I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 802: Extinction Plan 6

   Chapter 802 Extinction Plan 6

   "Who are Xu Hui's family?" Chen Chaoyang asked.

   "Oh, Xu Hui's wife and his four children, two boys and two girls, the oldest is three years old and the youngest is only seven months old."

   "How old is his wife?"

   "His wife should be twenty-three years old this year."

   "Twenty-three years old, Xu Hui's eldest child is only three years old, it's really good, good!"

  Chen Chaoyang began to laugh lowly, his laughter was hoarse with an indescribable gloom, which made Xiao Wu and the soldiers look at each other. They couldn't understand why Chen Chaoyang paid so much attention to Xu Hui's wife and children.

   Does he have any special hobbies?

   But they can't control this kind of thing, they can only wait for the order.

   "Would you like to send Xu Hui's relatives to the rescue station? After all, the person is already dead, and Xu Hui's family can't do anything at all."

   "Needless to say, take me to Xu Hui's family."

  Chen Chaoyang said lightly to interrupt the soldier's words, and several soldiers stopped talking and nodded: "Okay."

   After saying that, several soldiers lined up and walked towards Xu Hui's house. When they arrived, dozens of soldiers with guns were standing guard at the door of Xu Hui's house.

Before I got close, I faintly heard the voices of women and children coming from the door of the room, and a few soldiers who ran quickly from a distance quickened their pace and came to the guard soldiers so quietly that they didn't know what to say, see As soon as Chen Chaoyang came, he gave way.

   He opened the door, didn't say anything, and walked in like this. The soldiers outside were curious, but they didn't dare to look around.

As soon as Chen Chaoyang entered, his strange appearance attracted the attention of the people inside. A woman was crying with her child in her arms. The four children next to her who were dressed as exquisitely as they lived before the apocalypse cried with red eyes, hugging her young mother and howling. .

   Seeing Chen Chaoyang come in, the young mother quickly stopped crying and drove her four children behind to protect them, her eyes were cold, and she looked at Chen Chaoyang.

   "You are from the Peace Society?"

Chen Chaoyang nodded, kept silent, and looked at everything inside. You can't tell how luxurious Xu Hui's home is, but the layout of the room is extremely delicate, revealing a kind of elegance, but I don't know why, this In such a place, Zhong Yayi seems to be arty, showing a desire to quickly integrate into a small person after becoming a big person in a short period of time.

   Seeing him nodding, the woman's expression became even colder, and she said angrily: "Xu Hui is already dead, what are you doing here? We have nothing!"

  Chen Chaoyang walked around, glanced at her, looked at the children, and a smile appeared on his face under the mask.

   "What is your expression? Hate? Also, your children."

In Chen Chaoyang's eyes, the children seemed to know that their father died because of an organization called the Peace Society. After his mother said the three words Peace Society, the eldest boy immediately stopped crying, or , The eldest child just cried silently at first, and after seeing Chen Chaoyang from the Peace Conference, his face became expressionless.

   Looking at Chen Chaoyang's eyes, there is still a deep hatred!

   "You..." The woman was startled, and quickly looked at her children, noticing the expression of the eldest son, she hurriedly took him into her arms and gently stroked his head.

   "It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, you go to the room to play for a while, Mommy has something to do!"

   She coaxed the child, then looked at Chen Chaoyang, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

   However, Chen Chaoyang ignored her and looked at her son who was about to enter the room. In the next second, a foot suddenly stretched out, blocking the way of the eldest son.


   The footsteps that suddenly stretched out from behind Chen Chaoyang startled the woman, she slumped on the ground and pointed at Chen Chaoyang for a long time without speaking.

   "You...you...you are..."

   "Hmph, Madam, please see the reality clearly, now you are just prisoners! Xu Hui dares to resist the Peace Conference, and he will die!"

   "What are you doing? We don't seem to have anything of value here."

   "I didn't come for these, but..." Chen Chaoyang paused for a while, and then his voice became cold: "It's for your life!"

   "Why?" The woman paled in shock, her heart beating wildly.

"I see the seeds of hatred here. Your son is exactly the same as I was at the time. If things go on like this, your son may cause great trouble to peace. If the grass is not eradicated, the spring breeze will blow and regenerate. I don't want it. There is a second me in this world."


   "So, please, Madam and your son, go on the road with Xu Hui." Chen Chaoyang laughed.

The woman was still backing up and looking out the window helplessly. She saw that there were soldiers guarding outside. Even though she knew that the soldiers outside were from the Peace Conference, she couldn't help shouting: "Help! Help! Someone is going to kill us!"

  However, the soldiers outside just shook their bodies, and then… nothing happened.

  Chen Chaoyang didn't give the woman a chance to continue shouting. He stretched one foot after another on his back, and pointed his sharp toes at Xu Hui's wife and children.


   There were screams in the house, accompanied by the cry of the children, Chen Chaoyang pushed them away and walked out. The soldiers guarding outside seemed to have guessed something, and watched the blood-splattered Chen Chaoyang walk out without saying a word.

   "Okay, let's go."

   Killed Xu Hui's family, but without seeing any pressure on Chen Chaoyang's face, he left with a faint sound, and the soldiers at this time were walking stiffly, and looked at Chen Chaoyang with strange eyes.

   "This person...isn't it a little too brutal?"

   Several soldiers silently followed behind Chen Chaoyang. They knew their status in the apocalypse. To the superiors, their words were just ants trying to survive in the cracks.

   And not long after they left, Xiao Wu also brought a few soldiers to Xu Hui's house. He was curious about what Chen Chaoyang was doing with Xu Hui's wife and children, and he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

   "You wait here, I'll take a look."


   ordered the soldiers a few words, Xiao Wu entered Xu Hui's house alone, but strangely, it was surprisingly quiet inside.


  The door was pushed open, and the lock was forcibly twisted from the outside. Now it seems like a fake, Xiao Wu walked in, passed the tea cabinet, and shouted softly, "Anyone?"

   His voice echoed in the empty room, no one responded to him, when he came to the living room, his pupils shrank suddenly, everything in front of him was bloody!

   (end of this chapter)

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