I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 494: Can be a little more mad

   Chapter 494 You can be a little more crazy

   In front of the biker party motorcycle brigade, a man with a fierce face got down from a motorcycle. He held a baseball bat in one hand and an assault rifle in the other, or looked like a bandit!

   He walked to the man who was kneeling on the ground and kicked him on the chest. With a "pop", the man got out all the way. After he stopped, he was still kneeling and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy.

   "Please, we dare not, we didn't do it on purpose! Don't kill me! Please..."

The vicious man turned a deaf ear, curled his lips, slammed the club on the man's head with a swipe, only to hear a scream, the man fell to the ground at once, straightened his body and still knelt, enduring the pain like a dog. pleading.

   A woman and a timid child got off the van, plus the man, this is obviously a family, they looked at the motorcyclists with deep fear in the eyes.

   "Hey, you look good!"

   When the fierce man saw the woman who came down, his eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly to the bikers behind him, causing lewd laughter.


   "Let... let us go, we really didn't mean it, we just thought you were going to kill me, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we'll give you whatever you want, don't hurt us."

  The woman took the child and knelt down together, begging to the bikers just like the man.

The people not far away were watching the scene over there under the lights of the motorcycles. They didn't know what the family had done. They would be chased by so many bikers riding motorcycles. See the **** scene!

   "Let you go? What are you thinking? We not only make money but also kill hahaha! By the way, let's rob."

The vicious man laughed loudly, threw the club, took out a dagger and walked towards the man, the woman saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly knelt and stepped forward to grab the man's feet, and said, "Let us go! I beg you... …”

  The man kicked the woman away with one foot, walked to the man and slashed across it. Since he blocked everyone on Tangye's side with his body, he didn't know what he did, but only heard a scream like killing a pig.

   That's human skin!


The woman's voice trembled, but she was quickly picked up by another biker, screamed and tied to a motorcycle. Then the fierce man walked up to the child with a smile, and someone next to him handed it to him. A rope, the other end of which is tied to a motorcycle.

It was clear at a glance what he was going to do. The woman shouted "don't" in a shrill voice. Qiongli couldn't stand it any longer. She was about to give Bai Xinran a hug, but just as she moved, she was held down by a very stable middle-aged man next to her. Shoulder.

   "Don't be impulsive, Qiong Li, they have guns, you are a high-ranking person now, but you are not yet able to defend against bullets."

   The middle-aged uncle spoke very quietly, Qiong Li clenched her fists and remained silent, but her eyes had turned red when she looked over there.

  Yes, the third-tier new human is not a third-tier zombie, and can't fight bullets, unless she is fast enough, and the victory can only be won when everyone in this group of motorcyclists has not reacted.

She wished that she was a third-order zombie with high defense power at this moment, and killed all these beasts, but people are human after all, even if it is a new human, the cells in the body are only evolved by absorbing anti-life substances. It's not that zombies are pure anti-life substances all over their bodies!

   This is a very strange setting. If a third-order new human can play, they can defeat a third-order zombie, but they are not sure to kill this group of animals, but a third-order zombie can do it.

You must know that the defense of the third-order power zombies can resist a few shells. Of course, the third-order new human can also kill all these people, but it depends on the combat experience, but obviously, Qiongli Not much combat experience.

When she didn't evolve into a new human, she was just an ordinary woman, not a killer, nor a soldier king. Without that ability, a third-order new human would also hurt, and a bullet in other parts would definitely not kill her. , but hitting the head or heart and other vital points is most likely to directly lose combat effectiveness or die!

She is not sure to kill this group of animals without any harm. She doesn't dare to gamble on luck. She is still holding a child. She is dead. The young son of her husband still has a baby in her arms. Who will take care of it? She doesn't trust these guys, everything just now is enough to show everything.

   And Bai Xinran is too weak, she needs protection, how to protect others? Furthermore, there are a lot of new human beings in the speeding party, among which there are three second-order new human beings, and they can basically finish the game only if they consume themselves.

  On my side, there are only two first-order new humans, Brother Zhang, and a mysterious young man who doesn't know if he will help. The gap is huge, and I can't count on them...

   After weighing the pros and cons a little, Qiong Li gave up to save the family.

   Next, the family was dragged by the motorcyclists and dragged to the ground with shocking blood.


After the half-payment, someone yelled loudly. The people next to him were sluggish and felt depressed. They had always heard about the brutality of the motorcyclists on the highway, but they did not have a certain understanding of the brutality of the motorcyclists. After they arrived, they felt unspeakable in their hearts.

   Looking at the despair of that family, he couldn't help but exchange himself with them. At that time, what should he do?

The rest of the motorcyclists pulled away the van the family was riding in and watched their taillights slowly disappearing into the darkness. Tang Ye licked his lips subconsciously. Team up with bikers, and then tortured to death.

  Tang Ye didn't think much of it at that time, but now that I think about it, maybe someone who catches the biker party in the future can be a little more maddened.

Gradually slowing down from the scene just now, Qiong Li patted her chest, then glanced at Tang Ye, sighed, and pretended to be relaxed and said to the others: "Now let's distribute all the food evenly, as for us As long as you can hold on, you can only see God.”

PS: There is a paragraph that has been 404. You will feel out of context when you read it. There is no way. There are too many texts in the last days. If you write it, you will be caught in the river. Please forgive me, there is no way to do this. The author is bitter , When the net is clean, I can't hide! Depend on!

   Let’s just watch this chapter, oh yo yo, I’m cracked, it’s so hard!

   After writing this book, I won’t write the end-of-the-world essays, it’s a fool d(д)(◣д◢), let’s order a monthly pass to increase your points! Bosses!

   (end of this chapter)

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