I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 821: Threat of the vintage

   Chapter 821 Threat of the old age meeting

Seeing him coming back, the old man knew it would be like this for a long time, and said to him lightly: "Now this small building has been built by the young master with a wall of super steel, and it is surrounded in all directions. The zombies can't be smashed."

  The old man opened his eyes to describe the hugeness of the zombie in his mouth, but the length of his hands was limited, and he couldn't tell what level of zombie he was talking about with hatred.

   And the old man continued to speak.

   "Since you can come in, it means that you have the ability to destroy the wall outside, so why? Since you can come in, why do you have to find the door? Isn't this the intention of Young Master Zhengzhong?"

   "Young man, you are too arrogant and arrogant to believe. There are many things that brute force can't solve. Use your brain to think about it. There are some things that can surprise people by playing cards out of common sense."

  The old man spoke his hatred word by word in a doctrinal tone, but his words were gentle in the ears of others, but in the ears of hatred, he was undoubtedly laughing at himself!

   "Old guy! You really thought I wouldn't dare to kill you!"

   Hate the gloomy voice coming, anyone can't help but shudder when he hears it, but the old man didn't react much.

"Since I sat in this chair, I never thought that I would leave alive, and, young man, look at me now, even if I leave, how long can I live, kill if you want, so that I can Get out sooner, hahaha~”

   After that, the old man laughed out loud. His smile was very real, and there was no falsification at all. This was also the first expression of hatred that I saw on his face, and at the same time, it was also the last!

   "Damn! You are courting death!"

   Hate roared, and the arms and legs behind him became violent, waving at the old man.

   "Puchi", a blood shadow appeared in the old man's body, the old man's hearty laughter stopped abruptly, his head lowered and he lost his breath.

   With his death, the chair he sat on shook, and with a "pop", he took the old man's body and lay on the ground together.

   And with the death of the old man, a folded piece of paper slipped down from the back of his clothes.

   Hate saw the piece of paper and wondered for a while, but he still walked forward and bent down to see it, opened it, and there were a few lines written on it.

[Hello, I'm Lu Jiachang, this piece of paper may not be seen by anyone in the future, or it may be seen by others, but I prefer it to be seen by others, because in this way, I can proceed with peace of mind One-step plan, but it doesn't matter, because since it has been opened, the person who sees him must be one of the members of the Peace Conference, how? Am I right? 】

[Okay, I'm going to get down to business now. To be honest, I admire you very much. A small peace conference can actually hit the Lianhe District from a D-level base. I admit that your peace conference is strong, but Well, you should never attack me! I have no intention of going against you. A trip in this world is a journey, I just want to enjoy more, but you are too greedy, thinking about taking everything away! 】

  【When you see this letter, there are only two choices for the Peace Club, the first! Withdraw your soldiers from the Yulin Trade Zone, the Chennianhui and the Peace Club will not break the river. Second, if you insist on driving me to a dead end, then I will definitely make you pay a heavy price. As for whether you want to experience it or not. Now, I advise you to choose carefully! 】

  The content on the paper is full of threats.

   As soon as I finished reading it, Hate ripped it to shreds without hesitation.

   "Let's pay the price, I'm going to see how much you said, hum!"

   With a cold snort, Hate turned out of the residential building without paying any attention to the content on the paper.

   And as soon as he came out, he saw several Peace Corps soldiers chasing a group of survivors with guns. He also knew that there were soldiers from the Old Society who disguised as survivors and attacked the Peace Corps soldiers.

  The soldiers of the Peace Corps should have been sneak attacked by the veteran soldiers disguised as survivors, but they were caught up without success.

   But after seeing the soldiers of the Peace Council, Hate did not let them continue to chase, and beckoned them back.

   "Okay, stop chasing, come back!"

   The voice of disgust passed, and when several soldiers heard it, they immediately stopped and looked towards him. When they realized that it was disgust, their expressions changed.

   "Admiral Hate, you... hello!"

   "Go back first and tell others to immediately evacuate to the periphery of the Yulin Trade Zone and surround me here! Not a single fly is allowed to go out of the Yulin Trade Zone!"


   Although he didn't know what the hatred was going to do, the soldiers wouldn't refute it, so he readily agreed. After all, this guy is second only to the president and vice president!

   "You guys go first."

   Hate said, and then left, and in the Yulin Theater Peace Conference Command Post, Dai Changhao, who had just evolved to the fifth rank, was still familiar with his newly enhanced power.

But after a while, hatred came in, and Dai Changhao felt nervous when he found him. He probably knew what kind of monster this guy was best, especially from Xiao Wu's mouth, that after Xu Hui's death, he even had other family members. The four of them were not spared, and they were all beheaded at home.

  It is true that it is ruthless!

   "Admiral, do you have anything to do with me?" Dai Changhao looked at the hatred and asked suspiciously.

   "Can I come to you when I have nothing to do?"

   "What's the matter?" Dai Changhao scratched his head.

   Hate looked at the watch in his hand, calculated the world, and then said, "Just twenty minutes ago, a helicopter took off in Yulin District, did you see it?"

   "The helicopter took off in Yulin District?" Dai Changhao shook his head: "No, I just evolved, I just woke up a few minutes ago, I didn't see a helicopter taking off in Yulin District, Admiral, this matter"

   Hate knew what Dai Changhao was going to ask. He wanted to know why he asked this, but he didn't want to hide it, and said directly: "In that helicopter, Lu Jiachang of the old-fashioned party is in it."


  Dai Changhao was suddenly dumbfounded, and then almost burst out: "The president of the old age club is inside? Why is there no one reporting to me when a helicopter took off in Yulin District for so long?"

No wonder Dai Changhao is so anxious. As one of the most powerful forces among all the rebel forces, this attack on Chennianhui is also one of the biggest chickens. The effect of killing these big chickens is obviously stronger. .

And here, the most important thing is to kill the leaders of these resistance forces. The strength of these powerful resistance forces should not be underestimated, and the Peace Club will fight in many ways, and the pressure is also great. Many war zones use zombies. to arrive.

So this is also the reason why the Peace Society will carry out the beheading operation. Going hard will only weaken the overall strength of the Peace Society step by step. In the end times, there is basically no loyalty at all. As long as the leader dies, the fighters below will have no intention to continue. resist.

   (end of this chapter)

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