I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 578: ready to grab

   Chapter 578 Ready to grab

   Tang Ye said nonchalantly, waiting for the changes of the bikers.

The bikers who were touched by the clones were wailing on the ground at first, their voices changed from shrill screams to depressed growls, their frantically twisting bodies gradually calmed down, their bodies were changing, and their muscles felt like being beaten. It bulged like a balloon when it was out of breath. As the clothes were stretched by the muscles, the red blood vessels on the skin protruded, and then slowly silver armored.

   After two or three minutes, all the motorcyclists turned into monsters with a height of four meters, dark silver all over their bodies, black pupils, red eyes, and a third-order zombie aura!

"very good!"

   Tang Ye clapped his hands and asked Xiang Niu Xiaosan, "Where are the Chen brothers you said?"

   "Master Corpse King is looking for them?"

   Niu Xiaosan was stunned for a moment, and then a strange look flashed in his eyes. He really wanted to see how the brutal Chen brothers would meet the Corpse King!

  Tang Ye nodded, since he can't find Qiongli now, and he doesn't know where Qiongli and the others are, it may be useless to look for them, so it's better to deal with the guy who is trying to control him first!

"I'll take you."

  Niu Xiaosan was about to get in the car and glanced at the supplies around him. After thinking about it, he said, "Sir, wait for me for a while."

   After saying that, he carried a lot of food from the bikers car, and then drove the car towards the highway entrance with satisfaction.

"My lord, it's strange to say that although the two brothers Chen Zhouan and Chen Zhouquan are fourth-order new humans, but Chen Zhouan is like a dead person, and they don't have the breath of new humans, and they can eat people, tsk tsk, if they could talk , we all suspect that those two brothers are not human anymore."

   "They still eat people?"

   "Yeah, but I only eat women, and Chen Zhouan likes virgins very much, so I don't do anything, just eat..."

   "Then do you think these two are human?"

   "I don't know, who would dare to say that they are two brothers in the speeding party now."

  Tang Ye pulled his fingers and made a crisp "click" sound, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about the Chen brothers in his heart.

eat human? As a new human, there is no breath of new human, so what is it that is not a zombie?

   The second-tier Tang Ye has been disguised as a human being, wearing a mask and beauty contact lenses. As long as there is no intentional observation, he is a human being except that he has no human breath!

The two exchanged words without a word. Unconsciously, the car entered the high-speed, and the consciousness that had been surrounding Tang Ye disappeared. However, a second ago, there was a message from the corpse dragon that someone was trying to control it. , but it may not be successful, the guy just gave up.

   glanced at the back of the car, and there were dozens of silver armored corpses following him. Tang Ye just let them follow him, but he didn't care about them.

Now Tangye has transferred the silver-armored evil spirit zombies in Jinhe City to this side. From a certain point of view, Tangye is a master-like existence to the silver-armored zombies who have been infected by him. They can sense where Tang Ye is anytime, anywhere, and Tang Ye can sense where they are, just like the connection between Tang Ye and Ah Fu.

  …—this is a lovely dividing line.

The strong wind blew the withered branches, the heavy snow covered the ground with hoarfrost, the wheels turned to see large swathes of snow dug up, the motorcade was covered with thick snow, the sky was gloomy, the clouds were thick, and the extremely low temperature made the cows small. Three sneeze every now and then.

  The headlights shone in the darkness, and the falling snowflakes were clearly visible. Tang Ye kicked a lump of snow in front of the car, revealing a frozen corpse with thick clothes on it.

   Inadvertently saw a metal shell, Tang Ye opened his mouth and exhaled a cloud of white mist, threw the cigarette **** aside at will, and then reached out and grabbed the metal shell.

   "It turned out to be a mobile phone." Tang Ye murmured and pressed the key. The mobile phone still had power. Perhaps the body was soaked in water, and there were flowers on the screen, but the time and date in the upper right corner could be seen.

   This is already the last day of the third year of the Black Rain Period. It is now 9:37. After three hours, it will be the fourth year.

Because the phone was locked, Tang Ye couldn't use it either. After reading the time, he threw the phone aside, and then lifted the underground corpse out of the snowdrift. The wound seemed to be frozen to death.

   This year's heavy snow came a little later than last year, but it was much cooler than last year. The low temperature last winter was about minus seven or eight degrees, and this year, it has broken more than minus ten degrees.

   In the strange end of the world, in this cold winter, the vegetation on the tree that Tang Ye saw was already lush, as if it was still summer.

  Tang Ye found a relatively large tree and uprooted it. I don't know if Tang Ye was lucky, and he really found an emerald green evolutionary crystallization below.

   "Hey, awesome."

With a smile, Tang Ye threw this evolutionary crystal into his mouth like eating beans, then looked at the road behind, and when he saw several huge figures rushing towards this side, he asked Xiang Niu Xiaosan: " Has it been repaired?"

   "No sir, the skid brake system on this snow is broken."

From the bottom of the car came the sound of Niu Xiaosan's hard work. The snow was so heavy this **** winter, the ground had frozen over, the car was slipping on it, and Niu Xiaosan had been stepping on the brakes all the way, causing the brakes to be blocked. Dry scrapped.

   "You bastard."

  Tang Ye walked over, desperately trying to pull Niu Xiaosan out, but he was startled: "Sir, please help me remove the wheel hub."

   "Over there?"

   "Your left front wheel."



   "It's demolished!"





  Niu Xiaosan got out from the bottom of the car and looked at Tang Ye with a look of despair. At this time, he was holding the tire of the off-road vehicle, and the other side was connected to the rotating shaft, and the car shell had been dislocated from the frame.

   The air between the two suddenly became quiet.

   "You asked me to dismantle it." Tang Ye looked at Niu Xiaosan and the tire in his hand. After thinking about it, he threw the tire down. Now that it's fine, the car just rotted.

"Sir, we are now..." Niu Xiaosan wanted to say something, but suddenly a light shot from a distance, he subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, Tang Ye looked for the light, and a truck appeared in the distance. There are also cars behind, which is a convoy.

   "Pick up your gun and get ready to grab it!"


  Niu Xiaosan took out two guns from the car and handed one to Tang Ye, but Tang Ye didn't pick it up. After thinking about it, what kind of gun does this kind of existence use? Then "Hey" smiled and hid behind the car with two guns on it, waiting for the convoy to come.

   (end of this chapter)

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