I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 827: Power that no one can overthrow

  Chapter 827 The Power That No One Can Overthrow

   "Forget the first one, I don't have the confidence to run away. If you give me eight legs, I won't be able to run away from that fifth-order new human being."

   "Article 1."

   "I choose the first one."

"Me too."

   Several people chose the first path. After all, two of them were ordinary people, and the speed was too slow to avoid those laser rays. Once they started running, there was absolutely no chance of them being able to escape!

   It's better to choose a first path that looks more alive.

   No one knows whether this road will be put in jail or slaughtered later.

   Lao Yang nodded, there was no surprise on his face, he had long known that these brothers would choose this path in the end, and he did the same.

   "Okay then say so."

   "We are all ready to surrender directly, so that even if we die later, the Peace Conference may let us go a little bit."

   "That's right, the crime of surrender is reduced by half, and you surrender directly!"

   When they heard Lao Yang's words, they nodded in agreement.

   "Okay, I count three, one, two, three."

   Lao Yang counted down, and when he counted three, several people raised their hands together, walked out of the queue, and then squatted down.

   And their unusual behavior immediately attracted everyone's attention.

   "What are they doing?"

"do not know."

Survivors around    pointed at them, and the soldiers in the old age group also knew what they were doing, and their faces also moved.

  Old Yang and the others are of course known to other soldiers of the old age club. After all, they are third-order new humans. As soon as they came out, countless eyes turned to them.

   "You guys, what's going on?"

A group of soldiers from the Peace Conference trotted over and looked at Lao Yang who was squatting on the ground with his hands raised. Since several people made this action, they also indicated that they had no weapons in their hands, and the soldiers of the Peace Conference did not use guns. Point to them.

"Bing...Bing, we...we surrendered. We are soldiers of the old age meeting, and we took it lightly because of our willingness to admit it. The reason for this...this...this is also forced. ." One of them stammered and looked up nervously at a soldier in front of him.

   "Are you from the vintage party?"


   "Grab it!"

  The Peace Corps soldier said indifferently, and the soldiers behind him responded to his words and took Lao Yang and the others into custody and sent them to the prison cart.

   "Ahhh... surrender! We surrender! We won't die!"

   The arrested people asked quickly, but unfortunately, no one answered them, and the soldier walked away indifferently after they were put into the prison van.

   The quiet scene made them feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

   "This... a bit hanging!"

   "What are you afraid of, if you want to kill it, kill it early."

   The few people who were imprisoned like a prison car, Lao Yang was the most calm, as if he was not worried that he would die later.


   Lao Yang smiled without saying a word, and his smile also made others feel at ease.

   In fact, this first road, once you start to walk, only the first level is the hardest, as long as you pass this level, nothing will happen later.

  What Lao Yang is most afraid of is that he and the others have just turned himself in and are shot down by the soldiers of the Peace Conference without a word, and this is the only way to feel wronged.

   But fortunately, come here, they will still be fine.

After Lao Yang and several others were put in the prison car, the soldiers of the old age society who were still hiding in the crowd were a little anxious, but they did not dare to act rashly, because everyone could not guarantee that after they were put in the prison car, what would happen next? Such an outcome.

   If you are locked in a prison car, you will not be able to get out. Then your life will not be yours.

Minutes and seconds have passed, not long after, half an hour has passed. There are tens of thousands of survivors who have not queued for a total of tens of thousands of survivors who have not queued at the outside of the Yulin Trade Zone. What, it is self-evident.

   The Peace Club did not give them any further opportunity to line up. Countless undead knights riding corpse wolves rushed up to surround them.

   Some of the zombie beasts that the soldiers were sitting on seemed to have evolved to the fourth rank after several battles, exuding an extremely cold aura.

   At this moment, the officer stood up and said a few words in a cold tone.

"No need to line up, you don't have to guess who you are, and I won't give you another chance. I have to say that some people are stupid and some are very smart, but who are they? Let's go first. ."

After   , they ignored the reaction of the "survivor" below and turned to leave.

   Following the actions of the officers, the knights of the Necro Knights rode their respective zombie beasts and approached them.

   "Go ahead, follow the people in front of you, the people in the front pay attention, follow the soldiers in front, don't try to play tricks, you may not die now, but if you run, you will die!"

  Under the oppression of the Peace Corps soldiers, these survivors had no choice but to be taken to a specific venue.

  After they left, dozens of fighter jets flew across the sky, ready to go!

  【The residents who are still in Yulin District, the time has come, but we will not wait for anyone, the task time begins, everyone... seek more blessings! 】

  Boom! Boom!

Cannonballs scatter from the belly of the fighter jet like raindrops, and hit the city street in Yu Lin's half-ruined city. The man looked at everything over there from a distance, his face turning pale.

   "This... Peace Conference really exploded!"

   "Fuck me!"


   Outside Yulin District, groups of survivors watched the fireworks in the distance in the daytime, and at the same time felt incredible about the madness of the Peace Conference.

  Do what you say, there is no room for manoeuvre!

  The people who hold important positions in the Peace Conference are also ruthless people, first the president Li Henian, and then the hatred behind.

   You must know that Yulin District, as the prosperous area of ​​the Liantong District, is also one of the economically developed areas. The value is naturally inestimable, but it is such a place that peace will be destroyed without any hesitation!

When the fighter jets swept across the sky when they bombed the carpet, they would not be human unless they razed Yulin District to the ground. People watched like this. In the light of the fire, it was like the bustling blocks and buildings before the end of the world collapsed in a violent explosion. Down, the rubble flew around.

   The area that was once feasting and feasting also lost its colorful colors a little bit, and was burnt to a depressing black by the fire of war.

   "Why did the Peace Society do this?"

"No reason, nor is it the fault of the Peace Club, but the fault of all mankind. Their president has to do his own thing, but once he succeeds, his kindness will only be recognized by the weak. The stronger and more ruthless you are, the more you will be feared."

   "But hasn't it been since ancient times that those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world? And the people are those who are weak."

   "It has been since ancient times, but when the rules are changed, people's hearts have no effect at all. In this era, the stronger your personal force is, the more powerful you have established that no one can overthrow!"

   (end of this chapter)

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