I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 788: hidden meaning

   Chapter 788 Hidden Meaning

   As the saying goes, stretch out your hand and don’t hit the smiling person, but Shi Yanxing looks like a real smiling person.

  Although the logic is like this, people also have to reason, but who made Tang Ye not a human being? In this place, Tang Ye wouldn't talk about this.

  If reasoning is useful in the last days, then why do you need this strength, and is the last days a place for reasoning?

The word   doctrine does not have the slightest effect in the last days. It is just a matter of talking. If it is useful, it is not the last days.

  Although he thought so in his heart, Tang Ye still had a smile on his face, and said strangely: "Each one step back? Hey, did you give me something a little less? You've been an old man and died in vain!"


  Tang Ye slapped the teacup on the table to the ground with a slap, and it shattered. With the sound of the teacup breaking, needles could be heard falling in the huge conference room.

Shi Yanxing's smile froze on his face, and after a while, he finally suppressed the anger in his heart, continued to smile, and said with a haha: "Hahaha, President Li, calm down, calm down, calm down, haha, Even if the benefits we give are not big enough, what else does President Li want, please say it directly, we will do our best to compensate President Li, how about you?"

As he said that, he looked at the other committee members. The others, including Liu Lancang, nodded and looked at Tang Ye with a smile. Those who didn't know it thought it was really to compensate the other party for their mistakes. .

   "Really?" Tang Ye sneered.

   "Of course yes, President Li, let's talk." Shi Yanxing made a gesture of invitation.


Tang Ye sat down with a butt, and smiled again from his angry look, and said slowly: "For me, one Jinhai committee member is definitely not enough, since the history committee members have said so, then I will not Hidden and tucked away, in addition to the Gimhae control point, I want to…”

   He didn't finish his words, but looked at everyone present, and everyone held their breaths, waiting for Tang Ye's next words.

   "President Li, hurry up!"

   "That's right, as long as we have it, we will definitely raise it for you."

   Shi Yanxing's words were put on hold, and the other committee members also regarded saving their own lives as their top priority, and urged them one by one.

   "Okay, in addition to the Gimhae control point, I also have jurisdictions under your management, this! This is my request, so what do you mean?"

Tang Ye's words made those who opened their mouths shut their mouths and stared at Tang Ye with wide eyes, wondering if he heard it wrong, but after thinking about it a few times, they were sure that what Tang Ye wanted was them territory! Then this is the entire Union District!

  What a big mouth of a lion, oh no, this is not a big mouth of a lion anymore, but a big mouth of a giant whale!

   "This... President Li, you are joking, this... how can..." Someone said dumbly, trying to get Tang Ye to change his tune, but he was blocked before he finished speaking.

   "I said, I want the entire United District! Do you understand? If you still don't understand, I will say it again!"


  Everyone fell silent. Obviously, they didn't guess that Tang Ye's heart was so big. He asked for the entire Lianhe District when he opened his mouth, but they couldn't give this request.

  The atmosphere in the conference room was silent for about half a minute, and Tang Ye said again, "Why, why are you all looking like this?"

   When someone heard the words, his face became uncomfortable, and he said: "President Li, your condition is really unacceptable."

   "Unacceptable? Then go to hell!" Tang Ye's eyes froze, he waved his hand, Ah Fu rushed up, picked up the committee member from his seat, twisted his neck and killed him on the spot.

   "Since you can't give it, why are you still alive? You say, right?"

   killed a person neatly, Tang Ye didn't care at all, and still looked at the other living committee members with a smile on his face.

"By the way, I have to say another thing, the purpose of my coming to the United Nations is for the United States, I will not change my mind, and I am bound to win the United States. Anyway, but I won't listen, this is the price you have to pay for the Peace Conference!"

  Tang Ye said that the meaning of his words undoubtedly made the faces of the members below look even more difficult. Today's choice is very difficult.

   "Also, after I took over the Union Territory, I don't want someone to share power with me. I want to be a dictator, and you can only submit to me. I am the marshal here. Now, who opposes, who agrees?"

   "Li Henian! You don't have to take an inch, kill us, and you think you can get the entire Liantong District, you are too naive!"


  Tang Ye smiled, murderous in his smile, Ah Fu nodded, walked a few steps to the speaker, picked him up, and threw him directly in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling window.


  The glass was directly smashed, and the committee member who spoke screamed and was thrown hundreds of meters away by Ah Fu, smashed to the ground and turned into a pool of mud.

   "It's too naive, I don't think so. Since you don't agree, you still have a way, and that is to die like him!"

   At this time, together with Tang Ye and Afu Gongxiao, there were only five original committee members at the scene.

The battle below became more and more tragic. Gradually, more and more zombie knights appeared in the sky, flying in the air, sometimes swooping down, killing the soldiers who resisted in the Lianhe District, and the sound of the fighting below also became more and more with the passage of time. getting thinner.

   "I'll say it again. Next, the entire United District will regard me as a marshal. Who is the same and who is against it?"

"Li Henian! You don't have to die. If you want the entire Lianhe District, you want my life. If you have the ability, you will kill me. Without me, do you think the Peace Club can suppress the people below me with your ass? "

   "That's right! Kill us, there will be chaos in the Liantong District, what do you use to control it!"

As soon as Tang Ye's voice fell, the two committee members stood up with indignant expressions on their faces. From Tang Ye's reaction just now, it was obvious that whoever opposed it would have to die. The two committee members stood up at this time and looked at it. It's not very calm, but in fact it has a deep meaning.

   The Lianhe District is so large, and it is not easy for the members who stand at the pinnacle of power to manage it. How many people want to be such members like the emperor?

Once the original committee member dies, the powerhouses who submit to him will most likely seize power. At that time, the chaos will be even worse. Although the end of the world is based on strength, strength is limited in front of the group. This thing is not an individual at all. Strong force can solve it.

   They just wanted Tang Ye to realize this, to let him be a jerk, not dare to attack them easily, and use them to manage this united area.

   (end of this chapter)

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