I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1996: This is what you want to see 3

   "White hair..."

   "A **** ninth-order new human, this Li Henian is clearly the corpse king of Shenzhou!"

   "No wonder...it turns out that Li Henian is the corpse king!"

   "It turned out to be like this. He lied to all of us. I really thought that zombies could coexist with humans under certain conditions. It turned out that it was only because he was the king of corpses..."

  People looked at Tang Ye in disbelief, and were subconsciously terrified by what happened just now. In order to dispel the fear, the first thing they thought of was to face the fear directly! They want a shot, can't wait, in the most physical way possible!

  But the remaining rationality made them restrain themselves quickly, so what about the No. 1 journey? In the hands of the corpse king, he still has no ability to fight back!

  Once you choose to shoot, the result will only be death!

   They can only wait for someone else's order, anyone's order is fine!

   But no one gave orders at the scene. Even Xu Tianyu looked at Tang Ye at this time, and he, who didn't feel the coldness at first, felt the coldness that almost pierced into the bone marrow!

  He looked at Su Sigui worriedly.

  Can a ninth-level new human be able to defeat a corpse king?

   On Tang Ye's side, the last reptile jumped onto Tang Ye's shoulder with a hideous long fleshy knife in its mouthparts. He reached out to take the knife, glanced at it casually, and laughed inexplicably.

   What I gave her, I never expected that it would turn out to be a sharp weapon against me in the end!

He didn't take it back. As he said before, he never thought of becoming an enemy with Suth, and the weapon he gave her was also divided into individuals that had nothing to do with him by his own method, which is equivalent to this The knife and the sword in the opponent's hand are two different zombies from Tang Ye!

  He didn't destroy it either, and threw it to Su Sigui after a glance.

  The long knife swung across the air, drawing a series of messy arcs, and precisely inserted it into the bare ground beside Su Sigui's feet due to the battle, accompanied by Tang Ye's voice.

   "Is this what you want to see? Satisfied?"

  She looked down at the knife and didn't speak.

   "I don't want to kill you..." After a pause, Tang Ye looked at the people rushing here, and continued: "Because they still need you, if you die, the human race will really be over."

   "So, you still want to stop me?"

Su Sigui still didn't speak, but Tang Ye didn't wait for her to speak, and walked towards the tunnel when the voice fell. She didn't respond, but pulled out the long knife stuck in the ground, and walked towards the opposite side without saying a word. walk away.

  She used her actions to reveal everything to Tang Ye. No one knew how many images flashed in her mind the moment she saw Tang Ye's head recovering strangely.

  Ning Tianlang's failure...

   Own failure...

  She was absent-minded, and seemed to have forgotten that Tang Ye, the corpse king, existed at the scene!

  Looking at her, Tang Ye lowered his eyes, and when he walked past her, he said softly: "Sorry..."

  She still didn't make any response, and walked forward on her own, saying that she was leaving. It seemed that she was running away from this place at a slow pace.

   Pausing in her footsteps, Tang Ye tried to stop her and wanted to say something, but finally chose to give up.

   After all, he still broke the promise he made in the royal court. He made a move and destroyed the last hole card of mankind with his own hands.

   Next, where should human beings go?

  Myself, do you still want to stand on the human side?

  Faced with the pressure brought by the four corpse kings and a ninth-level rester, can Su Sigui alone really bear it?

Clearing away the rubble blocking the entrance of the tunnel, Tang Ye's figure quickly disappeared into the deepest darkness, while the people in the distance looked at his back, struggling inwardly, and finally Xu Tianyu sighed and jumped. Get off and walk towards Su Sigui.

   "The mayor..."

  Maybe it was the reason for his talking, Su Sigui stopped, but she looked at the dazzling light from the south, and asked, "What's going on over there?"

  Xu Tianyu took a look and shook his head: "The situation is not optimistic. The defense line of the mirror world has suffered some unexpected changes. Now the corpse king Kamutos is less than a hundred kilometers away from us."

   "Is the investigation clear?"

   "Not yet, it may be done by followers of other corpse kings, or it may be done by other corpse kings themselves."

  Hearing that Su Sigui fell silent, and seeing her like this, Xu Tianyu felt depressed for a while, and he couldn't help asking: "Then what instructions do you have next?"

  Su Sigui looked towards the southeast: "You all try your best to deal with the tide of corpses invading from East A. I will deal with the zombie king Kamutos."

"are you alone?"

  She glanced at the other party, and did not answer the question directly, but said: "I have made so many preparations just for now, and there should be some rewards."

  Xu Tianyu became a little anxious: "Then what if the other corpse kings also arrive?"

   "Then let fate."

"..." Xu Tianyu was silent this time, and he could feel his rapid breathing for a moment. Su Sigui ignored her and walked towards the "Sky Continent" city hall, but he didn't take two steps. She stopped again.



   "If something happens to me, you will do your best to keep yourself alive."

"Alive? Where can we go if we survive?" Xu Tianyu shook his head. At this moment, once Su Sigui dies in battle, human beings will basically be defeated. At that time, the world will be so big that there will be no place where they, the eighth-level newcomers, will be defeated. The sanctuary of human beings!

   "It's enough to escape from the mainland of China. There are many places in the world."

After saying this, Su Si will not go back, and because the battle here has spread to the corpse defense wall, with a loud noise, a part of the corpse defense wall in the west collapsed, and the barrier between the protective cover The interface point was also destroyed naturally, and the beam of light piercing the sky at the center flickered twice. After a while, the defensive cover disappeared, and the zombie birds hovering outside the corpse wall screamed and poured into the city, and the strong smell of blood was also coming down. It diffuses in a second.

  The ear-piercing siren rang through the ruined Yunxia Base. When the order was issued, dozens of Desperate Departures on the scene heard the wind and moved towards the west to support them.

On Tang Ye's side, after he entered the tunnel, he quickly found one of the elevators and destroyed the elevator device in a simple and rude way. After the power system was damaged, it stopped working, and the surrounding lights dimmed one after another. .

  He heard the sound of the lifting platform at the door falling extremely fast and then crashing heavily into the deepest part of the lift shaft. After he opened the door, he looked at the bottomless well, but hesitated.

   "Do you want to do it this way?"

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