsciously stepped back a few steps because of the smell of the sister-in-law, and the people around him who pretended to be drunk silently raised a hand to cover their noses.

   "Made, what does it taste like!" Someone became dissatisfied, and the person who had just entered the tavern smiled awkwardly, walked quickly to the corner opposite the man, took out a certificate from his arms and threw it over.

   "Fuck, what did you do, why is it so smelly?"

   "You still have the nerve to despise me? I'm almost swimming in the trash can just to find this thing! Mad, I don't know that Shabby is so wicked, he actually **** in it! Shit!"

  The man in the corner was speechless for a moment. He picked up the certificate thrown by the other party and opened it. Yes, it was his own military registration certificate.

Shen Mingke on the opposite side took off his coat, threw it into the trash can, and then glanced at the people around him, and found that the only man around who was drunk was a fourth-order new human, and the others were all ordinary people Afterwards, he said with a dissatisfied face: "What are you looking at? What's interesting? Turn it back to me!"

  As soon as they heard what he said, some people looked away tactfully.

  People around didn't say anything, they just frowned, it's only because Shen Mingke smelled really...too good!

After finishing speaking, Shen Mingke looked at the table. Except for some wine, the food on it was basically made up. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being furious: "Damn it, Lao Zheng, you are not mean enough, you won't give me anything. I stay?"

   Zheng Minghui also blushed a little: "No...I'm so hungry, I thought...you would bring something to eat when you came."

   "Why do you think so beautifully?"

   Looked at the plate on it again, not to mention that there were no residues left on the appetizers, the plate was licked clean!

  The more Shen Mingke thought about it, the more angry he became. After sitting down, he asked Zheng Minghui angrily, "Have you paid?"

  As soon as Zheng Minghui heard it, he muttered in a low voice the next second: "We are both poor and white, how can we have money..."

   "No money..." Shen Mingke was a little dazed, looked at the drinks on the table in front of him, at least two gold coins for this meal!

"Oh, what are you in a hurry for?" At this moment, Zheng Minghui frowned at the other party, and Shen Mingke immediately understood, well, this guy chose not to pay, but it seems to be their only choice, and besides, everyone around He is a low-level new human, and the owner of this tavern is just an ordinary person. The reason why he can open the tavern is only because his eldest son is a sixth-level new human like them.

  As for that fourth-order new human, hey, stop making trouble.

   It can be said that the two of them have the ability not to pay, but in this period, who will seem to have nothing to do with whether they pay or not?

  Since this is the case, then you can’t leave easily. Soon, Shen Mingke looked at the little boy who was acting as the usher, and waved him over.

   "Hey, come here!" The boy was full of timidity, but finally he mustered up the courage and walked over.

   "Guest, what do you need?"

   "Is there anything to eat, bring more."

"Food..." The boy smiled wryly, and said helplessly, "We can manage enough drinks and so on here, but... we really have nothing to do with food. At this time, food is already in short supply, and our tavern has nowhere to go. ..."

"That's what you didn't eat?" Shen Mingke had a toothache, and both of them regretted it now. They knew that they would have gone to the fertilizer factory to take away some of Liang Junsong's unified spare food before they came, but at that time there was panic. Who would have thought? If you take a slow step, your life will be lost.

   "Well... that guest, why don't you drink some more from the bar, there is plenty of wine!" Although the boy said this, Shen Mingke was already impatient, and waved the other party away.

"Go, go, don't bother me if you don't have something to eat!" After finishing speaking, he took a breath of the wine in front of him, but he almost didn't spit it out. This kind of wine is made by blending some alcohol with various drinks Yes, that's why it's called mixed wine. Beer before the end of the world is a hundred times better than this stuff!

  Just took a sip, and Shen Mingke didn't have the intention to drink it anymore. He was originally serving ordinary people, and he didn't even care about high-level new humans like them.

   After a while, the two stood up, called the boy over, and asked, "How much?"

  The two had already decided that no matter how much Yajin they had to pay in total, they would choose not to pay it on the spot. Anyway, no one around them could do anything about them, but then, the boy's answer caught them off guard.

   "Guests, you just have to drink well, you don't need to pay."


  (end of this chapter)

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