I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 839: Nine songs come

   Chapter 839 Nine Songs Comes

With innocent smiles on their faces, the children ran to their parents while shouting loudly. Those adults were relieved when they saw that their children were okay. At the same time, their image of Li Henian, the overlord of the Lianhe District, changed. Not a lot.

   This one doesn't seem so brutal either...

   Several adults smiled at Tang Ye, and then left with their children. From beginning to end, Tang Ye still had that kind of smile on his face, and hatred beside him with complicated eyes.

   After the adults and their children completely disappeared from the sight of several people, the hatred suddenly said: "I didn't expect the chief to have such a side."

   "Then what do you think I am in your heart?"

   "A devil..."

   "Is that so?" Tang Ye raised his brows.

   "It seems you are now too."

   "Almost, I'm trying my best to be like you, but now it seems that the chief is not what I thought."

   "You said..." Tang Ye nodded, paused, and then said, "If a zombie has emotions that are richer than others, can it still be called a zombie?"

   Hate smiled, and the look in his eyes was full of irony.

He didn't answer Tang Ye's question. Maybe to him, it seems that he is no longer a zombie with human appearance and human emotions, but there is another meaning. Tang Ye's question seems to be asking himself for an answer. , but is actually asking if a person can still be called a person without any emotion?

  Tang Ye may be an emotional zombie, but hatred is a person without emotion.

   After chatting for a few more words, they walked towards the direction of the central ruling area. Just when they arrived, the two soldiers trotted to Tang Ye and said respectfully, "There are guests here, they are waiting for you in the discussion hall."

   "Guest?" Tang Ye wondered, who could it be?

   "It's the messenger from Jiuge."


   Tang Yechang responded with a strange look in his eyes, and Xu Haihui looked at each other.

   This is really a coincidence, they were still discussing Jiuge before, and now they have come to open the door, really saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

   "Okay, take me there, I'm here to see what tricks they're going to play." Tang Ye said casually.


   The soldier responded and took Tang Ye and the others towards the council hall.

   As soon as he arrived, Tang Ye stood at the door and saw three people who were very strange to him sitting there waiting for him, two men and one woman, all of whom looked from Southeast Asia.

Two of the men are very big. Now it's almost autumn, the two men are wearing black vests inside and a leather coat outside. You can vaguely see the bulging muscles inside. The blood is strong, and they are all fourth-order new humans.

Because the woman is not of Chinese descent, her appearance is not in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese people. For Tang Ye, it is very ordinary, and the blood emanating from her body is much weaker than the other two. She is a third-order new human, but two. Everyone was standing behind the woman.

   Looking at the actions of several people, it is obvious that the woman is the protagonist of today, and the two men, more like two bodyguards, are responsible for the safety of women.

"I haven't seen a few of you today. I heard from my subordinates that you are from Jiuge? Rare customers~ But you can do it, too. It's been a bit of a mess for me these days." As soon as Tang Ye entered the door, he knowingly asked the Said in a very strange tone.

   The woman sitting in the chair turned her head and frowned. She didn't understand what Tang Ye was talking about.

She stood up, with a signature smile on her face, bowed to Tang Ye and said, "You must be the famous President Li Henian Li, plus the head of the Liantong District." The woman spoke in a string of fluent Chinese, but it may be because She is a foreigner, and even if she speaks Chinese carefully, she still feels a little awkward.

As she said that, there was a hint of surprise on her face, but her brows were slightly frowned. This was obviously a fake expression, but she couldn't be sure. , Most of them are mainly young people, and it is not rare for people in their thirties and twenties to be the leaders of a certain force.

   "I didn't expect Chief Li to be so young, it's surprising, really young and promising."

   "Really? Surprised you?"

Tang Ye sat on the opposite side, squinting at the man in front of him, what this woman said was nothing but a compliment to herself, but whether she accepted it or not was another matter, but now it seems that after a few days, she was under her command. It is very likely that Jiuge did it when the soldiers were attacked and killed one after another.

   For this reason, Tang Ye would not give the other party a good look.

Listening to Tang Ye's words, the woman's brows wrinkled again, and she didn't know if it was her own delusion. She always felt that Tang Ye's words had the smell of gunpowder, but after thinking about it, she didn't seem to have done anything to anger Tang Ye or her. It's a matter of the Peace Conference.

   However, she is not a simple person, how could a woman who can be lined up by Jiuge to seek peace talks could be an ordinary person?

   Soon, the woman put Tang Ye's inappropriate tone of voice behind, and what kind of grievances there is will be clear later.

   "Mr. Li, let me introduce myself first. My name is Dura."

   "Oh, Du La, right? You Jiuge came over this time, what's the matter?" Tang Ye asked, the expression on his face seemed a little absent-minded.

   Seeing Tang Ye like this, the woman also breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Of course there is something to talk about, but before that, may I sit down, sir?"

   "Oh?" Tang Ye seemed to realize that the woman was still standing at this moment. He pointed to the bench behind Dura and said, "Come on, sit, why are you being so polite? I wasn't sitting just now, really."

"Feel sorry."

  Dura nodded, sat down, and then said, "I know you're very busy, so I won't go into the long talk this time, let's go straight to the topic."

   "Yes, yes, it's right to enter the theme." Tang Ye clasped his nails, still looking absent-minded.

   But Dura didn't care, and asked very seriously: "The chief should know that before you... signed a truce with us, right?"

   "I know, of course I do, how could I not know."

"Well... we have already distributed the benefits, but it is a pity that you, who have become wise and powerful, are the dictator of the entire Lianhe District. This time we are here to ask about the armistice agreement we signed and the 709 mine. Does the assignment issue continue as before?"

   (end of this chapter)

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