I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 874: Surprising, right?

   Chapter 874 Surprise, right?

   Just when the intelligent zombie was about to take its younger brother to leave here, a voice from an unknown direction stopped it, and its ugly face showed a suspicious look.

   What kind of voice does it make?

   In its mind, this kind of regular sound seems to be called language in the mouths of those humanoids, which can only be made by humans, and humans are food for zombies.

  It's eyes lit up, and it looked around. It has wisdom and knows that there is something called danger.

   Fresh flesh can indeed make zombies very happy, but fresh flesh is only on living creatures, not every living zombie can kill it, and if it encounters a powerful living creature, it will only die if it blindly rushes forward!

It's not stupid. Even if Brother Shi was divided up by the corpse, it felt very unfortunate, and the sudden food didn't make it excited again. It clearly understood that it was able to eat Brother Shi because it was eaten by other powerful living creatures. It is limited, the resistance that can be made is limited, and Brother Shi himself is stronger than himself

   As for the next living creature, we will not say whether it can be eaten, but it will not rashly move forward when the danger is not determined.

   There are still many zombies around. Although Brother Shi has already been arranged, there are quite a few zombies present, so many of the same kind are enough to give him a sense of security.

   However, the sound was very ethereal, and even the keen hearing of the zombies could not tell which direction it was coming from, but it still went in one direction by feeling, and the zombie younger brother behind him followed closely.


   growled in a low voice, it seemed to ask: Who is it?

   But no one answered it, there was no other way, it could only continue to move forward, but after taking a dozen steps, it suddenly stumbled back a few times as if it had hit something.


   roared, it looked ahead fiercely, as if to teach a lesson that the guy with short eyes dared to stop in front of him, this appearance may scare many people.

   However, there was nothing in front of it, as if it had hit an invisible wall.

   The white eyes narrowed, it was very puzzled.

   What did you just hit?

   Just now it has been paying attention to the situation around it, and the things in front of it have not paid too much attention, but there should be nothing. If there is something in front of it, it should be noticed soon.

   But, there is nothing.

   Doubtful, it took a step forward and reached out to touch it.

   With this touch, its eyes suddenly widened, and there was nothing in front of it, but its hands couldn't move forward! It touched something, but the zombie has no pain and no sense of touch. It doesn't know what it has touched.

  Its friendly hand began to climb up, and its left hand touched the side.

   This doesn't seem to be a transparent wall, it's bumpy, more like... a tree stump? Also, this thing seems to be very high...

Saying that, he touched the other side with his left hand, and it was less than 60 centimeters. At the end, it really wasn't a wall. It wasn't long or thick. It couldn't see it, but in its mind, it gradually formed a sub-pattern.

   This looks like a human waist?

   is very similar. It has touched the waist of a person, but it is not as thin as the one that I have touched at this time. It is said that it is a person, but why can't I touch the head?

   The doubts in his heart are getting bigger and bigger, but as his right hand rises higher and higher, he seems to have reached some kind of ball, and a pattern quickly forms in his mind, this is a woman's...

   No, that thing has touched it, and it knows what it is like. Humans seem to have a word, what is it called...soft?

right! Just soft! Smart zombies are proud of their strong memory.

   And the ball that he reached is not soft at all, on the contrary, it is hard, like a lump of round stones!

   But the thing in front of him is too tall, and with its own height, it is impossible to fully touch the ball...

   Just when it stood on tiptoe and wanted to confirm what was in front of it, a man's voice suddenly appeared behind it.

   "Have you touched enough?"

It was stunned for a moment, looked back, it was a human, and shrugged its nose vigorously. It didn't smell the breath of living things from this man, nor did it smell of dead things, like a strange creature between life and death. .

   But the man who suddenly appeared behind him also made his eyes light up, even if he made him feel and strange, so what? Anyway, according to its past experience, it must be a living creature!

   After all, this is how humans are!

   Moreover, people who have no breath on their bodies are always much more stable than those who have a strong breath on their bodies. At least, life-threatening things will be greatly reduced.


   The intelligent zombie roared at Tang Ye, as if asking who he was.

   And Tang Ye smiled, this smile seemed a little weird, giving people the illusion of a ghost lurking in the darkness.

   "Young man, I tell you it's best not to move that hand, or you may die miserably!"

   Tang Ye's face was a little weird. This intelligent zombie couldn't see the existence in front of it, but he could see it clearly. Its hand was in a particularly awkward position!


It didn't understand what Tang Ye was saying at all. It only thought that the man was yelling and roaring a few times. It ordered a few younger brothers to go forward and grab Tang Ye, but it didn't think so. The three younger brothers had nothing at all. The reaction was as if he could not see Tang Ye, standing in front of it suspiciously.

   However, Tang Ye understood what it meant, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

   Soon, the terrified roar of the intelligent zombie began to sound, and a fifth-order zombie suddenly ran to its side, picked it up, and walked to Tang Ye.

  Tang Ye looked at it for a while and asked, "You don't seem to know what I'm talking about?"

The   smart zombie was a little dumbfounded. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at the fifth-order zombie that was carrying him behind him. He still hadn't realized what was going on?

   Looking at its expression, it should say: "We are all the same, why are you arresting me? Look! There is someone ahead!"

   glanced at the fifth-order zombie, and it looked back at Tang Ye, with a confused look in its white eyes.

   "Isn't it surprising?" Tang Ye used zombie brain waves to directly send it such a message.

   It should have received it, the look on its face was shocked, and it turned left and right. This is not a language, but a way of communication that distinguishes it from language. This message made it stunned, its eyes widened, and it looked at Tang Ye.

   However, it understands the meaning of this message, but just doesn’t know how Tang Ye did it.

   It nodded, but it was only halfway through. Tang Ye's meaning was too specific. Sometimes it would not make the other party understand at once, but it would make it more difficult for the other party to understand.

   (end of this chapter)

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