I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 859: I have seen ninth-order new humans

   Chapter 859 I've seen a ninth-order new human being

   In the dark night sky, Tang Ye clearly saw that there was a person upstairs looking at him in the distance, looking at his figure, this guy should be a woman, and she actually smiled at him?

   That's right, Tang Ye could see clearly in the dark night, that guy was smiling at himself!

   "Who are you? Are you sick?"

  Tang Ye scolded, a good person standing there at night is scary, but when he was about to close the door, he felt a little strange in his heart, he climbed up to the building opposite him and smiled at himself?

   What is wrong with what you think, that is someone who intends to be detrimental to you?

  Thinking of this, Tang Ye was about to close the door and put down his hand again. A **** energy flashed across his body, and flew out directly through the window, rushing straight towards the shadow.

   I thought that the other party would be scared away by his own power, but contrary to Tang Ye's expectations, the other party didn't mean to be scared at all. Seeing that, he already knew that he was going to rush over.

   "This guy is not easy!"

  Tang Ye frowned, secretly thinking in his heart, his speed is very fast, he took off in one second, and came directly in front of the man the next second. When he saw the face of the other party, Tang Ye was slightly stunned.

"It's you!"

   "President Li, stay safe."

   "How could it be you, what are you doing?"

   The person who smiled at her was Su Sigui. There was no one around her, and it seemed that she came alone.

   "What? Can't it be me?"

  Tang Ye frowned, just as he was about to speak, he saw Su Sigui looking up at the sky, the stars and rivers shining brightly above the night, how beautiful.

   "Look how beautiful the night is tonight."

   "You..." Tang Ye looked at the sky from her perspective, and wanted to say yes, but fell silent again.

   "President Li, how fast are you not afraid of hitting your waist? Why..."

At this time, Su Sigui turned his gaze to Tang Ye, looked up and down, and suddenly smiled: "Seeing that President Li has become stronger again, he has evolved into a new human being of the seventh order, he is indeed the overlord of the Liantong District. , However, why is it still rumored that you are still a sixth-order?"

   Su Sigui's face flashed a look of thought, but he quickly said: "That's right, hiding your trump cards can give those who hide in dark corners a fatal blow!"

  Tang Ye's brows, which were already tightly wrinkled, were further wrinkled.

   "Mayor Su really has good eyesight. You can see at a glance that I am a new human of the seventh order. You don't seem surprised by your appearance. Did the mayor have seen other new human of the seventh order?"

From her expression, Tang Ye saw a lot of information. Normal people should be surprised and surprised when they see a new human powerhouse whose strength is far higher than the sixth-order, but Su Sigui's face is not half-pointed. superfluous expressions.

   It seems that seventh-order powerhouses are very common in her eyes, which makes Tang Ye ponder and fear.

   "Seventh-order new humans? I have seen many more, not only seventh-order, President Li, do you believe I have seen ninth-order new humans?"

   "Ninth order?"

   Tang Ye's heart was shocked, how could anyone evolve so fast?

   Now, apart from himself being a seventh-order zombie, he has never seen a zombie or a human whose level exceeds the sixth-order. Now the power of a seventh-order zombie can almost be described as against the sky, let alone a ninth-order?

   According to this way of increasing the strength of the first-order exponentially more than the first-order, after reaching the ninth-order, the power you possess may be described in one word!

   That is God!

   But, is what Su Sigui said true?

He carefully observed the expression on Su Sigui's face. She looked directly into her own eyes, and there was an imperceptible flame hidden in her eyes. That was ambition. Although it was small, it was as dazzling as the sun. This is a very difficult person. .

   But there are too many loopholes in Su Sigui's sentence, as if someone really evolved to the ninth order, so why are humans still like ants in captivity, huddled in a sheltered area?

Her expression does not look like a lie, but there is no shortage of talents in the world, who have reached the pinnacle of control over micro-expressions, that is, the kind of person who speaks the vernacular without a red face or a heartbeat. If there is one, Tang Ye believes it very much. Su Sigui in front of him is one of them.

   "Hahaha..." Tang Ye suddenly laughed out loud, his voice full of ridicule.

   "Mayor Su, you're no longer a child. Didn't your teacher teach you that it's bad to lie?"

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" A light flashed in Su Sigui's eyes. In the darkness, she was so dazzling that she might really be the person Tang Ye thought before. Survival brought her skills, however, she did not speak.

   She has indeed seen the ninth-order new human beings, but it has not appeared yet, or in other words, the future ninth-order new human beings are dead!

   She was surprised that Li Henian could evolve to the seventh rank, but it was also good. The stronger Li Henian, the greater his potential, and he would be the next Ning Tianlang in the future.

   I just don't know, what will Li Henian be like compared to Ning Tianlang? What will the future be like?

   What kind of approach will the new king choose compared to the old king? If Li Henian hadn't died in his previous life, would he have evolved to the ninth order? What kind of spark will there be with Ning Tianlang?

   Her expectations for Li Henian, even though Ning Tianlang died, still couldn't stop her curiosity.

   "Isn't it?" Tang Ye returned lightly.

   "I did see it, but it hasn't appeared yet."

   "Then I'm the strongest."

   "Oh? Not necessarily."

   "Huh?" Tang Ye was stunned for a while, and then asked, "What do you mean?"

   "The qualification to evolve the world is not unique to you, President Lee."

   said, Su Sigui burst out with an amazing blood, and Tang Ye's face showed a very surprised look.

   "It's not bad, it's even the seventh rank."

  Tang Ye had a smile on his face, but soon, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, it became cold, and there was murder in his eyes.

   "But Mayor Su, it's strange that you are here this time. What are you doing here?"

   "The night is beautiful tonight, can't I take a look?" Su Sigui asked rhetorically.

   "Really? Where can't you watch the night tonight? Do you have to come here to see it?"

Su Sigui is a strong man himself, and now he has evolved to the seventh rank. He is already at the same level as Tang Ye, and he is also the mayor of Mingyue City. Such a person, with such an identity, seems very strange to come here. And still alone.

  What is she going to do?

   You must know that even members of the Peace Council in the central ruling area cannot easily enter. Su Sigui, an outsider, appeared here. What does this mean?

   means that this guy sneaked in. Since he sneaked in, this is very suspicious!

  Thinking of this, Tang Ye instantly suspected Su Sigui of the fact that the Patrol Soldiers were attacked one after another. If he can mobilize so many strong men, the City of Mingyue also has this ability!

   (end of this chapter)

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